3 Ways to Buy Plumpy'Nut

3 Ways to Buy Plumpy'Nut
3 Ways to Buy Plumpy'Nut

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Plumpy’Nut is a packaged food created by the French nutritionist pediatrician Andre Briend with the aim of fighting hunger. Thanks to its sweet taste, caloric content and long storage times, it has proved very useful for treating cases of severe malnutrition in African countries. Mostly it is produced in large quantities and packaged in large boxes which are sent to Africa for humanitarian purposes. There are a few ways you can buy it.


Method 1 of 3: Order it from the Nutriset site

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 1
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 1

Step 1. Open the nutriset website


The site is in French or English. Here we indicate the writings that you can find on the English version. Click on the “Product Range” button.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 2
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 2

Step 2. Move the cursor down on the left column until you see the word Plumpy’Nut

It should be in the Severe acute malnutrition section. You can also take a look at the other products for the fight against malnutrition.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 3
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 3

Step 3. Find the button on the right that says:

"Quotation Request".

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 4
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 4

Step 4. Write your name and details about the product you want to order

As it is used to treat malnutrition, urgent requests are dealt with more quickly. It is a good idea to have a representative from your organization complete the quote form so it will appear as an official request.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 5
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 5

Step 5. Choose the Plumpy’Nut under the "Products Selection" drop-down menu

Choose between the option to ship the product or collect it in France.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 6
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 6

Step 6. Submit your request

Expect to receive news from Nutriset by e-mail or by phone. You will be notified of the price and availability of the product for your cause.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 7
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 7

Step 7. Proceed to purchase with an international payment

Depending on the type of order, a bank transfer or credit card may be required.

Method 2 of 3: Join the Plumpy Nut Challenge

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 8
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 8

Step 1. Get in touch with the Merlin charity based in England. In 2012 and 2013 he organized the "Plumpy’Nut Challenge" to increase people's interest in the problem of malnutrition. Please visit https://www.plumpynut.co.uk/ for updates.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 9
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 9

Step 2. Sign up for the Plumpy’Nut Challenge

The organization will send you a box of Plumpy’Nut. You have to agree to eat only this product for a few days a week.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 10
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 10

Step 3. Ask your friends to commit to donating money to reduce malnutrition in those countries where it is endemic

Raise some funds before signing up for the fundraiser.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 11
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 11

Step 4. Document your experience during the period in which you only eat Plumpy’Nut, in order to raise public awareness

Send donations to Merlin.

Method 3 of 3: Purchase Partner Products

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 12
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 12

Step 1. Purchase "This Bar", a granola bar that works in tandem with Nutriset to deliver Plumpy’Nut to children who need it

The motto of the product is “This Bar Saves Lives - This bar saves lives”.

For each package purchased, the company promises to send a Plumpy’Nut bar to a child in need

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 13
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 13

Step 2. Find the store that sells these bars. Go to the site https://www.thisbarsaveslives.com/apps/store-locator, type the name of your city and press “Search”; it could also be on sale in Italy.

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 14
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 14

Step 3. Check if the bar is sold in any city near yours

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 15
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 15

Step 4. Alternatively, buy it directly from the site

Click on the "Shop" button and then on "Our Bars".

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 16
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 16

Step 5. Choose your favorite flavor and then order a box of nine bars for around $ 20.00 (€ 17.00) plus shipping

Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 17
Buy Plumpy’Nut Step 17

Step 6. Contact the company that produces the "This Bars" to get all the other information on how its non-profit department is able to donate Plumpy’Nut to children in need

In 2014 he made donations to Edesia, Save the Children and Ananse Village by purchasing and shipping the Plumpy’Nut product.


  • Plumpy’Nut is not normally sold in stores. Its purpose is to integrate the power supply to make it even more balanced.
  • There are other Nutriset products designed to prevent malnutrition; Plumpy’Nut is used for the treatment of acute cases.
