If you love the taste of basil, drying the leaves yourself will ensure you enjoy tasty cuisine all year round. Basil should be picked just before flowering to get its full flavor. Drying basil by hanging it upside down in a warm, dry place is really simple. If you want to shorten the preparation time, you can choose to use the oven or a dryer. Learn how to dry basil like a real master chef so you can always have it at hand.
Part 1 of 3: Pick and Trim Basil

Step 1. Collect basil before flowering
The basil will bloom after all the leaves of the stem have reached the right ripeness and, in this period, it will lose part of its essential oils becoming less fragrant and aromatic. The flowers will grow in the center of a group of leaves and form a thick, pyramid-shaped tuft. When all the leaves have sprouted, and before the flowers are born, prepare your basil for drying, you will retain all the goodness of it.
- Just before the plants bloom, basil leaves contain the maximum amount of oils, so plucking it at that time gives dry basil the best flavor possible.
- Pick it up mid-morning. It is the best time to pick it because the plants have been wet, but the sun has dried the leaves.

Step 2. Detach the leaves from the stem
Separate the basil twigs and then cut the individual leaves to separate them from the larger stem. This step will make washing and drying easier. Leave a small part of the stem, no more than 3 centimeters, at the beginning of each leaf, this will make it easier to group and tie them together.

Step 3. Rinse the leaves carefully
Before drying the basil, wash the individual leaves under cold running water to remove any dirt, debris or chemicals that may have fallen on the plant during growth or during transport, in case you bought your own. basil in the supermarket.

Step 4. Dry the leaves
Arrange the leaves on absorbent paper and pat them gently to remove excess water and avoid any stagnation that could lead to the formation of mold during drying.
Part 2 of 3: Hanging the Basil to Dry

Step 1. Gather the leaves and form small groups
Group the leaves in small numbers and tie the stems together with a rubber band or string. If you have a lot of leaves, make several small groups.

Step 2. Hang the leaves for drying
Hang each group of leaves on a hook or thumbtack. Do not hang it in the kitchen, instead choose a well-ventilated place and, if possible, moderately sunny to facilitate the process. Choose a room with a window to allow the sun and air to enter, and keep your basil away from insects.

Step 3. Leave the basil hanging for two weeks
After two weeks, or when the leaves have turned a dark green color, dry and crumbly, the basil will be ready to use. Let your basil dry again if, after the two weeks, the leaves and stems are still a little flexible.
Remove the elastic, or the string, and separate the dried leaves, crumble them with the help of your fingers. Keep them in a labeled jar, or container, for use in your future preparations

Step 4. You can now use your dried and crumbled basil in your recipes
Part 3 of 3: Quick Drying Method

Step 1. After picking, remove the basil leaves from the stem
If you want to dry the leaves faster, you can decide to detach the leaves from the stems. Discard the stems and any broken or damaged leaves.

Step 2. Rinse the leaves and pat them dry
Rinse them gently with water, then place them on a few sheets of absorbent paper and carefully pat them dry to dry.

Step 3. Prepare the oven or dryer
Basil leaves can be dried perfectly both in an oven set on a low temperature and in a dryer.
- If you have decided to opt for the oven, set it to the lowest temperature available, 100 ° C or less.
- If you prefer to use a dryer, follow the directions in the instruction manual.

Step 4. Arrange the leaves on the baking sheets creating a thin layer
Make sure none of the leaves overlap. They will need to create a single, thin uniform layer.

Step 5. Dry the leaves properly
Over the course of 24-48 hours, the basil leaves must be completely deprived of their natural moisture; if pinched between the fingers they must therefore crumble easily.
- If you are using the oven, place the trays in the preheated oven and bake them for 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the leaves inside for the whole night. The next morning they should be sufficiently dehydrated.
- If you are using the dryer, put the trays back in it and set it for a time of 24-48 hours.

Step 6. Store the dried basil leaves
You can store them in a food bag, airtight container or spice rack.