Does the smell of cat urine bother you?

Step 1. Use a rag or paper towel to soak up the urine
If you do this on carpet, don't rub the rag / cloth / paper too hard against the fibers.

Step 2. Mix water with vinegar and pour it over the area in question

Step 3. Use a spray bottle and fill it with a tablespoon of liquid soap and a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide

Step 4. Apply baking soda to the spot to be treated and then spray the prepared substance on it

Step 5. Use a brush to scrub the substance

Step 6. Let it dry

Step 7. Next, use the vacuum cleaner to clean everything up

Step 8. For washable garments or fabrics, add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the detergent you usually use for laundry

Step 9. If your cat urinates in bushes or on the sidewalk, fill a spray bottle with water and vinegar and use it to treat these areas
- Keep the litter box clean to reduce cat stress.
- Wear gloves when preparing the cleaning compound.
- Check that the cat has no kidney, liver, diabetes, colitis or other problems.
- Do not use an ammonia-based product or you will stimulate the cat more.