Whether you need to thin your book collection a little or have published one, there are many ways to sell them. Do your best to keep your books in perfect condition, do some research, and you'll be well on your way to earning some money by disposing of the extra books.
Method 1 of 2: Selling Used Books

Step 1. Repair the damaged ones
If you have whole piles of them that you are looking to resell, the first thing to do is get them back into shape. You'll get more for books without creases, tears, or ruined edges. While not everything can be fixed, do your best to repair any damage. Unfold any ears, remove bookmarks or notes, tape the edges to prevent further damage, and patch any visible tears.
- For those worthwhile texts, best to purchase book repair materials commonly used by librarians.
- If you have written something, delete where possible or use the discolour.

Step 2. Determine the price of the book
It may not always be easy to figure out what it's worth, but you should establish some sort of rough pricing before selling them. This way you will know how much to price them or if they offer you a decent amount. Check online the price of books in similar conditions: if it varies, take some that seem 'normal' to you and make an average for yours. If there are no copies on the market (because yours is vintage or a textbook), look for similar ones to evaluate the price.
A damaged book will never be worth much, no matter what the content is

Step 3. Try selling online
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to sell, the best option for books is an online store. Look for those specific sales sites for the types of books you have: textbook, vintage, cooking, novel, etc. and register online. There are generally two ways to sell online: directly to a large buyer or by posting your book so that people can find it. The former is a faster method of selling, the latter gives you more control over the price and path of the book.
- Look for sites like Amazon or Ebay to see what their sales process is.
- If you don't want to pay for shipping, look for the option to sell locally through sites like Craigslist.

Step 4. Check the used bookstores in your area
While chains are the most popular nowadays, there are plenty of second-hand bookstores available for those with a budget. These bookstores are supplied by those who want to sell their books. You go, leave the books you want to get rid of, they make the price and give you a percentage of the total sold. Thrift bookstores are nice because they get rid of your books immediately, but they may not buy you everything you have.
- Lately, it is becoming more and more common for bookstores to provide credit instead of paying for books in cash. Check the policy of the shop you are referring to carefully before closing the deal.
- Remember that second-hand bookstores usually sell good quality books, so if you want to get rid of poorly maintained texts, they probably won't get them.

Step 5. Try selling them at a flea market
If the weather is not bad and you have a lot of books to put away, you might be interested in a local market. You will be able to set up your stall and sell your books quickly. These sales are hunting ground for volume lovers, as there are usually many for cheap. Put the books on display, give them a low price and people will get them out of your hands faster than you think!
- Advertise your sale early to maximize customer flow. Make an ad in a newspaper or put flyers in the little holes so people know where to find you.
- If you have a friend who also has as many to sell, you can join forces. This way, not only will there be more merchandise on display, but also a lot more interested people.
Method 2 of 2: Selling Self-Published Books

Step 1. Make sure the book is in perfect condition
The biggest mistake when selling self-published books is putting them on the market when they still need to be revised. Make sure yours is correct, formatted, and that the cover is relevant to the story. A good, fair book will sell many more copies than one full of mistakes and with a handmade cover.
- It would be worth spending some money to get help from a professional editor or illustrator, who will follow you to prepare the book and sell it.
- Don't rely on friends and family for editing and evaluation. It would be evident that you have opted for the easier solution in this case.

Step 2. Advertise on social media
You need to let as many people know about your novel as possible, which means using multiple platforms to spread the word. You should regularly post news about it to let others besides friends and family know. Try with:
- Blogs / Tumblr
- Goodreads (like Facebook but for books / authors)

Step 3. Go to local events and sign copies
If you appear in places where the public will be present, you will certainly sell more copies. Ask if local bookstores, radio stations, or libraries can accommodate you for an interview or a signing of copies. If you make a public appearance and manage to charm the audience with your charm by taking them to read your book, you will have many more buyers than if you sent it somewhere.
- If I could then find some chord at a local bookstore it would be perfect.
- A great way to advertise is to be published in a blog or online magazine. Look for those that target the reading audience and ask if they can host you on their pages.

Step 4. Create a mailing list
If you can get a number of fans to sign up, you'll be one step closer to getting your book to those who don't know you. Get people to sign up via email and send them information about events or news. Using the mailing list is a strategy for building more intense relationships with your fans, while doing it too often and unprofessionally could lead them to stop following you. Do your best to keep interest in these lists alive and your fans will likely recommend them to friends and family as well.

Step 5. Do a lot of marketing
It's not easy, that's why you study for years and years. However, if you treat book sales as a business and do a lot of marketing, you will be selling more than self-publishing authors usually do. Hire a marketing agent to help you or do some research on your own. In the end it will be worth the money and time spent because you will make money and hundreds of readers will find out about you.