You have decided to apply, so you have chosen trusted assistants and advisors. You've been working on your program and what to tell the people who will listen to you and now it's time to introduce yourself to the audience. Before you promise anything on paper, consider these tips for writing your speech.
Method 1 of 1: Write an Election Speech

Step 1. Remember that the audience will hear the speech, they will not be able to read it
When writing a speech for an election campaign, it is important to remember that what you write for listeners will be very different from what you would write if it were a speech to be published and, therefore, to be read. Sentences and words need to be simpler and you need to read them aloud to understand how they sound, since people will only hear them once and will not be able to reread them.

Step 2. Make a lineup of your speech before writing it
A speech for an election campaign is like any other: it needs a beginning, a central body and a conclusion. Outlining your thoughts first will help keep you from wandering as you write your speech, keeping an essay-like format.

Step 3. Evaluate your audience
Before you step onto the podium and start speaking, think about the audience you are addressing with your speech. Will the audience be mainly female, male or mixed? What is the average age? Also, think about the area in which you will deliver your speech, the predominant religion, and the racial context.

Step 4. Get to the point, decisively and quickly
Open the talk with the main theme: whether it's social change, community growth or the economy, it's important to let the audience know right away what you're going to talk about. They will be able to follow you faster and easier if they know why you are there.

Step 5. Support your thesis
After the introduction, write the body of the speech so that it offers facts to support what you are trying to say. Voters want to know why they should listen to you and if what you are saying to them is valid.

Step 6. Let them think
In a speech like this, the conclusion is as important as the introduction. It's the last chance you'll have to make your mark, so be sure to write a punchy conclusion that summarizes everything you've said.

Step 7. Get straight to the point
Adding a short bio of yourself won't help you; on the contrary, you risk boring people. The audience wants a short, concise speech - talk about your schedule, what you will do, and how you will proceed. Don't get lost in formalities.
- Learn the speech by heart. It is better to give the impression of conversing with the audience, so eye contact is key. Bring some cards with notes, but use them only as a reference point.
- Remember to maintain eye contact with your audience.
- Allow time to answer questions from the audience. You need to appear available, so be prepared to answer a few questions once your talk is over.
- Give yourself a time limit. Nobody wants to hear a long and boring speech neither standing nor sitting. Make sure it lasts between 7 and 10 minutes at the most.
- Move your hands as you speak.
- Use examples to explain concepts.
- Don't choose phrases that might raise uncomfortable questions in the audience.