How To Lose Weight Overnight: 15 Steps

How To Lose Weight Overnight: 15 Steps
How To Lose Weight Overnight: 15 Steps

Table of contents:


During the night the body weight decreases by about 1 / 2-1 kg. The decline is largely due to the loss of fluids. Even if a night diet doesn't guarantee exceptional weight loss, sleeping well every night can make you lose unwanted pounds with less difficulty.


Part 1 of 3: Improving the Day Routine

Lose Weight Overnight Step 1
Lose Weight Overnight Step 1

Step 1. Start each day with a natural diuretic drink

Caffeine, contained for example in tea and coffee, is a substance that naturally stimulates diuresis and the contraction of the muscles of the colon. These contractions help the body to expel water and waste material. In addition to regulating body functions, drinking 1-2 cups of coffee or tea in the morning or throughout the day helps you feel less bloated.

Lose Weight Overnight Step 2
Lose Weight Overnight Step 2

Step 2. Eat a healthy snack mid-morning

Many people think that a sweet or fatty snack is a powerhouse of energy, while others strive not to eat anything between meals. In fact, none of these options can help you lose weight. If you have a habit of snacking in the middle of the morning, don't be tempted by the usual snacks full of sugar, salt or fat; choose a healthy food that will keep you energized until lunchtime. If, on the other hand, you are one of those who prefer to fast between meals, remember that it is more likely that you will end up bingeing once seated at the table. To avoid overeating at lunchtime it is best to have a healthy mid-morning snack to keep your appetite at bay.

Healthy snack options include a whole fruit, yogurt, or fruit and cereal bar

Lose Weight Overnight Step 3
Lose Weight Overnight Step 3

Step 3. Do 30 minutes of cardio exercise

Aerobic activity guarantees various benefits to the body. First of all, it makes you sweat and through sweat the body effectively expels excess fluids with ease. It also gets your metabolism in motion, and when your metabolic rate increases, you burn more fat and expel the toxins that cause water retention. Last but not least, exercising is an excellent way to reduce stress. When you feel tense, you are more likely to overeat, retain fluids, or store more fat than you need.

  • Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes a day. You can walk, cycle, run, swim or take a class at the gym.
  • Try to train when there are 2-3 hours before bedtime. Since your metabolic rate will be higher than normal, you will burn fat while you sleep.
Lose Weight Overnight Step 4
Lose Weight Overnight Step 4

Step 4. Relax for half an hour every day

When you are tense, your body releases cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone". The body produces cortisol to counteract both physical and mental stress. Unfortunately, this hormone also causes him to store more fluids and fats. The only way to avoid this is to try to reduce your stress levels, thus starting to lose weight. Activities indicated to relax include:

  • Exercise, such as brisk walking
  • Doing yoga or meditating
  • Listen to the music you like;
  • Take a hot bath
  • Get you a massage.
Lose Weight Overnight Step 5
Lose Weight Overnight Step 5

Step 5. Dinner early

After eating, the body is in charge of digesting the food. You may feel bloated during the digestive process. By forcing your body to digest while you sleep, you'll have a hard time losing weight overnight. To avoid going to bed bloated, have your last meal of the day several hours before bedtime.

Part 2 of 3: Improving the Night Routine

Lose Weight Overnight Step 6
Lose Weight Overnight Step 6

Step 1. Take an Epsom salt bath 2-3 times a week

These salts purify the body in a natural way by promoting the expulsion of toxins and excess fluids that cause swelling. Taking an Epsom salt bath before bed will help you lose weight at night. Fill the tub with hot water, then add 500 g of salts. Stay submerged for 15 minutes and repeat this routine 2-3 times a week.

Lose Weight Overnight Step 7
Lose Weight Overnight Step 7

Step 2. Have a cup of green tea before falling asleep

Before going to sleep, make yourself a cup of hot green tea. It is a natural diuretic, which also speeds up the metabolism. Drunk before bed, this warm, calming liquid will help you burn fat more effectively at night.

