Dead bugs tend to accumulate on the windshield, fenders, radiator and the entire exterior of a vehicle when driving even a short distance. In addition to the negative aesthetic effect they leave on your car, these insects can also hinder visibility if they accumulate in large quantities on the windshield. Some, among other things, are also quite acidic and can slightly damage the paint of the vehicle. Fortunately, removing these insects is cheap and easy to do.

Step 1. Wash the car
Rub the entire area where the insects are present with soap and water. Wet the car, apply the soap with a rag and start scrubbing. Brush in a circular motion at the beginning. If the bugs are still present, start washing in a straight line until the bugs are gone. This operation may require a few minutes of attention and thorough washing to remove all traces. But it is also possible that this method does not completely remove these little creatures and that it may also fade the paint of the vehicle a little. If you notice that the wash begins to remove the paint, stop cleaning immediately.

Step 2. Purchase and use a specific insect killer
You can find several at auto accessories stores or supermarkets. They typically involve spraying the cleaning liquid on the insects and brushing to get rid of them. Choose the one that clearly indicates on the label that it does not chip or damage the car paint.

Step 3. Spray the car with WD-40
This substance, which is normally used as a lubricant, is actually an excellent way to clean the car from insects. Spray it on the most difficult areas and let it act for about 30 seconds. Remove the solution and you will see that many of the most encrusted residues will be eliminated with great ease.

Step 4. Add baking soda to the toughest windshield stains
Take a lint-free microfiber cloth (so you don't get your windshield dirty), and use a solution of soap and water to wash off the bugs. For particularly stubborn stains, add a little baking soda.

Step 5. Apply cola to problem areas
The chemical combination and carbon dioxide make this drink an excellent solution for removing these annoying little creatures. When using this method, however, make sure there is nothing on the paint you want to treat and wash the windshield with soap and water immediately after the treatment.