Are you interested in becoming a great comedian? Remember that the success of a good joke depends on three factors: the audience, the circumstances and the actor. Here are some ideas to make people piss off with laughter.

Step 1. Choose the right time
There are times when you can make a joke and others when you can't; for example when everyone already knows it or when it might not be perceived as a joke.

Step 2. Dress up as a comedian
Through your clothing the public senses your personality. Try to always wear t-shirts with funny phrases. T-shirts so you can find them everywhere (at Bershka for example) except in classy shops like Massimo Dutti or Zara. If you can't afford to dress up as Bershka, look elsewhere for your cute shirts, pants and everything in between.

Step 3. Tell a joke that people can understand
Do it with humor and energy, using the right tone of voice.

Step 4. Don't be repetitive or, after a while, people will lose interest in you and think about something else
Therefore, always try to change the subject to keep people's attention high.

Step 5. When you tell a joke, do it in a fun way, for example by playing with your voice

Step 6. If people don't like what you do, play it down
It will lift your spirits and make you grow as an actor.

Step 7. Stand out from others
If you are a musician, play a cell phone ringtone on the piano and the audience will laugh.

Step 8. If you want to make people laugh, start by telling a funny anecdote that happened to you recently
Self-irony will make you consider yourself a good comedian and make them laugh, hopefully.
- Choose the genre of jokes you want to work on and watch comedians who specialize in that genre. For example, Lewis Black does political satire. (Remember to stick with the selected genre).
- Practice telling jokes and, to evaluate their effectiveness, observe people's reactions.
- Look at the sketches of other comedians. You can get tips on the timing, technique and facial expressions that the most seasoned comedians use.
- Try not to laugh too much at your own jokes. Grimaces and giggles, on the other hand, are accepted.
- Target the average viewer.
- Don't make the audience the butt of your jokes. Tell an embarrassing personal story. If someone from the audience gets up and leaves, try to play down.
- Body language and timing.
- Remember to move on stage. Staying still in one point will show that you are nervous and, as if that were not enough, the audience would be distracted because they would have the impression that you are not talking to him.
- Watch other comedians' shows to get an idea of the kind of comedy you like.
- Racial humor can be fine if done in moderation and with respect for the public. While irony made about minorities is considered taboo, irony made about whites, unfortunately, is universally accepted. Remember this difference and be careful!
- Well studied those comedians who are not often seen on TV. Carlos Mencia, Larry the Cable Guy, and others belong to that group of comedians who made themselves known through easy and silly humor. Don't follow their lead, look instead at Ben Bailey, Hannibal Burress, Demitri Martin and Lewis Black. There are comedians out there who don't need to resort to stereotypes, farts or swear words to be funny. The key is intelligence.
- Two words about one comic actor in particular: D. L. Hughley. Don't get stuck on just one topic, race, culture and so on; be open-minded! D. L. Hughley is a good example. Many people find that, compared to other black comedians, Lewis has a way of acting that is accessible to all. A true comedian knows how to make everyone laugh, whites and blacks, without constantly resorting to racial humor.
- Take an example from classic comedians like Bernie Mac, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, D. L. Hughley, and other good actors of our day such as Robin Williams or Jim Carrey.
- To free yourself from stage anxiety, try to imagine the audience in their underwear or something like that.
- Remember what Moliere said: "My goal is to make people laugh. If I have not made you laugh, it means that the message has not arrived."
- Always avoid making fun of a specific category of people in an offensive manner.
- Avoid jokes that go on too long or involve unknown events.
- Don't copy other comedians' lines. Instead, watch the news for something comical.
- Avoid overly offensive jokes such as racist ones. Agreed to unleash small disputes without importance, but without exceeding the limits. You can only afford racist jokes if you belong to the religion or race you make fun of and only if you declare it openly before making fun of us. If what you say concerns you personally, people will not be angry and you will not be the bad guy.
- Never try to make people laugh by making fun of someone. A true comedian does not.