How to Clean Vomit from Carpet: 8 Steps

How to Clean Vomit from Carpet: 8 Steps
How to Clean Vomit from Carpet: 8 Steps

Table of contents:


Sooner or later, you or a friend of yours will feel sick and throw up. Don't worry about cleaning; it's not as difficult as it sounds.


PutGloves Step 1
PutGloves Step 1

Step 1. Put on latex gloves or disposable gloves

UseDrypaper Step 2
UseDrypaper Step 2

Step 2. Remove as much vomit as possible with dry napkins

DisposePaper Step 3
DisposePaper Step 3

Step 3. Throw the tissues immediately in the trash outside your home

CleanRag Step 4
CleanRag Step 4

Step 4. Use a clean rag and cold water on the remaining vomit

FabriCleaner Step 5
FabriCleaner Step 5

Step 5. Use some fabric detergent as directed by the instructions on the bottle

DisinfectLysol Step 6
DisinfectLysol Step 6

Step 6. Disinfect the area with Lysol or some similar product

SprayDeodorizer Step 7
SprayDeodorizer Step 7

Step 7. Use spray deodorant if there is a bad smell

UseTowel Step 8
UseTowel Step 8

Step 8. Cover the area with a dry towel and wait for it to dry


  • Use a spray deodorant to freshen the air in the room so you don't choke.
  • Another trick to clean up vomit is to use shaving cream.
  • Don't think about how the vomit got there; just think it's dirty.
  • If there is a very strong smell, breathe in through your mouth to avoid hearing it through your nose.
