3 Ways to Keep Popcorn Crunchy

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3 Ways to Keep Popcorn Crunchy
3 Ways to Keep Popcorn Crunchy

Nobody likes to sink their hand into a bowl full of popcorn and find that they have become mushy and chewy. Fortunately, it doesn't take much to make popcorn that stays soft and crunchy for several days. Once ready, transfer them to an airtight container and season them just a few moments before eating them.


Method 1 of 3: Store Homemade Popcorn

Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 1
Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 1

Step 1. Pop the popcorn, but don't season it

You can use the stove or microwave. In any case, once ready, do not add any seasoning, not even salt. Not just butter or flavorings, salt can also make them soft and chewy.


Flavored popcorn popcorn that needs to be popped in the microwave will stay good for a couple of days at most.

Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 2
Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 2

Step 2. Let the popcorn cool completely

You have to wait for them to release the excess moisture, otherwise it will get trapped inside the container and cause them to become mushy. Make sure they have cooled completely before transferring them to your chosen container.

The popcorn will cool down quickly. If you are in a hurry, you can spread them on a baking sheet so that they cool down even more quickly

Step 3. Transfer the popcorn to an airtight container

When they have cooled, place them in a glass or plastic container. Make sure there isn't a lot of empty space left, or the popcorn will go stale faster. If possible, fill the container to the brim so that it doesn't contain too much air.

If you don't have a rigid glass or plastic container, you can use a resealable food bag. Let out as much air as possible before sealing it

Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 4
Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 4

Step 4. Store popcorn at room temperature for up to two weeks

If you haven't added salt, butter, or other seasoning, the popcorn will keep good for at least a week. Do not put them in the refrigerator to prevent them from absorbing moisture and quickly becoming stale.

If you've bought pre-made popcorn and want to keep leftover popcorn, check it every couple of days to make sure it's still soft and crunchy. Since they are sold already salted or flavored, they will tend to become chewy within a few days

Step 5. Season the popcorn just a few moments before eating it

If you like them in the classic version, you can use salt and melted butter. If you feel like experimenting with new flavors, you can add a little honey to the butter before pouring it over the top. If you like spicy flavors, you can use chili. If you prefer a healthier low-sodium snack, you can use nutritional yeast (or nutritional yeast) which is naturally tangy and also has a pleasant cheesy aftertaste.

If you belong to the sweet tooth category, you can season the popcorn with a caramel or chocolate syrup

Method 2 of 3: Retrieve the Stale Popcorn

Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 6
Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 6

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 120 ° C and spread the popcorn on a baking sheet

Use a high-sided baking sheet to avoid the risk of dropping the popcorn. Pour the stale popcorn into the pan and spread them out.

Make sure the popcorn is arranged in a single layer


if you have a lot of popcorn to recover, reheat them a little at a time.

Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 7
Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 7

Step 2. Heat the popcorn for 5 minutes

Place the pan in the hot oven and allow the popcorn to soak. After 5 minutes, check if they have become crunchy.

If they are still not as crunchy as they should be, leave them in the oven for an extra minute and then check them again

Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 8
Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 8

Step 3. Season the popcorn before eating it

If they are natural, season them with melted butter and salt or with a condiment of your choice. For example, you can sprinkle them with powdered cheese, cinnamon-flavored sugar or curry, depending on your taste.

At this point the popcorn should be eaten as soon as possible, as in the long run the toppings will make them soggy again

Method 3 of 3: Prepare Popcorn on the Stove

Step 1. Pour the oil into a thick-bottomed pan and add 2 kernels of corn

Place the pan on the stove and pour 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of seed oil into it. Also add 2 kernels of corn, then cover the pan with the lid.

If possible, use a glass lid so you can see the corn kernels bursting. If you don't have a glass lid, you'll need to rely on your hearing to know when the corn kernels have finished popping

Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 10
Keep Popcorn Fresh Step 10

Step 2. Turn on the stove over medium-high heat and wait for the corn kernels to pop

You will know that the oil is hot enough when you see or hear that at least one of the two beans in the pan has popped. Do not lift the lid frequently to avoid dissipating heat.

Step 3. Pour 100g of corn kernels into the pan and replace the lid

Carefully lift it to pour the corn kernels into the hot oil, then gently swirl the pan to coat them with the oil. Put the lid back on the pan.


if you want to use more than 100g of corn kernels, pop them a little at a time, rather than putting them all in the pan at the same time.

Step 4. Move the pan over the stove for 2-4 minutes to pop all the corn kernels

Swirl it gently to keep the corn kernels moving so they don't burn. After 1-2 minutes, you will feel that they will start to burst. At that point, within a couple of minutes most everyone should be bursting.

Step 5. Pay attention to the time elapsed between the pops

Remove the pan from the heat when you feel 3 seconds pass between popping and popping. Swirl the pan, you should feel that there are only a few whole grains left. The pops should happen at a slower pace, as most of the kernels will have already turned into popcorn. Turn off the heat when you hear a crackle about every 3 seconds.

Be careful when removing the lid, as whole corn kernels may burst


Corn kernels can last up to two years if you store them in a dry place at room temperature


  • Popcorn can be stored in the freezer, but will remain tough even after thawing.
  • Do not use paper bread bags to pop corn kernels in the microwave because they can be made from flammable recycled materials.
