Have you ever wanted to be able to write amazing lyrics? In the end, have you never managed to get beyond a banal refrain? Maybe it's time to try writing a poem and using it as the basis for the lyrics of a song!

Step 1. Choose the music genre of the song you want to write
Punk, country, jazz, rap? When you have decided, to get an idea of the result you want to obtain, read the lyrics of other songs, performed by groups or singers belonging to the same musical genre.

Step 2. Write a poem
Also forget that the ultimate goal is the lyrics of a song. Set the poem on the basis of something that has happened to you. Depending on the genre, you can choose to describe an emotion, tell a story or just give creativity a voice. If, on the other hand, you intend to give the song to someone, spend some time thinking about that person, your relationship and experiences together.

Step 3. Reread the poem
Choose a phrase that particularly catches your attention. This sentence can become the refrain. Typically, writing the chorus is easier: if it catches your attention, it will also capture that of others.

Step 4. Choose where you want to insert rests or instrumental parts
Do you have a single chorus or four in mind? Where do they fit in the song? Try to read the poem aloud, noting where the voice stops or where you catch your breath. It is at these points that you can insert breaks. At this point, move on to the chorus.

Step 5. Read the poem a second time
Delete the parts that seem too long or unsuitable for a song.
Each piece of music has its own rhythm: if a line of the poem is too long and you still try to make it fit, the result will be disharmonious. If you like the verse too much, look for a more concise way of phrasing it.

Step 6. Take the poem and put it in the form of a musical text
- Not all poems are suitable for a song! If yours doesn't turn out the way you wanted it, try again.
- Don't be discouraged and don't give up on the first difficulty! Somewhere we must also start.
- If you've never written poetry, it may take a while to get carried away. For inspiration, read the article "How to Write a Poem". It can give you an idea on how to proceed.
- Choose a genre of music that you are comfortable with, otherwise you risk the song sounding like a bad copy of the original.