How to Improve Your Eye Health: 11 Steps

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How to Improve Your Eye Health: 11 Steps
How to Improve Your Eye Health: 11 Steps

Sight is one of the most precious assets of a person. Yet, we often take this sense for granted. If you want to be able to see better, then a lot of effort is needed. For example, you should eat foods that promote proper eye function, such as fish and spinach. In addition, precautionary measures must be taken, such as wearing sunglasses and safety glasses to protect the eyes from harmful external agents. If you work hard, your eyesight will improve, and you will palpably notice the progress.


Get Better Vision Step 1
Get Better Vision Step 1

Step 1. Eat fish twice a week

It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. They have been shown to reduce dry eye syndrome. If you don't like this food, try fish oil supplements.

Get Better Vision Step 2
Get Better Vision Step 2

Step 2. When doing chores around the house, always wear safety glasses

In the pool, protect your eyes from chlorine with special goggles. Choose a pair that fits your face shape. The glasses prevent foreign substances from entering the eyes, which can cause abrasions to the cornea.

Get Better Vision Step 3
Get Better Vision Step 3

Step 3. In the car, aim the air conditioning towards your feet, not your eyes

In fact, it compromises ocular hydration, absorbing it like a sponge. Consequently, the flow should not go directly to the face. Severe dryness can cause corneal abrasions and even blindness.

Get Better Vision Step 4
Get Better Vision Step 4

Step 4. Cook using red onions, not yellow

They contain more quercetin, and this antioxidant is thought to prevent cataracts.

Get Better Vision Step 5
Get Better Vision Step 5

Step 5. Put your sunglasses on every time you leave the house

Not only will you not be bothered by the blinding light, your eyes will be protected from the effect of the wind, which dries them up.

Get Better Vision Step 6
Get Better Vision Step 6

Step 6. Use lenses of the right color

Gray or amber sunglasses? Right answer: grays. Lenses of this color have less color distortion than others, and this factor is especially crucial when you are driving.

Get Better Vision Step 7
Get Better Vision Step 7

Step 7. Eat sweet potatoes more often

Rich in vitamin A, this tuber is particularly useful for improving night vision.

Get Better Vision Step 8
Get Better Vision Step 8

Step 8. Remove your make-up every night

This prevents small makeup residues from entering the eye and scratching the cornea.

Get Better Vision Step 9
Get Better Vision Step 9

Step 9. Every time you wash your face, use a clean towel

Sharing towels or washcloths with other people is highly risky, as it could lead to an eye infection called conjunctivitis.

Get Better Vision Step 10
Get Better Vision Step 10

Step 10. Wear a large or visor hat in addition to glasses

Wide-brimmed hats block around 50% of ultraviolet radiation and reduce UV rays that could reach the eyes through the openings of the glasses.

Get Better Vision Step 11
Get Better Vision Step 11

Step 11. Eat spinach twice a week

You can steam them, sauté them with olive oil and garlic, or make a flan. It doesn't matter when you eat them, just make sure you do it regularly. Studies have shown that lutein, an abundant nutrient in spinach, can prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
