How to Build a Parallel Circuit (with Pictures)

How to Build a Parallel Circuit (with Pictures)
How to Build a Parallel Circuit (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


When connecting electrical devices to a power source, you can proceed with a parallel or series connection. In the first case, the electric current flows through different paths and each device has its own independent circuit. This arrangement offers the advantage of not interrupting the flow of energy when an element does not work, as it does for the one in series. Furthermore, in this way you can connect several elements to the power source at once, without reducing the voltage supplied. Creating a parallel circuit is a simple process and is a great project for understanding the basic concepts of electricity.


Method 1 of 2: Build a Simple Parallel Circuit with Aluminum Foil

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 1
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 1

Step 1. Assess the age and abilities of the people involved in the project

This method of making a parallel circuit is simple and perfect for young students who have limited manual skills and cannot use sharp tools.

If the project is part of a lesson, you should ask the students or the child to make a list of questions, assumptions and predictions about what they are about to observe

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 2
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 2

Step 2. Choose an electricity source

The cheapest and most convenient solution is a battery; 9 volt ones are the best to use.

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 3
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 3

Step 3. Choose the load

This is the device you plan to connect to power. This article describes a parallel circuit consisting of light bulbs (you need two), but you can also use those from pocket flashlights.

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 4
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 4

Step 4. Prepare the conductors

For this project you have to use aluminum foil to conduct electricity and build the circuit in parallel; this material connects the battery to the loads.

Cut the aluminum foil into narrow strips, two pieces of 20 cm and two of 10 cm; they must be as thin as a straw

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 5
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 5

Step 5. Join the first aluminum strip to the battery

At this point, you are ready to assemble the circuit in parallel.

  • Take one of the 20cm segments and attach it to the positive battery terminal.
  • Repeat with the second 20cm strip, but this time connect it to the negative terminal.
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 6
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 6

Step 6. Connect the bulbs

Now you can connect the loads to the conducting material.

  • Take the two short strips, the 10 cm ones, and wrap one end to the long segment that comes out of the positive terminal; place one near the end of the long strip and the other about 7-8cm further down towards the battery.
  • Wrap the free ends of the short strips around the two bulbs; it is worth fixing the connections with insulating tape.
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 7
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 7

Step 7. Complete the parallel circuit

Once all the elements are connected, the bulbs should light up.

  • Put the ends of the two bulbs on the 20cm strip connected to the negative terminal of the battery.
  • The lights should come on!

Method 2 of 2: Build a Parallel Circuit with Cables and a Switch

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 8
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 8

Step 1. This method is slightly more advanced

Although creating a parallel circuit is not a complicated procedure, such a project involves the use of cables and a switch and is therefore aimed at older students.

For example, you need to strip some cables, but if you don't have the right pliers or you don't want students to, you have to go for the method described above

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 9
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 9

Step 2. Prepare the main elements of a parallel circuit

You don't need a lot of material: a source of electrical energy, some conductive material, at least two loads (elements that use current) and a switch.

  • The instructions described in the article provide for the use of a battery such as a 9 volt battery.
  • You must use insulated electrical cable as conductive material; you can choose the one you like, but the copper cable is the easiest to find.
  • You will need to cut it into several segments, so make sure you have plenty (75-100cm should suffice).
  • In this case, use light bulbs as a load, you can also opt for those of pocket torches.
  • You should be able to find a switch (along with the rest of the materials) at any hardware store or home improvement store.
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 10
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 10

Step 3. Prepare the cables

They are the elements that conduct electricity and create the circuit that joins the energy source to each load.

  • Cut the electric wire into five pieces (between 12 and 20 cm in length).
  • Carefully remove about 1 cm of the insulation from each end of the cables.
  • The best tool for this is a wire stripper, but if you don't have it, you can opt for scissors or wire cutters; in this case, proceed with extreme caution so as not to damage the internal wires.
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 11
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 11

Step 4. Connect the first bulb to the battery

Connect a wire to the positive pole of the battery and wrap the other end to the left side of the bulb.

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 12
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 12

Step 5. Connect the switch

Take another segment of electrical wire, connect it to the negative terminal of the power source and wrap the other end to the switch.

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 13
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 13

Step 6. Join the switch to the first bulb

Use another cable and connect the first end to the switch; then connect the other end to the right side of the bulb.

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 14
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 14

Step 7. Insert the second bulb

Take a fourth wire, wrap it around the left side of the first bulb and join the other end to the same side of the second bulb.

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 15
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 15

Step 8. Complete the circuit

Using the last segment of electrical wire, wrap each end to the right side of each bulb.

Make a Parallel Circuit Step 16
Make a Parallel Circuit Step 16

Step 9. Turn on the switch

Once activated, you should see the bulbs light up. Well done! you made a parallel circuit!


  • It is worth fixing the connections with insulating tape.
  • It is easier to use the circuit by using a battery holder or connector; in this way, it becomes easier to remove the battery as it ages and replace it with a new one.


  • Be careful when handling bulbs as they are quite fragile.
  • When stripping a cable, proceed with caution so as not to damage the internal wires; for this operation it is better to use a cable stripper.
  • Do not apply high voltage or current intensity without the proper protections.
  • If the circuit consists of a red and a black wire, never connect the first to the positive terminal and the second to the negative one, otherwise the battery may be discharged, the circuit may not work or may burn and emit sparks.
