Do you want to dress up as a pompom girl for Carnival, but don't have a costume yet? Or are you having a hard time finding the right dress and want something easy and witty? By taking a few dresses from your closet and with a little manual work, you can have fun creating a Carnival disguise in no time!
Part 1 of 3: Making the Pleated Skirt

Step 1. Buy or use an old pleated skirt if you can
Sewing a pleated skirt from scratch can be very difficult, as the pleats take a rather complex process to make. So, if you don't have this item in your wardrobe, you can also buy it by wandering around the shops of a shopping center. Sometimes even school uniforms involve the use of pleated skirts, even if technically they are not "cheerleading". If you don't want to spend too much money, take a look at some used clothing stores or flea markets. For a fraction of the original price you may find worn and discarded skirts by schoolgirls of all ages that you can adjust to your size.

Step 2. Take your measurements
You will need two basic measurements to make this skirt: the waist and the length. Put on the undergarments that you will wear under the costume, without adding anything else.
- Waist: Decide at what height you want the skirt waistline. Most cheerleading skirts are high-waisted, right down to the navel. Use a tape measure to take this measurement, holding it comfortably. Make sure you don't pull your stomach in, otherwise the skirt will tighten you when you wear it. Make a mark with a pen or sticker to mark the waistline of the skirt on the body.
- Length: Measure from the mark on the waist to where you want the skirt to fall on the leg.

Step 3. Cut the fabric
You can buy it in haberdashery or in shops that sell fabrics. The length should be the same as your chosen length, plus approximately 2 cm for the hem and waist seams. For the width, multiply the waist measurement by 3 (to be able to make the pleating), then add 5 cm for the seam and the zipper.

Step 4. Hem around the bottom circumference of the skirt
It will be very difficult to sew the hem if you wait to turn a piece of fabric into a pleated, tube skirt. Measure the hem position about 1 cm above the bottom edge of the fabric.
- Draw light pencil marks all over the fabric to highlight where you are going to hem. Carefully measure 1 cm across the bottom edge of the fabric so that the seam is even.
- Fold the bottom of the fabric inside the skirt so that the edge matches the marks you made. Pin the fabric to it so it stays put.
- Thread a needle and sew the hem by hand, or use your sewing machine to make it.

Step 5. Mark the seam allowance
Once the bottom of the fabric is hemmed, lay it straight with the hem facing you. From this position, the left and right sides of the fabric will become the edges to be joined to form the seam of the skirt. You have added 5 cm of extra width, so measure 2.5 cm on each side (left and right) of the fabric and trace the seam allowance with a pencil. Just like you did for the hem, take a series of careful measurements on the fabric from top to bottom, so that you have a line that you can follow later.
- Draw a vertical line running down to the center point across the width of the fabric. To find the center point, measure the entire width of the piece of fabric and divide it in half. Then draw a perpendicular vertical line.
- All marks must be made on the inside of the skirt.

Step 6. Draw the creases
Measure from the mark on the left that corresponds to the seam allowance (not from the edge of the fabric). Then, make a mark every 7.5 cm until you reach the end of the fabric. Look at the crease marks and consider them in a 1-2-3 fold pleating pattern. Insert a pin on the first mark of each group applied to the top edge of the fabric that does not have the hem.
Consider 2-3 cm for the seam and zipper allowance on the right side of the fabric and pin

Step 7. Pin the folds
Pick up the fabric from the first pin (1-1) and pull it towards the next one (1-2). Remove the first pin (1-1) and pin the fabric where the second pin (1-2) is. This will create and stop the crease. Repeat the process bringing the fabric from the third pin (1-3) and drawing it towards the fourth (1-4). Remove the third pin (1-3) and gather the fabric where the fourth (1-4) is. Continue until you have reached the end of the fabric.

Step 8. Iron the creases
Place the pleated fabric with pins on a stable surface and arrange the folds so they are positioned as desired. Iron them so they stay still.

Step 9. Sew the top edge
Once you've pinned all the folds in place, sew the waistband. Just like with the hem, you can sew them by hand with the needle or using a sewing machine if you have one available. Just sew in the opposite direction to where you created the pleats to make sure the fabric doesn't pucker.

Step 10. Create the waist for the skirt
After sewing the waist, make a 5 cm mark from the waist along the folds. Sew each fold in a straight line from the waist to the end of 5 centimeters to create a more contoured waist at the top of the skirt. Otherwise, the skirt will fall as if it were a trapeze.

Step 11. Make the belt
Measure the width of the top edge of the skirt and cut another piece of fabric of the same width. The length, on the other hand, should correspond to the thickness of the belt (2 to 4 cm should be sufficient) multiplied by 2. Fold this piece of fabric in half vertically, so that you have a large piece of fabric folded in half in the direction length. Turn the inside of the fabric out. Join the two longer sides together with the needle or sewing machine.
- When done, turn the fabric around like you would a sock. It will be the belt for the top of the skirt.
- Iron it.

Step 12. Apply the belt to the skirt
Place the belt on the outside of the skirt (the one that will be visible when you wear it) and pin it from left to right so that it stays put. The top of the waistband should line up perfectly with the unworked edge of the skirt. Using a needle or sewing machine, topstitch these two pieces of fabric along the top edge.

Step 13. Draw the marks where to apply the zipper
Fold the skirt to match the "outer" parts. From your position you should see the inside of the skirt. Remove the previously inserted pins from the seam allowance. Adjust so that the unsewn edge of the seam allowance lines up with the unsewn edge on the other side of the skirt. Pin the two edges together along the length of the seam allowance, which will extend beyond the pins.
Place the zipper along the seam allowance where you are going to insert it, then mark where the zipper ends

Step 14. Sew
From the mark where the zipper ends to the bottom of the skirt, sew a seam using a simple straight stitch with your needle or sewing machine. You will create a rather sturdy seam. However, make sure it is loose at the top of the skirt where you will need to zip it up.

