It can be very embarrassing to pee in your pants when you are around people. Some children, and even some adults, suffer from this problem quite frequently. When it happens, the last thing you want is for someone to notice. There are three main problems with this eventuality: reaching the bathroom, drying the stain and covering up any odors.
Part 1 of 2: Getting away without being noticed

Step 1. Stop what you are doing with an excuse
It can be difficult if you are among many people.
- Get up without attracting attention.
- Try to leave quickly while the people around you are distracted.
- Keep calm. If you are nervous, others are more likely to notice. If you don't know the people around you, walk slowly so you don't attract attention. If you know them, try to quickly retreat to the bathroom.

Step 2. Cover your pants with a jacket or sweater
This can be an easy way to cover the urine stain on your pants so you can get to the bathroom.
- Tie the jacket around your waist.
- Stay in control so you don't arouse suspicion. Act like nothing strange happened.
- Take your time to go to the bathroom or go home.

Step 3. Turn your glass over if you are sitting in a restaurant
It's an excellent alibi if you don't have a jacket to cover your pants.
- That way you'll have a great justification for explaining why the pants are wet before apologizing for going to the bathroom.
- Make a joke about your awkwardness and laugh at it saying you unfortunately spilled your glass on yourself.
- Apologize and go to the bathroom to clean yourself.

Step 4. Go to the bathroom as soon as possible
You will have the opportunity to understand if you can clean the stain or if you are forced to go home.
- Look in the mirror or step into a toilet for more privacy.
- If the stain is minor, you can try cleaning it. If not, come up with an excuse to go home.
- Try to find a reason to leave, for example you can say "I forgot I should be home by a certain time" or "I have some chores to attend to".
Part 2 of 2: Deal with the Stain and Smell

Step 1. Wet the pants with water
It is used to remove any traces of urine from the fabric.
- This way you may be able to get rid of the urine odor as well.
- If you can do it discreetly, sprinkle a little water on the stain in the anteroom.
- If not, moisten a paper towel and rub it on the stain in the toilet cubicle for more privacy.
- Try to remove any odors or stains from your underwear as well. Do it inside the toilet cubicle so that no one notices.

Step 2. Blot the stain with toilet paper
This will remove most of the moisture from your pants and / or underwear.
- Use lots of toilet paper.
- Tap the stain slowly.
- When you can no longer absorb moisture with paper, use an electric hand dryer.

Step 3. Use the electric hand dryer
Approach the device and point the stain towards the warm air.
- Stand with your legs apart. This position will help you dry it faster.
- Rock your hips as you dry it to expose all wet areas.
- Stay in front of the dryer until the pants have dried.
- Touch them to make sure they aren't wet yet.

Step 4. Take a look in the bathroom mirror
See if there is any noticeable wet stain on the pants.
- If you notice one, try wiping off the remaining moisture with toilet paper.
- Repeat the operation under the electric hand dryer.
- Once the pants are dry, you can resume what you were doing if you can't find an excuse to leave.

Step 5. Try using water and some hand soap
This way you can get the smell of urine out of your pants.
- Rub some soap on your pants. Put a small amount in your hand and pass it over your pants when you enter the toilet cubicle.
- Absorb the stain with toilet paper and dry it with an electric towel.
- Smell the pants to see if the smell is still noticeable.

Step 6. Spray some perfume or cologne on the pants
They should be able to mask the bad smell on the clothes.
- Spray the perfume or cologne directly on the stain.
- Make sure it's a strong fragrance, capable of covering up any odor.
- Before leaving the bathroom, check a second time to see if you can smell any odors.
- If this often occurs due to a medical condition or psychological disorder, you may want to bring a change of pants and underwear with you.
- If anyone notices, make sure they don't say it.
- If you can't hide the stain or the smell, it's best to go home and change, if you have the opportunity.
- If this happens to you often, wear pads and / or incontinence pants.