How to Quickly Boost Energy (with Pictures)

How to Quickly Boost Energy (with Pictures)
How to Quickly Boost Energy (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Do you have a tendency to lose energy in the middle of the day and have a hard time continuing your work? Or maybe it would be enough for you to have one more gear to finish that ten-page document you are supposed to deliver tomorrow? There are tons of easy and safe ways to increase your charge quickly.


Part 1 of 3: Boosting Energy Instantly

Get Energy Fast Step 1
Get Energy Fast Step 1

Step 1. Drink water

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of low energy, but it is easily remedied. Even mild dehydration can weaken you and impair your ability to think and reason. If you lack strength, try drinking a few glasses of water as a first plan of attack.

  • Try drinking water throughout the day, not just when you're thirsty.
  • Women should consume 2 liters of water per day, while men should consume 3.
  • If you've been exercising, drink more water to replenish the fluids you've lost by sweating. Do the same if you have consumed dehydrating drinks, such as coffee or fizzy drinks.
Get Energy Fast Step 2
Get Energy Fast Step 2

Step 2. Walk briskly

Walking for 10 minutes at a brisk pace can invigorate you for a couple of hours. The boost in energy you get from sugar or caffeine takes about an hour, after which a sharp drop may ensue that leaves you even more tired than before.

  • Here are other exercises that can boost your energy in 10 minutes: jumping rope, dancing, climbing stairs, lunges and squats.
  • You don't need to sweat to benefit from a quick workout. Simply getting up and moving for 10 minutes can increase vitality and lift your mood.
Get Energy Fast Step 3
Get Energy Fast Step 3

Step 3. Sunbathe

Light inhibits the production of melatonin, a hormone that enters the circulation by stimulating a state of drowsiness. If you spend all day closed in an office or classroom, the brain could be led to believe that it is time to go to sleep and, therefore, releases this substance, affecting the level of energy.

  • Try to go out for lunch or during breaks.
  • When you are at work or school, if you can, sit next to a window so that you are exposed to the sun during the day.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to go out during the day or if there is little light, as happens during the winter days, consider buying a sunrise simulator: it reproduces the effects of sunlight and can be used to feel more awake and charged..
Get Energy Fast Step 4
Get Energy Fast Step 4

Step 4. Have a nutritious snack

By combining complex carbohydrates (for example, green leafy vegetables, wholemeal bread, oatmeal, yogurt, apples) and proteins (such as nuts, chicken, eggs, tofu, cheese), you can get the energy you need without raising your blood sugar. in the blood and cause a steep drop thereafter.

  • Carbohydrates are assimilated by the body and circulated in the blood to provide energy. The supply of proteins slows down this process by ensuring that the sugar level remains constant and ensuring more energy over a longer period of time.
  • To get the right boost, snack on bananas, apricots, and dates.
Get Energy Fast Step 5
Get Energy Fast Step 5

Step 5. Laugh

By watching a hilarious video or reading a funny comic, you can ease the tension and feel more charged. By laughing, you will also feel more willing to tackle more complicated tasks.

Get Energy Fast Step 6
Get Energy Fast Step 6

Step 6. Take a 10-20 minute nap

A small afternoon nap, around 2pm or 3pm, can improve cognitive skills, creativity and memory, as well as leave you more rested and refreshed. Just try not to sleep too much, otherwise you risk feeling dizzy rather than invigorated.

  • If you have more time, by sleeping for 90 minutes, you can complete a sleep cycle. You will be more rested and you will not feel groggy.
  • Find a quiet place, dark and away from people, where you can have some space to snuggle up quietly.
  • If you can't get anywhere to take a nap, try reclining the car seat and using a sleeping mask to block out the light.
Get Energy Fast Step 7
Get Energy Fast Step 7

Step 7. Take a bite of a dark chocolate bar

Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, two substances that provide an immediate increase in energy. In addition, cocoa contains flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that lift the mood. Just try to eat it in moderation!

  • Milk chocolate is also effective, but the darker it is, the greater the energy benefits.
  • Limit yourself to chocolate in bars or sold in square packs and avoid sugar-rich chocolates stuffed with marshmallows, caramel, etc.
Get Energy Fast Step 8
Get Energy Fast Step 8

Step 8. Drink coffee

There is a reason why most people use coffee to wake up in the morning: it is high in caffeine, speeds up the metabolism, gives a boost of energy and increases attention. The problem is that, if on the one hand its action is rather fast, on the other hand caffeine produces side effects of some importance, as it hinders sleep at bedtime, altering the energy balance for the next day..

  • Try not to drink more than one cup of coffee a day, or if you prefer espresso, have a couple of cups.
  • Don't put too much sugar. Your blood sugar level will increase and you will feel a drop in energy after approximately one hour.
Get Energy Fast Step 9
Get Energy Fast Step 9

Step 9. Listen to music

Listening to a few rhythmic songs before starting work or during the breaks you allow yourself, you will feel more awake and motivated. It works best if you choose songs you like.

  • If you need to complete a creative project or apply yourself to a rather complex task (like writing a text, reading, studying for an exam), try playing repetitive music at low volume while you work.
  • Do not listen to famous or sung songs while you are busy working. You will strain your brain to focus on the task and the song at the same time, and as a result, you will have a hard time applying yourself. Play this type of music in the moments of pause so that you can regain your energy.
  • If you bring the rhythm with your feet, the music will be able to give you an extra charge.
Get Energy Fast Step 10
Get Energy Fast Step 10

Step 10. Try giving yourself a boost by using a stimulating fragrance, perhaps smelling lemon, lime or orange

Cinnamon, rosemary, mint can also help you improve concentration and decrease the feeling of tiredness.

