The giant crab, also called king crab, is a crustacean with very long legs. It is usually cooked immediately after capture and frozen to preserve its freshness. The tender white pulp is cooked only for a few minutes and then served with butter. You can learn how to prepare steamed, baked, boiled or grilled paws.
Method 1 of 4: Steamed

Step 1. Put the giant crab legs in the refrigerator overnight, that way they defrost
If you have a large amount to thaw, wait up to 24 hours.

Step 2. Fill a large broth pot with water and cover it with the lid
Put it on the fire to boil.
- Make sure you have a steamer basket that fits your pot.
- You can also use beer for this cooking technique. Pour it into the pot in a 1 to 1 proportion with the water.

Step 3. Cut two lemons into slices and put them in water

Step 4. Cut two garlic cloves in half (horizontally) and put them in water

Step 5. When the water boils, remove the lid of the pot and insert the steaming basket

Step 6. With kitchen scissors cut the paws at joint level
Put them on the basket.

Step 7. Cover the pot to trap the steam
Set the timer for 5 minutes.

Step 8. Remove the cooked legs
Repeat the operations for all the legs you need to prepare.

Step 9. Serve with melted butter
You should open the legs lengthwise or equip the guests with crustacean tongs.
Method 2 of 4: Baked

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C

Step 2. Take a large baking sheet and cover it with aluminum foil

Step 3. Trim the paws at the joints with kitchen scissors
Place them on the baking sheet.

Step 4. Boil some water
Pour 120 ml into the pan, the water should completely cover the bottom.
Cooking shellfish with steam or water prevents them from becoming dry and chewy

Step 5. Season the legs with herbs and aromas with garlic or dill

Step 6. Sprinkle the shellfish with lemon juice
Place more wedges in the pan.

Step 7. Cover the legs with aluminum foil and try to seal the edges as well as possible

Step 8. Place the pan in the oven for 10 minutes

Step 9. After cooking, remove the pan from the oven
Break the legs to see if they are hot inside and, if so, serve them immediately with melted butter.
Method 3 of 4: Grilled

Step 1. Trim the defrosted legs to fit the size of your grill
Make sure you cut them at the joints.

Step 2. Preheat the grill to a low temperature
It must reach around 160 ° C.

Step 3. Brush the paws with oil

Step 4. Place the crab on the grill and close the lid
Cook for 5 minutes.

Step 5. Turn their paws and take them off the grill after another 5 minutes

Step 6. Serve immediately with melted butter and lemon wedges
Method 4 of 4: Boil

Step 1. Fill a large broth pot with water
Put it on the stove with the lid on.

Step 2. Reduce the heat and let it simmer
Put the crab legs in the water and cover the pot.

Step 3. Set the timer for 5-7 minutes
After this time, remove the crustacean with kitchen tongs and serve immediately with melted butter and lemon wedges.
- Since the giant crab legs are already cooked, the goal of each technique is to heat the meat evenly. Check the temperature to avoid overcooking them.
- Before cooking the paws, always defrost them.