Lose Weight Overnight Step 8
Lose Weight Overnight Step 8

Step 3. Create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom

To get rid of the water and carbon stored in fat cells during the night, you need to sleep. To make sure you fall asleep quickly and don't wake up until the next morning, create the perfect conditions for rest and, consequently, for weight loss.

Lower the room temperature to 19 ° C. When you sleep in a cold environment, you force your body to burn the fat it has stored to keep warm

Lose Weight Overnight Step 9
Lose Weight Overnight Step 9

Step 4. Limit your exposure to light

During the night, lighting doesn't just prevent you from sleeping well, it can even make you fat. You can limit your exposure to unnecessary lights by covering windows with blackout curtains, eliminating any light signals in the room, turning off your television, computer, tablet, and placing your cell phone elsewhere.

Lose Weight Overnight Step 10
Lose Weight Overnight Step 10

Step 5. Sleep for a long time

Sleep regulates the production of hormones that determine when and how much you eat and improves your metabolic rate. Also, while you sleep you can lose up to 1 kg of water and carbon through your breath. On average, an adult needs 7 and a half hours of sleep per night. If you're currently not getting enough rest, adjust your daytime routine to ensure you get the amount of sleep you need.

  • If you already sleep at least seven hours a night, chances are you won't notice a big difference in weight by adding another 30-60 minutes of sleep.
  • If, on the other hand, the lack of sleep is significant, you will presumably find it less difficult to lose weight by starting to sleep more.

Part 3 of 3: Improve Your Diet

Lose Weight Overnight Step 11
Lose Weight Overnight Step 11

Step 1. Drink more water

When your body is dehydrated, it is more likely to retain fluids, so to shed unwanted pounds overnight, you should take the recommended amount of water throughout the day.

  • On average, a grown man should drink 3 liters of water per day;
  • On the other hand, an adult woman should drink 2.2 liters per day;
  • Consume alcohol and caffeine in moderation - both of these can dehydrate the body;
  • In addition to water, other drinks can also help keep the body properly hydrated, but avoid those that are high in sugar or have a lot of calories in any other way.
Lose Weight Overnight Step 12
Lose Weight Overnight Step 12

Step 2. Reduce your sodium intake

A salt-rich diet forces the body to retain fluids. Excess water can cause stomach bloating and increase the waistline. To reduce sodium consumption:

  • Avoid salty foods;
  • Don't add salt to your dishes;
  • Avoid foods that aren't salty but still contain a significant amount of sodium. These can include sausages, canned foods and frozen ready meals.
Lose Weight Overnight Step 13
Lose Weight Overnight Step 13

Step 3. Limit your sugar intake

A sugar-rich diet promotes the accumulation of fat. Try to avoid drinks and foods that contain a lot of it, including:

  • Candies, sweets, cakes and desserts;
  • Fruit juices;
  • Sodas;
  • Alcoholic beverages.
Lose Weight Overnight Step 14
Lose Weight Overnight Step 14

Step 4. Moderate your carbohydrate consumption

While the body is busy digesting them, each gram of carbohydrates traps about 4 grams of water. Once the digestive process is complete, the body stores carbohydrates in the form of sugars and fats. To counteract water retention, in addition to the amount of fat and sugar accumulated, you can moderate the consumption of carbohydrates. By following a diet that is low in weight, but balanced, you could lose up to 5 kg of excess fluids.

Lose Weight Overnight Step 15
Lose Weight Overnight Step 15

Step 5. Increase your intake of protein, fiber and potassium

In an effort to lose weight, replace sweet snacks or carbohydrate-rich dishes with foods that are high in protein, fiber, and potassium.

  • Foods rich in protein, such as meats and legumes, promote muscle development and increase the metabolic rate.
  • Foods high in fiber, such as leafy vegetables and whole grains, and high in potassium, such as bananas and nuts, help the body burn fat and eliminate excess fluids.
