Astrology studies the interactions between stars, planets and personalities. Astral charts are used to better understand the nature of people and to make predictions about the future. Learning to read an astral chart can help you get to know yourself better.
Part 1 of 3: Interpreting the Zodiac Signs

Step 1. Determine what your zodiac sign is
The outermost circle of the chart is divided into twelve sections. Your birth date falls into one of those sections, determining what your zodiac sign is. The zodiac signs are twelve, each of which represents different traits of the human personality. Find the section that corresponds to your date of birth to find out what your sign of the Zodiac is.
- In each astral chart a small stylized person is drawn in the center. The exact location is determined by the time and place of birth. A straight line can be drawn that connects the person with the outer circle of the card: it will indicate which is the zodiac sign.
- The stars, planets and signs of the Zodiac are positioned according to how they appeared on the day of the date of birth.

Step 2. Understand the meaning of your zodiac sign
It likely affects your personality. For example, if you are Aries, it is assumed that you are passionate, feisty, ambitious and outgoing. By searching online you can find a wealth of information related to personality traits related to the Zodiac. You can also consult an astrology book at the library or buy one at the bookstore. Thanks to your zodiac sign you could discover many things about yourself.

Step 3. Understand what could affect your sign reading
Don't forget that the zodiac sign is only a small part of the astral chart. Furthermore, its reading is also influenced by a wide variety of elements. To interpret it accurately you have to take into account every aspect of the chart, for example the "astrological houses" and the arrangement of the planets. Each of this information depends on both the date and the place of your birth.
Part 2 of 3: Interpreting the Astrological Houses

Step 1. Find out what your ascendant is
This is a very important part of the chart. The ascendant is in fact the point of the Zodiac that intersected the terrestrial horizon to the east at the moment of birth. Determining your ascendant is used to calculate the position of the houses on your chart.
- If the Zodiac wheel were a clock, your ascendant could be at 9 o'clock. It is the starting point, or cusp, of your first house.
- Each chart is divided into twelve internal sections (in the shape of triangular wedges), which represent the houses. They are counted clockwise, starting from the one indicated by the ascendant.

Step 2. Learn more about the first six houses
Each astrological house represents a different aspect of life and is ruled by a sign of the Zodiac. Your chart is affected accordingly.
- The first astrological house is the one that marks the beginning of your life path: your birth. It provides clues to physical appearance, identity, mentality, temperament, and other inner qualities. The planets and signs found in the first house have a strong influence on your personality.
- The second astrological house represents money, personal possessions, self-esteem and attitude towards these aspects of life. Your financial possibilities and emotional well-being can be measured by the signs and planets found in the second house.
- The third astrological house represents the means of transport and communication. The way others communicate with you, physical forms of communication (such as letters), and short or routine commutes are represented by the third house. It is also related to the mind, knowledge, field of study, self-expression and language.
- The fourth astrological house represents stability, family life and property. Your origins, your past experiences, your childhood and the emotions connected to these areas of your life are dominated by this home.
- The fifth astrological house is commonly referred to as that of children and describes the relationship you have with them. It also represents the sector of love, emotional relationships, play and fun.
- The sixth astrological house is the home of health and the spirit of service, so it represents the general level of well-being of your body during life.

Step 3. Study the six final houses
In addition to those described so far, there are six other astrological houses. Where they are on the chart, and the planets and signs that dominate them, can help you gather much more information about yourself.
- The seventh astrological house refers to relationships with others, for example to marriage and business relationships. Any serious romantic relationship is controlled by this house. It can give you insight into your needs for long-term love relationships.
- The eighth astrological house is linked to change, new beginnings, opportunities for rebirth. The concepts of death, birth, decay, healing, cure, disease are defined by this house. It is also able to reveal a lot of information about sexual drives.
- The ninth astrological house represents the great journeys of the body, but also of the mind. The journeys indicated by the ninth house are in fact both physical and metaphorical, aimed at self-transformation. It symbolizes long journeys around the world, but also within oneself.
- The tenth astrological house expresses the potential of each person in the world of work. It represents both personal success and social fulfillment. Your aspirations and ambitions are dominated by this house.
- The eleventh astrological house contemplates the sector of hopes and projects. It provides guidance on when, and if, wishes will be granted. It is assumed that it would be best to wait for an important planet to pass through your 11th house before taking any big risks.
- The twelfth astrological house is that of hidden things. It represents the secrets that we keep hidden from others, relating for example to our past, but also those that we hide from ourselves, such as emotions and weaknesses.
Part 3 of 3: Interpreting Your Planets

Step 1. Locate your planets
The planets that pass through the different houses influence the reading of your astral chart. They are scattered on the card, represented by different symbols.
- The symbol of the Sun is a circle with a point in the center; that of the Moon is a small crescent crescent.
- The symbol of Venus is the same used to indicate the feminine, while that of Mars is the one used to indicate the masculine. Mercury is also represented by the symbol of the masculine, but it is surmounted by a crescent pointing upwards.
- The symbol of Jupiter vaguely recalls the number four, while that of Saturn the number 5.
- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are represented by rather complex symbols. In that of Uranus, similar to the symbol of the inverted feminine, the vertical lines dominate that represent the link between high and low (between Heaven and Earth). Neptune is represented by a vertical stroke and a cup that surmounts a circle (the cup represents receptivity to higher influences). Pluto is not always represented in the same way; its most common symbol is a circle surmounted by a horizontal line and two oblique lines (placed in a triangle).

Step 2. Learn to interpret personal planets
The planets are divided into two types: personal (or internal) and external. Personal planets include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- The Sun represents the person's sense of identity and purpose. The Moon represents the way in which the person reacts and reflects on the events he experiences in life.
- Mercury indicates the ability to perceive and relate to objects and individuals. Venus is the planet of pleasure, so it illustrates everything that attracts us and makes us feel good. Mars represents will and actions.

Step 3. Interpret the outer planets
They include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune and concern other aspects of the personality.
- Jupiter indicates the ability of each individual to integrate into society and his personal growth.
- Saturn represents both personal responsibilities and self-imposed rules throughout life.
- Uranus indicates the ability to grow and learn. Neptune instead describes the imagination and ideals.
- Pluto has to do with great changes, especially psychological ones; it therefore represents the ability to transform and evolve as a person.

Step 4. Interpret your planets using your signs and houses
To be able to read an astral chart accurately you need to consider where the planets appear. Note which house they are in and under what sign - this information will provide you with an in-depth insight into your personality and life path.
- The planets represent what you do, what motivates you and what attracts you. The houses describe the way you act when you have to complete a task. The signs indicate in which areas of your life you can expect some evolution or transformation.
- Let's say you have Uranus in Aries in your fourth house. As we have seen, Uranus represents your ability to grow and learn. Aries is a sign that indicates ambition, passion and strong emotions. The fourth astrological house is related to one's home, family and property. This could mean that interpersonal relationships excite you and that you tend to learn and grow mostly through your family. You may feel more involved and thoughtful when caring for your family.
- Drawing your own astral chart is a very difficult task, but there are several sites that can do it for you. Do some thorough research because not all of them are equally accurate. Read the reviews of other users to find a trustworthy one. Alternatively, you can speak to an astrologer personally.
- To read an astral chart, in addition to your date of birth, you also need to know the exact time you were born.