Can you cook chestnuts? They are perfect to be enjoyed in winter as a simple snack, especially during the Christmas holidays. They have the same texture as potatoes, but a sweeter taste. They are usually roasted, but you can also boil or cook them in the microwave. Follow these simple steps!
Method 1 of 4: in the Microwave

Step 1. Take a handful of chestnuts
5 or 6 are enough at a time.

Step 2. Cut each chestnut in half
Arrange them on the cutting board and divide them in half with a sharp knife. This way, they will cook faster.

Step 3. Microwave them
Choose the setting for cooking potatoes if there is one. In any case, they must cook for 2 to 5 minutes. The time varies according to the power of the oven.

Step 4. Serve them still hot
Use a teaspoon to take them out of their shells, or bite them directly, being careful not to burn yourself.
Method 2 of 4: in the Oven

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C

Step 2. Score an "X" on the flat side of each chestnut
If possible, use a sharp knife for this step. The incision is used to allow the steam to escape, making them cook faster. Alternatively, pierce them several times with a fork.

Step 3. Arrange the chestnuts on a baking sheet
You can also place them directly under the grill, with the engraved side facing up. Cover them with a thin layer of water to make them roast better.

Step 4. Roast the chestnuts for 15 to 20 minutes
Let them cook until they are tender and the shells come off easily. While cooking, turn them occasionally with a wooden spoon or spatula so they don't burn. When they're ready, take them out of the oven.

Step 5. Crush the shell
Wait for them to cool for 2 to 3 minutes, then wrap them in a towel and squeeze them until the shells are crushed. Leave them in the towel for another five minutes.

Step 6. Remove the shells
It is easier to do this when they are still warm. Remove the inner film along with the shell. If some chestnuts are difficult to clean, reheat them for a few minutes.

Step 7. Serve them while they are still warm and soft
Method 3 of 4: on the live fire

Step 1. Rinse the chestnuts under running water to remove dirt

Step 2. Score the shells before placing them in a pan

Step 3. Put the chestnuts in an iron pan
Lay them flat side down.

Step 4. Prepare the fire
It doesn't matter if you cook them in the fireplace or on the barbecue, the important thing is that the embers are burning.

Step 5. Place the pan on the charcoal for 5 minutes
It should be enough time to roast the chestnuts on one side. Occasionally, shake the pan lightly to distribute the heat evenly.

Step 6. Turn the chestnuts
After 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, flip the chestnuts, then put them back on the embers.

Step 7. Let them roast for another 5 minutes

Step 8. Serve them
Wait 2 or 3 minutes before serving so that they cool slightly, then enjoy them when they are still soft and warm.
Method 4 of 4: Boil the Chestnuts

Step 1. Fill a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil

Step 2. Score an "X" on one side of each chestnut
Use a sharp knife for this step. In doing so, they will boil faster. This cooking method doesn't make them as tasty and aromatic as others, but it's great for softening them.

Step 3. Let them boil for 5 to 10 minutes

Step 4. Wait for them to cool
It will take 2 or 3 minutes.

Step 5. Shell and remove the skin

Step 6. Serve them still hot
You can enjoy them without any additions, or with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a teaspoon of melted butter.