Uniforms, school policies, rules and professors can put limits on your style. This article will show you how to break the rules and still look great in school without breaking them.

Step 1. Make sure you don't change too quickly
You should only change a couple of aspects at a time, otherwise your teachers and friends might get annoyed.

Step 2. Start the night before
Shave (or, if you prefer, wax) your legs and armpits (never arms). Comb your hair to remove the knots of the day, or make a braid to create beautiful waves.

Step 3. Make sure you have the necessary hair care products
Leave-in conditioner or moisturizing spray helps remove knots; while hair accessories add a touch of style to your hair.

Step 4. Start the morning with a shower
Even a quick shower will make you feel better and fresher.

Step 5. Dry off with a soft, warm towel to pamper yourself

Step 6. Dress in cute and comfortable clothes
Check the weather forecast for the day to avoid wearing clothes that make you feel too hot or too cold. To solve the problem, you could wear a nice sweater or cardigan over a shirt and remove a layer if you are too hot. Listen to upbeat music as you prepare to help wake you up.

Step 7. Think about accessories
If your school allows you to wear accessories, then take advantage of it! Stay away from bright colors. If you have fair skin, choose silver; if you have dark skin, gold is ideal. Accessories made of these materials are simple but add a real touch of class. Wear rings, bracelets, necklaces, but not all together.
As a suggestion, wear two simple silver bracelets (nothing flashy) and a thin silver necklace with a small pendant. Follow a style to match all accessories

Step 8. Put on your makeup
Never overdo your makeup to avoid a fake effect. A natural look is always the best, especially in the summer. Put on concealer, a thin layer of blush or earth and cocoa butter, or lip gloss. You can also add eyeliner if you want to draw attention to your eyes, but avoid drawing too thick a line. Applying eyeliner on the inner eye line (or at the bottom) makes your lashes more voluminous and defines the look, as well as being more natural. Add mascara or curl your lashes for a more open look.

Step 9. Make sure you smell good clean
Always put on deodorant and, if you like, a floral perfume or body spray. Don't overdo the amount of perfume; too much, in fact, has the same effect as bad odor.

Step 10. Make sure your teeth are clean and your breath is fresh
If you wear braces, make sure you don't have food between your teeth.
- Be yourself!
- In the summer, if you go swimming, be sure to treat and wash your hair after bathing; chlorine can damage them.
- Remove your makeup when you get home to let your skin breathe.
- Run cold water after a shower, just before going out. It may annoy you, but the effect is truly refreshing.
- Always remember that the best accessory is your smile!
- Never be afraid of being different from others.
- Bring a hand mirror and some lip gloss with you to school for touch-ups.
- In the summer, use a fruity lotion or body cleanser.
- Tanning in the summer is always beautiful, but use self-tanning lotion instead of sunbathing to prevent skin damage.
- Wake up a little earlier to calmly prepare yourself.