3 Ways to Get Rid of the Mothball Smell

3 Ways to Get Rid of the Mothball Smell
3 Ways to Get Rid of the Mothball Smell

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Mothballs can leave an unpleasant smell in rooms, clothes and hands. Odor-neutralizing substances, such as vinegar, can also remove mothballs from your clothes, while toothpaste and a lemon-flavored detergent can remove it from your hands. Fortunately, if something has become soaked with the acrid smell of mothballs, there are tried and tested methods that can help you avoid the problem in the future.


Method 1 of 3: Remove the Mothball Odor from Rooms and Clothes

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 1
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 1

Step 1. Use coal

If the clothes have been stored indoors, it is likely that both the room and the clothes have become impregnated with the smell of mothballs. In this case, you can use activated charcoal tablets to eliminate it. Put them in a bowl and leave them closed in the chamber along with the clothing. They will go to absorb the bad smell.

You can usually buy activated charcoal tablets at pet stores or department stores in the form of pellets

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 2
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 2

Step 2. Treat items you can get wet with vinegar

If you can wash your clothing, use vinegar to remove the smell of mothballs. Try washing them by hand using equal parts water and white vinegar. You can also put them in the washing machine using vinegar instead of regular detergent.

Both hand washing and machine washing should get rid of the nasty smell of mothballs from your clothes. However, delicate clothing should be hand washed. Read the garment care label to understand which washing method to use

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 3
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 3

Step 3. Place a basin full of vinegar in the closet and in the room

If the smell of mothballs has spread inside a room or you can't wash a garment, fill a bowl with vinegar and place it in the area where it is most intense. It should neutralize the odor left in the environment and on clothes.

If you don't have white vinegar available, you can use coffee grounds

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 4
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 4

Step 4. Air the room

A little fresh air from outside will help naturally remove the smell of mothballs from your clothes. If they have been kept indoors for a long time, such as an attic, open all windows on a nice, breezy night. Remove them from containers where you have stored them, such as boxes or trunks, and hang or spread them out on a shelf. Try to expose them to fresh air to eliminate the smell of mothballs.

  • With this solution you can remove the pungent smell of mothballs even from a room.
  • If you use this method, check the weather forecast. Do not leave the windows open if there is a risk of rain or other precipitation.
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 5
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 5

Step 5. Try cedar shavings

Put them in drawers, dressers and closets that contain items impregnated with the smell of mothballs. In addition to removing it from clothes, they can also remove it from inside the furniture. Crepe shavings easily absorb bad odors.

You can buy them at almost any hardware store

Method 2 of 3: Remove the Mothball Odor from Hands

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 6
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 6

Step 1. Wash your hands with lemon dish soap

The lemon scent is strong enough to mask and eliminate bad smells, while the degreasing substances contained in the product enhance its effectiveness. If you want to remove the smell of mothballs from your hands, wash them well with a lemon dish soap after touching it.

If the smell persists, sprinkle some talcum powder on your hands after washing them and rub it into your skin. This way you will get a better result

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 7
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 7

Step 2. Use toothpaste

Put some toothpaste (not gel) on your hands and rub it as if you were going to wash them with soap. A walnut should be enough to remove the unwanted mothball smell.

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 8
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 8

Step 3. Try baking soda

This substance is great for absorbing and removing bad odors. In the case of mothballs, mix it with the water in a bowl until you get a fine paste, then rub it on your hands and let it sit for 3 minutes before rinsing them.

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 9
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 9

Step 4. Try tomato juice

It can effectively remove unwanted and unpleasant odors. Therefore, fill a bowl with tomato juice and soak your hands in it for 5 minutes before rinsing them. If this method works for you, it should greatly reduce the smell of mothballs from your skin.

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 10
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 10

Step 5. Use oranges

The scent of citrus fruits is able to remove persistent odors from the hands. Peel an orange and rub the zest into the skin. This system should help you significantly decrease the smell of mothballs.

Method 3 of 3: Store Clothes Without Using Mothballs

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 11
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 11

Step 1. Wash and dry your clothes before storing them

To prevent your clothes from smelling bad, store them without adding the mothballs. Therefore, wash and dry them before storing them in the closet and drawers. This way, by eliminating the odors that attract moths, you will prevent these insects from invading your clothes.

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 12
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 12

Step 2. Protect clothes by placing them in airtight containers

Instead of using mothballs, store clothing in sealable containers. You will keep moths away without having to use mothballs. Vacuum bags are particularly effective in keeping moths away.

You can buy them on the internet

Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 13
Get Rid of the Smell of Mothballs Step 13

Step 3. Use natural repellents instead of mothballs

Store your clothes by placing a few bowls containing natural repellent next to them. Spices such as rosemary, cinnamon and eucalyptus leaves are very effective and leave no bad odors. You can also use absinthe and peppercorns.
