If you are planning to purchase a cable service, start a new job, or take out a mortgage, you will need to sign a contract. After the conclusion of the contract, you should obtain a copy with the signatures of all the contractors. If you have not received your copy, or it has been lost, please follow the steps in this article to request one.
Method 1 of 1: Request a Copy of a Contract

Step 1. Determine who has the contract
In some cases, for example in a contract for the private sale of personal items, the other party to the contract should have a copy of it. However, if it is an employment contract or sales contract with a large company, pinpointing who has the contract can be more difficult. Below are some guidelines for determining who has the contract.
- If the other party to the contract is a natural person, he should have the original agreement with both signatures.
- If the counterparty is a company or an organization, you need to find the person in charge within the organization. If the company has a Human Resources ("HR") section or a Legal Department, you can easily find the original contract. If there are no such offices, or you cannot locate their telephone number, simply call the general number of the company and ask which office keeps copies of the company contracts entered into.
- When a lawyer draws up a legal document, he usually always has a copy and sometimes the original. If the other party's attorney has the contract, they should be able to provide you with a copy, because you were a party to the deal.

Step 2. Decide what kind of request is most appropriate
The type of request will depend on the subject to which it is directed. For example, if you know the contractor who has the contract personally, a phone call may be more appropriate, while a request to a large company may require a formal letter. Follow the guidelines below to decide which type of request is most appropriate.
- Phone. For many contract requests, calling the person who owns the contract directly is the best solution. If you know the person who has the contract, call him at the office to reach him, or do the same if he gave you his home or cell phone number; a telephone request, in this case, may be more appropriate.
- E-mail. If you are unable to reach the person who has the contract by phone, or do not have a direct number, you could send an e-mail asking for a copy of the contract.
- Letter. If it is a government body, a public company or a large company, you could write a formal letter requesting a copy of the contract.
- In person. If the email, phone, or request letter is unsuccessful, you may want to go in person to request a copy of the contract. If the person accepts appointments, call and get one. If not, go to the office or business location and be prepared to wait until they are free to receive you.
- Online. Depending on the type of contract, you can request a copy online by filling out a simple application form.

Step 3. Prepare your application
How to do it will depend on the type of request and the subject from whom you are requesting the contract.
- By phone / in person. Get all the contract information you are able to collect. For example, the name of the contractors, the date on which the contract was signed and the object of the contract are essential to find the contract. Keep this information available when you call or go in person.
- E-mail. Write a formal e-mail, providing as much information as possible about the contract. The object of the contract and the date of stipulation will help to find it. Ask for a signed copy to be mailed or e-mailed to you and provide your postal address or e-mail address.
- Letter. Write a formal letter, requesting that a copy of the contract be sent to you. Provide your mailing address and as much information as possible about the contract. The object of the contract and the date on which it was signed will help to find it.

Step 4. Deliver your request
Call, go in person, send an e-mail or a letter by post. When sending a letter or an e-mail, a delivery method may be useful, which will allow you to establish receipt by the recipient, through certified e-mail or e-mail delivery confirmation, for example.

Step 5. Follow up on your request
If you don't get a response within 10 days, please call and ask if there is any other information you can provide in order to speed up the process. You could also ask how long it will take to receive the contract.

Step 6. Write a letter of request
If you do not receive a copy of the contract within a few days of the phone call, write a formal letter requesting a copy of the contract and requesting a response within 10 days. When writing a request letter:
- Describe the contract in as much detail as possible to ensure that the sender has no doubts about which contract you need. Give the names of the contractors, the subject of the contract and the date on which it was entered into, or signed.
- Provide specific instructions on how to comply with your request. For example, "please send me a copy of the contract to the following address" and give your address, or please leave a copy of the contract with my secretariat, or give your e-mail address and write "please send by e-mail a copy of the contract to the following e-mail address ".
- Indicate an exact date or period when the copy of the contract should be provided, 10 days, or 1st September 2012 for example.
- Indicate what you intend to do if they cannot fulfill your request and get you a copy of the contract. For example, "if I do not receive what is requested by the specified date, I will be forced to contact a lawyer and take legal action".

Step 7. Show your muscles
If all attempts are unsuccessful and you still find yourself without a copy of the contract, hire a lawyer. Legal action can be taken that will force the other party to produce the contract for your verification. Often, receiving a letter of formal notice from a lawyer is only what is needed to force the other party to comply with simple requests, such as transmitting a copy of a contract.