Get Energy Fast Step 11
Get Energy Fast Step 11

Step 11. Take a break

While you may be tempted to get your work done as soon as possible, a 5-10 minute break can actually give you an instant boost of energy and boost your productivity.

If you're sitting for most of the day, try taking four 30-second breaks every hour and one 14-minute break after two hours

Part 2 of 3: Adopting Long-Term Solutions

Get Energy Fast Step 12
Get Energy Fast Step 12

Step 1. Have a healthy breakfast every morning

As mom has always said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and, therefore, it should not be neglected. Provides the energy needed to stay awake all morning and stimulates the metabolism.

If your breakfast is rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, your energy boost will be more effective. Try eating high-fiber cereals, cereal toast, and oatmeal

Get Energy Fast Step 13
Get Energy Fast Step 13

Step 2. Train regularly

Exercising for 20 minutes three times a week has been shown to dramatically increase energy. To benefit, it doesn't need to be intense, like running. Low to moderate intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, is extremely effective in fighting fatigue.

If you feel tired at 3pm, try working out at noon. Exercise could increase your productivity and also stimulate you to think more creatively

Get Energy Fast Step 14
Get Energy Fast Step 14

Step 3. Sleep to meet your sleep cycle

Often the lack of sleep is responsible for the lack of energy. One of the best ways to sleep well and wake up in great shape is to respect the body's natural rhythm - the circadian rhythm. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to enjoy all the benefits of a good night's sleep.

  • Going to sleep and waking up at the same time is actually more important than sleeping the same amount of hours at different times each night.
  • If you get enough sleep, you will be able to get up in the morning without using the alarm clock. If you rely on the sound of the alarm to get you out of bed, it means you need to go to sleep earlier.
Get Energy Fast Step 15
Get Energy Fast Step 15

Step 4. Improve your nutrition by eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids and magnesium

To have the necessary energy, it is essential to maintain a constant blood sugar level, consume the main nutrients and take vitamins.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids are found in salmon, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, walnuts and flax seeds. They produce energy for the cells, reduce inflammatory processes and improve cognitive functions.
  • Magnesium is contained in legumes, green leafy vegetables, cashews and seeds. It plays a fundamental role in energy production: in the absence of magnesium, cells cannot transform nourishment into usable energy.
  • Make sure you are getting enough calories to go about your daily activities.
  • Try to get vitamins and nutrients from food instead of food supplements.
Get Energy Fast Step 16
Get Energy Fast Step 16

Step 5. Stop smoking

The nicotine in cigarettes may give you a slight feeling of charge on the spot, but it actually makes you more lethargic.

Smoking damages the delicate lung tissues and contaminates the blood with carbon monoxide, compromising the body's ability to absorb oxygen (which is a source of vital energy) and distribute it to the muscles and brain

Get Energy Fast Step 17
Get Energy Fast Step 17

Step 6. See your doctor

Talk to him if you can't shake the feeling of fatigue. They will be able to prescribe the necessary tests to identify the cause of your lack of energy and to determine if it is a symptom that indicates a more serious condition.

Part 3 of 3: Things to Avoid

Get Energy Fast Step 18
Get Energy Fast Step 18

Step 1. Avoid the simple sugars found in candy, soda, and other sweets

They are quickly released into the bloodstream, suddenly increasing the blood sugar level. Your energies will peak, but it will not last long. The drop that occurs after consuming simple sugars will leave you with less strength than before.

  • The ascending and descending trend of the glycemic rate increases the demand for energy and nutrition. In order not to suffer a decrease in strength, you should always eat foods rich in sugars with low nutritional value. This habit can lead to weight gain and, as a result, the stress of having excess pounds can aggravate the feeling of fatigue.
  • Check the ingredients and sugars contained in the food products you buy. They are often high in simple sugars.
  • Other sources of simple sugars are maple syrup, molasses, orange juice, white and brown sugar.
Get Energy Fast Step 19
Get Energy Fast Step 19

Step 2. Eliminate energy drinks

They often contain a high amount of caffeine or similar substances, such as guarana, but also an excessive dose of sugar. Even occasional consumption can cause dehydration, hypertension, irritability and heart palpitations.

  • Regular consumption, on the other hand, can cause vomiting, dizziness, tremors and nausea.
  • If you choose to drink an energy drink to keep you awake, make sure you know your body's reactions to caffeine. Try to choose one that contains less sugar and drink it in moderation.
Get Energy Fast Step 20
Get Energy Fast Step 20

Step 3. Break off relationships with people who stress you out

Stress is one of the major causes of lack of energy. The presence of certain people can cause physical stress so high that it lowers energy and leaves a feeling of confusion, tiredness, if not even a headache.

  • Since you can't control the people around you - for example, an insufferable teacher or a relative you can't avoid - do your best to hang out with people who are positive or who make you feel good.
  • When interacting with an individual who is stressing you, try taking a deep breath. Remember that his behavior falls on him, not on you. Try to be indifferent and avoid being conditioned by his negativity.
