Ringworm of the groin, a terrible cutaneous mycosis, is easily recognized by the obvious symptoms. In addition to itching in the intimate parts, in the inner thigh and in the anal area, there is a rash that starts from the center, developing in the typical ring shape. It is not at all pleasant to spend days scratching, so it must be treated as soon as possible. Try these treatments, then take precautions to prevent it from recurring.
Part 1 of 2: Common Remedies

Step 1. Use antifungal cream for minor infections
Lamisil, Lotrimin AT, Travocort are among the best choices. Some of them can be expensive, but they will solve the problem in no time.
- Ask the doctor who prescribes an ointment. This may allow you to save on medication;
- It is also possible to use cheaper creams based on clotrimazole and miconazole. The effect is not as fast, but they are very effective.
- You should continue to apply the cream to the affected area even when the symptoms disappear. Follow the directions given on the package or by the dermatologist. Just like antibiotics, treatment must be completed for it to be effective.
- If you have athlete's foot, treat it the same way. This allows you to reduce the risk of relapse.

Step 2. Keep your skin dry and clean
Be careful to dry yourself well after a shower, as fungi proliferate in hot, humid environments. Whenever possible, do not wear underwear or clothing to expose the affected area to fresh air. Otherwise, wear boxers instead of briefs.

Step 3. Avoid clothing that can irritate your private parts or create too much friction
For example, don't wear underwear or pants that are too tight.

Step 4. Avoid scratching yourself
This will only inflame the rash, crack the skin, and eventually cause an infection.
- Trim your nails if you can't stop yourself. Wear gloves at night.
- Take a cold bath to feel some relief. Pour raw oatmeal, baking soda, or colloidal oat products into the water (for example, Aveeno is a great brand) that are designed specifically for dry, sensitive and itchy skin. After the bath, dry the groin area thoroughly.

Step 5. Try using Bond powder
This powder has a soothing effect and can provide some relief. It also contains yeast, which can help dry out moisture. It is an inexpensive, easily available product.

Step 6. See your doctor if the redness and peeling don't go away within a couple of weeks, especially if the situation gets worse or if the area starts to ooze and turns yellow
Your doctor can offer you a couple of solutions:
- Prescription creams: these are strong antifungals, including those based on econazole and oxiconazole.
- Antibiotics: If you have an infection, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to fight it.
- Oral antifungal drugs: Your doctor may prescribe Sporanox, Diflucan or Lamisil. Gastrointestinal problems or impaired liver function may occur. If you're already taking antacids or warfarin, you probably shouldn't be taking these medicines. Another option is Grifulvin V, it takes longer to work but is a great solution for those allergic to other antifungals or for those already taking other medications that would not be compatible.
Part 2 of 2: Preventing Recidivism

Step 1. Take a shower every day
If you've been sweating a lot or exercising, don't wait too long to shower. Simply use mild soap and water, avoiding antibacterial and scented products.

Step 2. Always keep your groin area clean and dry
If you are prone to ringworm in the groin, then sprinkle the jockstrap with an antifungal or annoying powder after a bath or shower.

Step 3. Avoid wearing clothes or underwear that can irritate the area
Choose loose-fitting clothing with a light fabric and wear boxers instead of briefs.

Step 4. Wash your underwear and jockstraps frequently
Also, never share towels or clothes with other people. Ringworm is spread through contact with clothing and suspenders.

Step 5. If you suffer from athlete's foot, wear socks before underwear
This way, you will prevent the fungus from spreading from the feet to the groin.

Step 6. Take off your wet swimsuit right away
Change and put on something dry.

Step 7. Avoid carrying wet or sweaty clothing in your gym bag
Also, don't leave damp clothes in the locker. Above all, remember to always wash the clothes you wear to the gym after each use.
- There is a high chance of getting ringworm of the groin when you have a weakened immune system due to various medical conditions, such as diabetes, HIV, AIDS or atopic dermatitis (a genetic and chronic skin disease characterized by itching and skin inflammation that is associated with asthma and seasonal allergies). This happens because the skin barriers that normally protect the body from viral, bacterial and fungal infections are compromised. Take extra care to prevent and treat ringworm in the groin, so as to avoid any complications as well.
- Reduce the intake of sugars that promote the proliferation of yeasts, fungi and bacteria.
- If you are frequently affected by ringworm in the groin or athlete's foot, you may want to change the gym. If possible, choose a cleaner environment.
- Go to the emergency room immediately if you notice the following symptoms in addition to the rash: fever, weakness, vomiting, rapid spread of the rash (especially on the trunk), swollen glands, lumps in the groin, pus drainage, sores and open ulcers, boils, rash around the penis or vagina, difficulty urinating.
- Ringworm of the groin responds well to treatments, however complications can sometimes arise, such as permanent change in skin color, secondary bacterial infections that require the use of antibiotics, or any side effects from medications.