Getting trapped in the trunk of a car can be a terrifying, and sometimes deadly, experience. A criminal may force a person into the trunk, or in other cases a person (usually a child) may be locked into it by accident. Regardless of the causes, getting trapped in a trunk is very dangerous. Unfortunately, it is not easy to get rid of it, only in some vehicles there is a lever to open the trunk from the inside, while in others this lever is not present. What can you do if you find yourself in this situation? Read on to find out.

Step 1. Stay calm
This is not an airtight environment, and the air supply should last at least twelve hours before you pass out. Instead, be careful not to hyperventilate - that is, do not breathe heavily - and do not panic. The air may get hot from sun exposure (up to 60 ° C), but you'll still need to stay calm to increase your chances of breaking free.

Step 2. Try to exit through the rear seats
In some cars, the rear seats have a lever that allows them to be folded forward, which is often found inside the passenger compartment, but is sometimes located on the back of the seat. If there is no lever, try to push or kick the rear seats anyway.

Step 3. Look for a lever that opens the trunk
The lever may not be in the model of car you find yourself in, but it's still worth looking for. It should be a lever that is seen in the dark, located near the trunk latch, but it could also be a cable, button, or other mechanism, even not visible in the dark.

Step 4. Look for the trunk opening cable
If the car has a mechanism for opening the trunk from the driver's seat, you may be able to find the cable that drives it, and thus open the trunk. Lift the inner mat and look for the cable, usually located on the driver's side. If you don't find it, look on the side. If you find the cable, pull it towards the driving side to open the trunk. The cable may be difficult to pull, but it still tries. If there are pliers, use them to get a better grip.

Step 5. Force the trunk
Look for a screwdriver, crowbar, or tire removal wrench under the trunk trim. If you find a tool, use it to force it open. If you can't force the hook, you can try to bend the sheet to one side, which can give you more air exchange and give you the option to ask for help.

Step 6. Push the brake lights out
From inside the trunk you should be able to reach the brake warning bulbs and the parking lights, perhaps by unhooking a protective panel. When you have reached the lights, tear off the electrical cables and try to push the lights out, so that they come out of their place. You can then use the hole left by the lights to ask for help with your hand. Even if you can't push the lights out of the house, removing them gives you the hope that the car will be stopped by the police.

Step 7. You can use the jack to force the boot
Many cars have jacks and some items inside the trunk, near the spare wheel. Sometimes they are found under the inner lining, or on the side of the compartment. If you can reach the jack, position it and operate it near the locking hook, and operate the lever until the boot is forced to close.
Install a lever to open the trunk from the inside.
In most cases where a person is trapped in a trunk, it is the car owned. In this case, you can take precautions by installing a lever to open the boot from the inside.
- If the trunk opens with a remote control, the simplest method is to hide a duplicate remote control inside the trunk itself, and tell children and other family members how it works and where it is hidden.
- If the trunk does not open with a remote control, you can make the change with a modest expense, by contacting a workshop if you are unable to do so.
Keep a flashlight and crowbar in the trunk.
If it is not possible to install a lever to open from the inside, have tools that will allow you to force the trunk, or at least that will help you attract the attention of passers-by.
- Keep in mind that in the event of a kidnapping, the kidnapper will usually have cleaned out the trunk of any useful items in advance.
- Opening systems from the inside have been introduced by law on all vehicles sold in the United States since 2002.
- In many vehicles the spare wheel and the tools to replace it are in the trunk, if you find them you can use them to free yourself!