Fresh grapes are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and many other vitamins associated with good heart health. It also has the ability to improve cognitive processes, vision and blood pressure levels. There are many ways to keep grapes fresh and flavorful for several days, even weeks, after purchase.
Method 1 of 3: Choose Fresh Grapes

Step 1. Look for the one with green, firm racemes
Grapes with brown racemes, which separate easily, are usually overripe and can spoil quickly.

Step 2. Examine the colors of the beans to determine the degree of ripeness
White grapes should have a greenish tinge, while black grapes should have dark and intense hues.
Avoid buying clusters that have brownish discolorations or abnormal grains, usually two indices of rot

Step 3. Make sure it smells fresh and sweet
Spoiled grapes can have an intense vinegar smell due to fermentation.

Step 4. Look for signs of mold
If the grains are excessively soft to the touch and show white and gray markings, choose a different bunch. Mold is a sign of rot and may quickly spread to the rest of the cluster.
Method 2 of 3: Storing Grapes to Keep It Fresh

Step 1. Put the grapes in the refrigerator as soon as you get home
It will stay fresher when stored between -1 and 0 ° C.

Step 2. Place it in resealable plastic bags or an airtight container without washing it
Washing the grapes speeds up the ripening process and leads them to spoil more quickly, in just seven days.
Wash the grapes only if you intend to freeze them immediately. Before placing the grapes in the freezer, be sure to line up all the grains on a baking sheet to prevent them from sticking together and freezing, then place them in a separate container once they are hardened

Step 3. Store grapes in the back of the refrigerator
The back space is cooler and will help with storage for 2-3 weeks.

Step 4. If you buy grapes in large quantities keep them separate, this to help air circulation
Keeping crates stacked on top of each other will lead to fruit spoiling prematurely.

Step 5. Store grapes away from fragrant foods like onions and leeks
Grapes have the ability to absorb odors and may acquire a strange or stale smell when placed next to other foods.
Method 3 of 3: Consume Grapes

Step 1. Rinse or wash the beans just before eating or cooking them
Water is used to remove bacteria and other residues present on fruit that could be harmful to health.

Step 2. Eat grapes within 72 hours of removing them from the fridge
Once out of the cool, the kernels will begin to wither, shrinking within 72 hours.