How to Use an Ophthalmoscope: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Use an Ophthalmoscope: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Use an Ophthalmoscope: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

The ophthalmoscope is an instrument used by the doctor to examine the inside of the eye. The observation of the internal structures of the eye, such as the optic disc, the retinal blood vessels, the retina, the choroid and the macula allows to diagnose the pathologies. The light projected by the instrument is reflected on the retina and returns to the ophthalmoscope forming an enlarged image that the doctor can observe. It is a simple tool that can be used to perfection if studied thoroughly. This article will help you use one.


Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 1
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 1

Step 1. Verify that the ophthalmoscope is working properly

Turn the switch to turn on the instrument and check that it emits a light. If not, replace the batteries and try again. Look through the eyepiece to make sure the vision is clear. If present, remove or slide the lens cover

Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 2
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 2

Step 2. Prepare the patient

  • Ask him to sit down and take off his glasses.
  • Explain what an ophthalmoscope is and warn him of the intensity of the light it will emit.
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 3
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 3

Step 3. Prepare the room and position yourself correctly

  • Dim the room lights a lot. The presence of ambient lighting decreases the magnifying capacity of the ophthalmoscope and worsens the image quality.
  • Put your chair close to the patient. In theory, you should be sitting at the same height as him when taking the exam.
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 4
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 4

Step 4. Reset the tool

Turn the wheel of the ophthalmoscope to the "0" position

Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 5
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 5

Step 5. Start the exam

  • Ask the patient to stare at a point in the room near the ceiling beyond your shoulders. Providing a specific point to fix relaxes the patient and prevents rapid eye movements that could hinder observation.
  • Place your right hand on his forehead, spreading your fingers wide.
  • The thumb must be gently placed on the patient's eye to lift the upper eyelid.
  • Hold the ophthalmoscope with your left hand over your left eye and stay one arm away from the person.
  • Point the light into the eye to be examined (the left in this case) to check the pupil and examine the red reflection.
  • Use this reflex as a guide and slowly move the instrument (and your head) getting closer to the patient's eye.
  • Stop when your forehead makes contact with your right thumb.
  • Look at the optic disc. Turn the lens wheel to focus this structure according to your needs.
  • Check the macula by asking the patient to briefly stare at the instrument light.
  • Repeat the process with the other eye.
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 6
Use an Ophthalmoscope Step 6

Step 6. Write down everything you have detected


  • When analyzing the patient's left eye, use your left eye and vice versa.
  • Don't worry about having to get too close to the patient to check their eyes, as it is absolutely necessary to examine every detail.
  • If you notice something abnormal in the eye, look for other signs to define a diagnosis.
  • Keep both eyes open when looking through the ophthalmoscope, so you don't tire them.
