How to Exercise Willpower

How to Exercise Willpower
How to Exercise Willpower

Table of contents:


The unconscious, or subconscious, is as vast as the ocean, while awareness and the waking state have to be trained for a long time. To maintain willpower, you need to be extremely strong-willed. You can train your willpower when you challenge your superstructures, when you go against your urges, against hunger, when you go against sleep, when you confront your limits whatever they are.


Exercise Will Power Step 1
Exercise Will Power Step 1

Step 1. Wait before eating

Don't eat immediately when you're hungry. Wait a couple of minutes, defying your appetite. By training your willpower in this way, you will face the urge to 'attack' food and ingest it, which is the unconscious behavior towards what you eat.

Exercise Will Power Step 2
Exercise Will Power Step 2

Step 2. Fast

Fast by drinking water for more than 24 hours. Don't eat anything during this time or, if you can, extend it up to 32 hours. Fast once a month during the full moon. Fasting is a wonderful tool for cleansing the body and is also a spiritual tool recommended by most of the great spiritual traditions.

Exercise Will Power Step 3
Exercise Will Power Step 3

Step 3. Choose what you eat consciously

By choosing your food consciously, you will keep your willpower in training throughout each meal. Choose it in a way that makes sure it doesn't harm your body or mind while you're eating.

Exercise Will Power Step 4
Exercise Will Power Step 4

Step 4. Wait before falling asleep

Do not sleep immediately when you are sleepy. Wait a couple of minutes, defying the need for sleep. Become aware of your body as it 'falls' into sleep. Extend this moment of awareness of the body 'falling' into sleep. By exercising your willpower in this way, you will also train your ability to remain 'conscious' while you sleep, to remember dreams upon awakening.

Exercise Will Power Step 5
Exercise Will Power Step 5

Step 5. Use cold water

At the end of the shower, use cold water, so you are confronted with your comfort zone. Swim in cold water. In some countries, people even swim during the winter.

Exercise Will Power Step 6
Exercise Will Power Step 6

Step 6. Wake up early for walking or jogging

By waking up early, you will strengthen your willpower and have time to train before starting the day.

Exercise Will Power Step 7
Exercise Will Power Step 7

Step 7. Learn to meditate

Stay still, without making any movement, in the silence of your mind for half an hour every morning or every evening. Meditation will relax you and focus your mind.

Exercise Will Power Step 8
Exercise Will Power Step 8

Step 8. Train your virtues

Do this by developing qualities such as sincerity, honesty or understanding towards all living beings. Just as a marathon runner trains the body by doing many physical exercises, so you can train your willpower by exercising the ability to love, to be righteous or courageous.

Exercise Will Power Step 9
Exercise Will Power Step 9

Step 9. Choose which activity can 'strengthen willpower'

Take part in a marathon, climb Mount Everest, play football when it rains, quit smoking, work out, exercise, and get ready to do whatever else you decide.

Exercise Will Power Step 10
Exercise Will Power Step 10

Step 10. Don't give up

Whatever exercise leads you to strengthen willpower, don't give up, commit, deepen and practice. Go against the tide to go out and benefit from the activities you have chosen to do. Good luck!


  • Willpower is the greatest human force that will help you make decisions, desires and plans come true. You will be able to resist immediate distractions so you can achieve your long-term goals.
  • It is not natural to wake up at dawn to meditate, however, it is the most beautiful experience you can have. It is not natural to confront current beliefs and break existing patterns, but once you manage to do all of this, you will create space for new thinking patterns, filled with love, acceptance and knowledge, and give yourself a chance to live to the fullest.
