How to Remove Fish Smell from Hands: 2 Steps

How to Remove Fish Smell from Hands: 2 Steps
How to Remove Fish Smell from Hands: 2 Steps

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Touching the fish leaves your hands with an odor that is anything but pleasant. Whether you're fishing, gutting or cleaning fish, or even enjoying a fresh lobster dinner, that smell will stay on your hands for quite a while after the fun ends. Here are some options to get the fish smell out of your hands. Choose the one that seems simpler to you.


CutLemon Step 1
CutLemon Step 1

Step 1. Try one of these methods:

  • Cut a fresh lemon into wedges. When you are done with the fish, squeeze the lemon between your hands, rub your hands together, and wash with water.
  • Squeeze a liquid sanitizer between your hands and rub them until dry.
  • Put some toothpaste in your hands, rub your hands together and wash under the water.
  • Use a specific soap to remove odors from your hands.
  • Denatured alcohol works well.
  • If you still smell fish, you may have some residue under your fingernails or around your fingernails. In this case, repeat the treatment you have chosen, performing it with the help of an old toothbrush or an old brush. Gently and repeatedly sweep the brush or toothbrush over the contour of the nails and under them, on the front.
HeadNShoulders Step 2
HeadNShoulders Step 2

Step 2. One Step Solution:

be it raw fish or the smell of the bait you used to fish. Seriously, you just need a wash with Head & Shoulders Intensive Treatment shampoo to get rid of it. Try to see it for yourself!

Rub some vinegar between your hands. Just for information, you need to know that vinegar also removes the smell of bleach in an instant


  • You can use packaged lemon juice instead of fresh lemon.
  • When you make a lobster dinner at home, put some water in a dessert plate, add some lemon juice, and offer each diner. Also distribute a towel or washcloth so they can dry their hands.
  • You don't need all of the things listed below to remove odors. Choose only the method that is easiest and at your fingertips when you need it.