Step 15. Insert the zipper
Squeeze the open area over the seam you just made and zip up where you are going to secure it. Make sure the teeth line up with the seam and the zipper is facing out. When you pin, you should see the inner fabric of the skirt and the back of the zipper. The pins must all point to one side of the zipper (left or right). Sew the zip along the part that does not have the pins, then remove them and sew in the other direction.
Then, turn the skirt from the right. Cut the applied stitches along the top of the skirt to reveal the zipper

Step 16. Sew the press studs to the waistband
You would do well to make sure that the flap of fabric that goes beyond the seam of the skirt remains stationary when you need to put it on. The simplest way to do this is to apply automatic buttons, which you can buy on the internet or in any haberdashery (they are also called "snap buttons"). It is enough to sew them with needle and thread; make sure to position them correctly so that they close without making a defect.
With this final step you've finished your cheerleading pleated skirt
Part 2 of 3: Making the Pompoms

Step 1. Buy what you need
A cheerleader costume isn't complete without pompoms. The best material to make them puffy and resistant is a plastic tablecloth. To make them in two colors, buy two tablecloths, in the color of your choice. You will also need a pair of scissors, electrical tape, and a ruler.
- You can find what you need in the party supplies aisle of large supermarkets, at party shops or "all for 1 euro" shops.
- You can even buy ready-made pompoms if you don't feel like making them yourself.

Step 2. Cut the tablecloth into easy-to-handle rectangles
Work with one tablecloth at a time if you have more than one. Remove it from the packaging and arrange it by folding it in half lengthwise. Cut along the folded end to divide the fabric into two parts. Keeping the two pieces in place, fold it again so that you have 4 layers of fabric of the same width, but short in height. Cut along the folded end again to make 4 pieces of fabric on top of each other.

Step 3. Fold the rectangle in half
The 4 pieces must lie on top of each other. At this point, fold them so that you have 8 layers of fabric of the same height, but half the size obtained in the previous step. Cut along the folded short side to create 8 strips of fabric.
Fold and repeat the process one more time so that you end up with 16 almost square pieces. Depending on the initial size of the tablecloth, they can also be rectangular

Step 4. Repeat the whole process with the other tablecloth
You should have 32 squares of fabric, 16 of each color.

Step 5. Place the squares on top of each other by alternating colors
To make two-tone pompoms, you will need to layer them by alternating colors. Roll out a sheet of color A, then one of color B, then another of color A and another of color B. Make two piles, one for each pompom. Each should contain 16 squares: 8 of color A and 8 of color B.
Line up the edges of the squares as much as you can. They won't fit together perfectly, but that's not a big deal

Step 6. Cut the pompoms
Place each stack of squares, with the edges aligned, on a flat surface. Join them to your work surface by applying long strips of masking tape along the center. Each square should be divided in two by masking tape.
- Lay the ruler perpendicular to the tape to create a straight line that runs sideways along the edge of the fabric. Following the ruler, cut the fabric until you reach the masking tape, without removing it. Repeat this operation around the entire edge of the fabric, creating strips of equal size.
- Repeat it on the other side as well, which is also opposite the adhesive tape.

Step 7. Accordion fold the squares
Remove the tape from the two piles and turn them so that the strips, parallel to your position, come out left and right. Fold each stack like an accordion - up, down, again up and then down. It will be more useful to take two strips at a time and fold one at the front and the other at the back.

Step 8. Join the center with electrical tape
Hold the accordion tightly, wrap a piece of electrical tape around the center to secure it. You need to apply it as tight as you can, so go slowly and move carefully.
You can also add a band or tie around the electrical tape. It will act as a handle once you have ruffled the strips

Step 9. Tousle the strips
At this point the strips will be joined together. Run your hand through the pompom and separate the strips in various directions to make them fluffy. Continue this operation until you have a soft, spherical pompom.
It will take some time to complete this step, but be patient. Once finished, you will end up with some beautiful pompoms
Part 3 of 3: Deciding the Rest of the Look

Step 1. Choose the shirt
If you prefer a slightly vintage look, choose a tight sweater. You can also wear a tank top with double straps if it's too hot to wear the sweater. The ideal would be to get a shirt with a team logo, but it could be difficult: use felt-tip pens to write the name of your favorite team or draw the logo on the shirt.

Step 2. Use the iron-on paper to decorate
If you want to add an extra touch to your costume, try adding your favorite team logo on a simple shirt or tank top. Download or create the image you want, then print it on iron-on paper. Cut out the image and iron it on the shirt, following the directions on the package.

Step 3. Add the shoes and socks
Once you have chosen the basic outfit, you need to enrich the look with shoes and socks. Cheerleaders wear short, white socks under their uniform - they will go well with any outfit, regardless of color. Wear a pair of tennis shoes or low-top trainers. If the colors don't match your costume, a simple pair of white athletic shoes will be perfect.
You can add a pinch of originality to your shoes by applying small pompoms to match the costume on the laces

Step 4. Get your hair and makeup done
Make a ponytail or two high ponytails to give your hair and look a truly original touch. As for makeup, apply foundation and powder as usual. Add a light blush on the cheeks, put on mascara and a bright white or bronze eyeshadow. Finish with a light pink lipstick or lip gloss.
- You can write a few words on the cheeks, perhaps the name of your favorite team or a sports expression like "Forza" or "We will win", even in English as you dress up as a cheerleader (for example, "Go Team" or "Go, Fight, Win "). You can trace them using a makeup pencil or face paint.
- Try adding glitter to your makeup or a few bows in your hair, paired with the rest. Anything that seems in tune with the spirit of your disguise will work for the cheerleader costume.