In case you get lost in the woods and need a pain reliever, know that a willow tree, a bonfire and some water can be the solution. Willow bark contains salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin. If you can find this tree, you can use its bark to make herbal tea. Remember that although it is a natural remedy, it does come with potential side effects and some individuals should definitely not use willow bark.
Part 1 of 3: Gather the Ingredients

Step 1. Learn which types of willows contain the highest concentration of salicylic acid
There are several varieties of this tree and not all of them have the same levels of active ingredient. Salicylic acid is the substance with analgesic and anti-inflammatory function that is used to prepare aspirin. Here are the types of willow with the highest concentration:
- Salix alba: European white willow;
- Salix purpurea: red willow;
- Salix nigra: black willow;
- Salix fragilis: brittle willow.

Step 2. First of all, look for the white willow
You are more likely to find this variety that grows throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and is very common in wooded areas. The characteristics of this tree are:
- Rough gray bark;
- Irregular ripples;
- Small, slender, flexible and golden branches and twigs;
- Leaves long (5-10 cm) and thin, with serrated edges;
- The upper part of the leaves is green and bright, while the lower part is white and silky;
- The leaves grow in an alternating arrangement on the sprig, rather than facing each other.

Step 3. Remember that you can use any type of willow
All varieties contain some salicylic acid in their bark, so you can use whatever you have available. For example, if you are on the banks of a river, you can use the Salix × sepulcralis.
When in doubt, look at the leaves to see if they show the characteristics of the white willow. They are very particular, so by examining the leaves you are able to recognize a willow among other plants

Step 4. Collect some bark
When you have located the willow, find places where the bark is partially detached and tear it off. While doing this, be sure to also remove some of the paper-like material that lines the underside of the bark.
It is better to take the bark from the young branches rather than from the trunk; that of the trunk is in fact rather hard and difficult to break to obtain an herbal tea
Part 2 of 3: Prepare the Aspirin

Step 1. Dry the bark strips if you have the time
If you don't need the drug immediately, you should wait for the pieces to dry a bit before using them. Arrange them on a rock or other dry place that is exposed to the sun for several hours. If you need the medicine right away, skip this step.

Step 2. Start a fire
The best way to make willow bark tea is to boil the plant material in water. You need a bonfire for this. Bringing the water you will use to a boil is also a good way to disinfect and purify it.
You will also need a container for boiling water, preferably made of metal. If you don't have it, you'll need to find something made from glass, clay, or metal to act as a pot

Step 3. Get some water from a nearby source
Get about 750ml of water and purify it by adding chlorine or ozone. If you don't have these substances, light a fire and boil the water for at least 10 minutes before using it.
- If you can't light a fire, let the bark soak for at least an hour. Remember that while the water available in nature is somewhat purer than urban water, it does contain several parasites. By boiling it or using a sterilizing product you can protect yourself from these organisms.
- If you are in an area where giardia (a parasite that lives in water) is or may be present, make sure you follow the correct purification procedures. Giardia causes very serious intestinal symptoms, such as intense pain and dangerous dehydration.

Step 4. Add the willow bark strips to boiling water and simmer
When the water starts to boil, put the bark inside. Use about one teaspoon of plant material for every 250ml of water. Let the mixture simmer for 5-10 minutes and then remove it from the heat.
Part 3 of 3: Taking the Medicine

Step 1. Wait for the herbal tea to cool down a bit before drinking it
When the bark has finished boiling in water, pour the drink into a cup (if you have it); wait for it to cool for 20 minutes to avoid burning your mouth, and then drink it slowly.
- If possible, drink the herbal tea with some food, as salicylic acid tends to irritate the stomach.
- Keep in mind that it takes some time to enjoy the effects of the drink, so be prepared to wait a couple of hours after sipping the herbal tea.

Step 2. Know the possible side effects
The most common one related to taking willow bark tea is a mild stomach ache, but there are other problems you should be aware of before deciding to take this remedy.
- Drinking too much of this herbal tea causes nausea, vomiting and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Just drink one cup and wait several hours before taking another dose.
- Prolonged use of this remedy causes increased bleeding and decreased blood clotting ability.

Step 3. Know when not to use this "homemade aspirin"
Not everyone can drink it. Assess your age, health condition, and other factors before deciding to use this remedy. Don't take it if you belong to one of the following categories:
- Children: Individuals under 18 should not drink willow bark tea due to the risk of developing a disease called Reye's syndrome. This pathology causes cerebral and hepatic edema.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women: they are not good candidates for using this herbal tea.
- People on drug therapy: salicylic acid interacts with different medicines, so do not drink the herbal tea if you are taking medicine.