Keeping your lips hydrated is a daily challenge, especially if you have a tendency to have them dry. Cold, dry air can dry them out further, so chances are you'll need to adjust your beauty routine based on the weather of the day. You can ensure proper lip hydration by using specific lip products, exfoliating them when they are chapped and taking other measures that can help prevent them from drying out.
Method 1 of 3: Use Lip Moisturizers
Step 1. Apply lip balm several times a day
To keep your lips soft, you should use it frequently. You can use one based on natural oils, beeswax, or petroleum jelly; the important thing is to try to avoid those that contain aromas, dyes or perfumes, because these substances could irritate the lips.
Reapply lip balm whenever your lips feel dry. Never lick them, as you will only risk drying them out further

Step 2. Use a lip balm that protects them from the sun
Excessive exposure to sunlight can dehydrate them. If you intend to spend the day outdoors, protect them with a lip balm with sun protection factor (or SPF, from the English "Sun Protection Factor").
Choose a lip balm with an SPF of no less than 15
Step 3. If you use lipstick, make sure it is moisturizing
Dull ones can dehydrate your lips so it's best to avoid them, especially if yours dry out easily. Look for a lipstick that moisturizes as well as coloring them - your mouth will look even more beautiful.
- Always apply lip balm before lipstick, even if you've chosen a product that hydrates them.
- If you intend to use matte lipstick anyway, apply several layers of lip balm first to protect your lips.

Step 4. Try using a natural moisturizer
If you prefer to use natural products, you can moisturize your lips with an oil or gel. All you have to do is dab a few drops of the oil or a small amount of gel directly on the lips, then distribute it evenly. Some valid options are:
- Aloe vera gel: Make sure you choose one that is made from 100% aloe vera, without adding any extra ingredients. If you have an aloe vera plant in your home or garden, you can easily make fresh gel from it.
- Coconut oil: this oil solidifies at room temperature, taking on a consistency similar to that of lip balm.
- Extra virgin olive oil: very few drops of olive oil allow you to hydrate dry lips.
Method 2 of 3: Remove Pellets from Cracked Lips

Step 1. Use the toothbrush
When they are dry, lips tend to crack and exfoliating them is a very effective way to get rid of dead skin cells and skin. After the scrub, you will have a perfectly smooth surface on which to apply lip balm or lipstick. The toothbrush is a very effective tool for exfoliating the lips. You can rub it a couple of times gently into your mouth after brushing your teeth, or use it to massage an exfoliating product to help remove dead skin.
- It is important that the toothbrush has soft bristles, otherwise they could be too aggressive. Also, be careful not to use excessive pressure; simply move the toothbrush around your mouth.
- Rinse your lips, then pat them dry with a soft, clean towel after exfoliating them. At this point, apply your favorite lip balm to hydrate them.
Step 2. Choose the right exfoliating product
Lip scrubs allow you to easily remove dead skin; in addition, they contain ingredients with moisturizing properties. You can buy one ready-made in perfumery, or you can create one "do it yourself" using some simple ingredients that you surely already have in your kitchen pantry.
- If you want to experiment with a "do it yourself" recipe, simply mix a teaspoon of brown sugar with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
- Apply your lip scrub using a soft-bristled toothbrush or directly with your fingertips. Massage it around your mouth as well. When you're done, rinse your skin to wash off the oil and sugar. Your lips should now feel smooth and hydrated.
Step 3. Rub your lips with a damp cloth
You can use a soft cotton cloth to exfoliate them very gently or to remove scrub residue. In the first case, after having moistened it with hot water, use it to gently rub your lips.
When you're done, pat them dry with a soft towel, then apply your favorite lip balm to restore hydration

Step 4. Don't exfoliate them more than twice a week
Scrubbing too often can irritate the skin and, consequently, make it dry and dehydrated, so don't repeat the treatment more than two days a week. If you notice that this double exfoliation is irritating your lips, try doing it only every 7 to 14 days.
Method 3 of 3: Keep Lips Hydrated

Step 1. Drink lots of water
Keeping your body hydrated is one of the best ways to ensure its health from the inside out. The lips will also be deeply hydrated, not just on the surface. Try to drink about eight glasses of water a day to ensure your body is hydrated. Increase the amount further when the weather is particularly dry or hot or if you sweat while exercising.

Step 2. Avoid foods that can dehydrate your lips
Some foods can make them dry or irritated, so it's best to eliminate them from your diet or at least eat them only occasionally, especially if you already have compromised lips. Foods that can irritate them include:
- Savory snacks, such as chips, peanuts, and popcorn.
- Spicy foods, such as hot sauces or gravies.
- Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

Step 3. Use a humidifier
Dry air indoors can dehydrate lips, so using a humidifier can help. Try putting it in your bedroom and turning it on whenever the air feels dry.
The air conditioner deprives the air of its natural humidity, so in summer you could counteract the effect by using a humidifier at the same time. Remember that heating can also make the air drier

Step 4. Breathe through your nose
The habit of breathing through your mouth could be the reason your lips dry out faster than normal. Try to get used to inhaling and exhaling through your nose.