What better way to express the most extreme aspects - the horror, the chaos, the darkest corners - of the human experience of a guttural growl, a '' growl ''? A harsh voice is good for singing harsh lyrics, but it's not very good for your vocal cords. Learn the right technique, so that you can tell death with your voice, and not let it die.

Step 1. Learn to sing
Start with songs that contain vibrato parts, such as classic rock or progressive. The most important technique for singing death metal songs is being able to control your breathing, creating a balance between the force exerted by the diaphragm and that of the vocal cords. Using only the vocal cords will stress them too much and damage will be guaranteed. An appropriate technique is for the diaphragm to push the air out of the lungs. Practice traditional singing for a month. This will strengthen your technique and the parts of your body involved in singing, and it will be easier to cope with growls.

Step 2. Drink warm water or tea an hour before performing, and between songs
This will relax your vocal cords. Avoid cold water, as it will shock your voice, and may cause your vocal cords to contract. Also avoid water that is too hot, as it could burn your tongue and throat.

Step 3. Warm up your voice before singing
To "warm up" you can sing melodies in the center of your range or sing the songs that you will have to perform with a clear and straight voice. Even humming for five minutes will be more helpful than not having done any warm-up.

Step 4. Fill your lungs with air, then push some of that air out, squeezing your throat and moving your tonsils
Try to make a single movement, but don't push too hard. Try to make the sound at the top of the throat, to get a "dying old man" sound. It should sound like the hoarse voice of black metal. At this point lower the pitch in the throat as you would with your normal voice. In the beginning you will not get good results - it will take time to learn.

Step 5. Visualize a column of air rising from your diaphragm, across your chest and into your sinuses (the space behind your nose, under your eyes, and above your upper teeth)
Keep your larynx lowered. This technique will give strength and presence to your death voice, but it is also the correct way to sing traditional songs. The only difference between the two methods is that the normal voice comes from the vocal cords, while the death voice comes from the "false vocal cords". (Instead of vibrating the vocal cords, concentrate the sound under them, where the collarbones are.)

Step 6. Push with the abdomen
All your vocal power comes from the diaphragm. It will help keep your back steady and straight. Don't bend your back. Inspire and let out a deep growl by loosening your vocal cords. Your throat will need to be relaxed for your growl to be intense.

Step 7. Create the "angry hiccup" sound
Say "ugh" loudly, as if you are annoyed and you will feel a low, gentle vibration in the back of your throat. This is the fundamental sound for creating the voice from the false vocal cords; use this vibration and practice prolonging it and making it increase in intensity with the diaphragm. You will find that it is not very painful if you drink a lot of water and don't overdo it. With practice, you'll have brutal growls!

Step 8. Practice barking like a dog
Take a deep breath and start from the diaphragm. Push the sound from the abdomen, mimicking the sound of a dog. Try to prolong the sound and try to sing several words. Breathing like a dog may sound silly, but it can help you open your throat and get the throaty sound you want. Don't do it too loud at first - turn up the volume as you improve.
A good way to practice your growls is to sing the vowels. As you improve, try to do it faster

Step 9. Choose a song to sing
Try to pick a song from bands like Slayer, Metallica, Alice Cooper, AC / DC or other bands that don't use death metal growls, as it will be easier to practice. Try to sing it normally, then add some "salt", until you can really push with the diaphragm and get the deep sound you want. If you can't get the deep throaty sounds, try a more hoarse approach. Anyone can do it, men and women.
- Slow songs suitable for normal vocal practice: "Black Sabbath" by Black Sabbath, "Dead Skin Mask" by Slayer, "Hard Rock Hallelujah" by Lordi.
- Slow songs suitable for practice with death voice: "Death Walking Terror" by Cannibal Corpse, "Festering in the Crypt" by Cannibal Corpse, "I Cum Blood" by Cannibal Corpse, "The Jealous Sun" by Novembers Doom, "Sarcophagus" of the Nile
- Fast songs suitable for normal vocal practice: "Aggressive Perfector" by Slayer, "Dittohead" by Slayer, "Jesus Saves" by Slayer, "Necrophobic" by Slayer
- Fast songs suitable for exercise with death metal vocals: "Disposal of the Body" by Cannibal Corpse, "Homage for Satan" by Deicide, "Post Mortal Ejaculation" by Cannibal Corpse, "The Exorcist" by Possessed, "The Optimist" by Skinless, "4:20" by Six Feet Under, "Stabwound" by Necrophagist, "Egypt, the Red Earth" by Necronomicon, "Buried By The Dead" by Bloodbath, "Sick Salvation" by Bloodbath, "Prometherion" by Behemoth, "Scrolls of the Megilloth" by Mortification, "Demon of the Fall" by Opeth, "What Can Be Safely Written" by Nile.

Step 10. Drink a healthy drink, such as water, when you are done exercising
- Avoid milk, as it increases the mucus lining your throat, stopping your progress.
- Avoid fruit juices, as they usually contain citric acid which may irritate the throat.
- If you've just finished an intense performance or workout and hear your voice fatigued, honey will work wonders.
- Don't smoke, and if you don't want to quit drinking, do it in moderation. Smoking can lower the pitch of your voice, but it will also reduce your vocal power. To sing death metal songs will take a lot of energy, and drugs of any kind will reduce it.
- Avoid squeezing the microphone in your hands. Many singers use this technique to increase the volume and to lower the pitch of the voice, but it is considered an incorrect technique in the death metal environment. It will confuse your pronunciation and it will be more difficult to achieve the desired vocal and melodic clarity.
- Over time and exercise you will be able to produce stronger growls.
- Don't be discouraged if you can't sing like your favorite singer - try to develop your own style. You'll likely start practicing songs from your favorite artists. Try to add your own little touches.
- You can manage to make a sound like a pig scream by curling the tip of the tongue just above the upper teeth, keeping the tongue flat and singing a prolonged I.
- If you are already able to use the vocal technique of scream, or scream, you should be able to sing death metal songs without any problems.
- Learn to control mucus.
- The sound should come from the back of the throat. Place two fingers on the throat at the highest point of the neck, just below the head. If you feel vibrations, you are singing the right way. If you feel the vibrations coming from the bottom of your throat, you are damaging your vocal cords and need to correct your technique.
- To get a more "brutal" sound, you can try using saliva. Try to trap it between your tongue and throat. It's that gurgling sound that you can hear in many songs. Opening the throat is essential. The notes and the aria must rise with ease. You can use your tongue to deflect the air and change notes. You can do this by curling it up or down. You can also do this with your lips. You should never change notes using the throat.
- Make sure you vary the voice. A monotonous growl will be boring in the end, regardless of your skill.
- On rare occasions, beginners may cause bleeding of the vocal cords. If you find yourself bleeding, stop immediately and don't use your voice until you are healed. If the injury is serious enough, you may need medical attention and risk damaging your voice permanently, ruining any hope of singing these kinds of songs.
- Be prepared for criticism if you show your technique to friends and family. Some people don't consider singing the style used in death metal.
- Inhales (a technique used to produce "scream") are not a reliable technique for death metal. They will often sound too high and are considered a way of cheating. While you won't ruin your voice, you might get out of tune during the growls.
- If you have a sore throat, cold, flu, or cough, give your voice a couple of weeks of rest.
- Smooth throat muscles should never hurt when you growl. At first, however, the outer muscles of the throat will be sore, as you will have to hold it in a new position.
- All chanting of this type can permanently damage your voice, causing loss of range and many other serious problems, such as lumps and polyps. Adopting proper technique can minimize this damage. Protect your voice like a musician protects his instrument, and remember: a musician can buy another instrument, but you won't be able to buy another voice.