How to Choose a Name for a Law Firm

How to Choose a Name for a Law Firm
How to Choose a Name for a Law Firm

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Law firms were traditionally called by the names of the founding members. Today some companies still follow this strategy, but there is more room for creativity as emerging law firms enter the industry. Some companies are named after the area of law they specialize in, and use some particular words or phrases to grab the attention of potential clients. Pick a name for a law firm that is meaningful and makes sense to clients.


Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 1
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 1

Step 1. Take a look at the other law firms in the area

Avoid calling your law firm a name similar to that of a competing firm.

Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 2
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 2

Step 2. Use partner or family names

For example, Morgan and Morgan would be a good name for a parent and child law firm or 2 siblings, or even husband and wife in practice. Or, something like Verdi, Bianchi, Rossi and Gialli for a company founded by 4 partners.

  • Try to keep the name short. If you use names, try to limit the number of names you include. This will help people remember you, and it will be easier to include on signs, business cards, and email addresses.
  • Avoid names that are difficult to spell or pronounce. A name like Oleskewicz may not be the best choice for a law firm's name.
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 3
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 3

Step 3. Enter your specialty in the name of your law firm

If you specialize in criminal law, family law, tax law or other areas of your profession, consider choosing a name that reflects your area of legal expertise. For example, the Rossi family law firm.

Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 4
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 4

Step 4. Think about the brand when choosing a name for your law firm

A long name could be used professionally, and then shortened when used for marketing and advertising materials. For example, a Canadian company legally called Legacy Tax and Trust is simply called Legacy by its clients and partners.

Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 5
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 5

Step 5. Ask for feedback from reputable sources

Ask a few close friends or co-workers to rate your list of possible names.

Ask for honest opinions and why they like or dislike the names you propose

Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 6
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 6

Step 6. Plan for expansion

Make sure your name is appropriate to include new areas that your law firm may focus on. For example, if you specialize in divorce, rather than calling your law firm Leonardi Divorzi, consider using Leonardi Family Law.

Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 7
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 7

Step 7. Use a professional name

Creative names can work, but remember that you are providing professional service, and customers need to take you seriously.

  • Make sure the name makes sense. Re-phrasing a name might confuse people. You will need to be able to explain why you chose the name for your company, if it is not immediately understandable to people.
  • Avoid alliteration. Lewis Legal Lords may sound cute, but people rarely look for that trait in their lawyers.
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 8
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 8

Step 8. Use the letters that identify you as a partnership or company

Many law firms follow their name with SRL, short for limited liability company, or SPA., Joint stock company.

Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 9
Choose a Name for a Law Firm Step 9

Step 9. Register the name of your law firm

Each region has different rules on how to register a company name.
