Feeling sleepy is a disorder that affects many people regardless of the circumstances. Chronic lethargy and an inability to focus can make daily activities challenging and unpleasant. Rather than suffering from your sleepiness throughout the day, take steps to improve focus and mental clarity.
Method 1 of 2: Making Lifestyle Changes

Step 1. Drink more water
This is a classic remedy for most ailments, and drinking water regularly throughout the day will make you feel active in no time. Often the feelings of fatigue and lethargy are due to nothing more than simple dehydration. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning to kickstart your metabolism, and continue drinking several more throughout the day.

Step 2. Have breakfast
Rolling wearily out of bed after putting off the alarm for the fifth time means you probably don't feel like making a good breakfast, or decide to skip it altogether. Doing so will slow down your metabolism and you will not be able to start the day right. Make an effort to get up a little earlier if necessary and take the time to prepare a full breakfast. The nutrients will give you energy throughout the day, and you will be happy that you sacrificed 10 minutes of sleep.

Step 3. Eat often
As with dehydration, fatigue could be a signal from your body that indicates a lack of energy and a need to eat. Instead of sticking to the traditional 3 meals a day, try 5-7 smaller meals. That way your blood sugar won't plummet, and you'll always have the vitamins and nutrients you need to stay focused.

Step 4. Train more often
Getting started may seem even more difficult when you're suffering from afternoon sleepiness, but getting more exercise will limit your fatigue. Move for at least 10 minutes a day, even by taking a simple walk outdoors. Promoting blood circulation and getting some fresh air will make you feel awake in no time.

Step 5. Get some sun
There is a reason why we are more tired in winter; exposure to sunlight increases vitamin D levels, which give you an energy boost. If you are lucky enough to live in a favorable climate area, go outside for a short break from your lethargic work within four walls. Kill two birds with one stone and train outdoors too!

Step 6. Regulate your caffeine intake
When you get hit by a wave of sleepiness, your first instinct is to drink another cup of coffee. But wait: drinking more than 2-3 cups of coffee a day won't allow you to further boost your energy levels, and if you drank one after 1pm you would end up sleeping worse at night. For these reasons, limit your coffee consumption to 3 cups or less per day, to get an energy boost without suffering from side effects. Try to do this before lunch and you will benefit from it for the next day as well.

Step 7. Adjust your sleep cycle
You went to a great concert last night, stayed up late and slept until noon, then had to go to bed early the next night because you had a 7am business meeting. Feeling tired is normal with similar sleep habits. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning - this will help your body find regular sleep intervals, and as a result you will feel less sleepy during the day.
Method 2 of 2: Make Immediate Changes to Reduce Sleepiness

Step 1. Listen to some music
Music has a great impact on the mood and on the mental one; in addition to the ability to change your emotional state, music can also boost your energy levels. A major study showed that people who listen to music, regardless of volume or rhythm, had more energy than those who didn't. So, grab your iPod or turn on the radio on your favorite station and listen to some good tunes!

Step 2. Try a breathing exercise
Breathing is affected by our emotional and mental state, even when we don't realize it. If you are stressed and tired, chances are you are taking "chest" breaths that are not getting enough oxygen to your brain.
Try to inhale slowly, imagining filling your stomach with air as if it were a balloon, and then exhale just as slowly. Doing this for a minute will help you wake up your brain and think more clearly

Step 3. Get omega-3s
These popular nutrients also offer benefits against drowsiness. If you're thinking about your lunch or dinner menu, add some salmon to your plate and get your fill of the wonderful omega-3 fatty acids. If you prefer not to eat fish too often, replace it with a daily intake of fish oil pills.

Step 4. Try hydrotherapy
Throwing a bucket of cold water on a sleeping friend isn't just a great joke, it will really help him wake up. If you can't stay awake in any way, wet your face with cold water or jump into an ice cold shower. The sensation of cold water on your skin will promote circulation and allow you to concentrate better.

Step 5. Consume a lot of fiber
Fiber, unlike most foods we eat, takes a long time to fully digest. For this you should consume foods rich in fiber, which will slowly release their energy over the course of the day. Try an apple with its peel, a serving of black beans or whole grains and no longer suffer from drowsiness.

Step 6. Take a little nap
Long sleeps throughout the day can negatively affect your night's sleep, but taking short, timed naps can allow you to cool down. Try rebooting your system with a 20-minute nap - this is the time it takes your body to fall asleep and get rid of the stressors that are causing your fatigue and that have built up in your mind.

Step 7. Take a magnesium supplement
Your sleepiness could be due to a vitamin and mineral deficiency. If you are not getting enough magnesium from your diet, try taking a supplement of this element. They are available in most pharmacies and you can take them every day.

Step 8. Address your stressors
If you have a cluttered desk, constantly argue with a friend, or have a lot of work to do, you may be overwhelmed by stress and you may feel more tired than normal. Address the stressors you are aware of whenever you can. Managing the aspects of your life that generate anxiety will improve your overall mental health and allow you to be more focused throughout the day.

Step 9. Change your environment
Studying or working in bed or on a comfortable sofa is a great way to feel tired. Instead of encouraging sleepiness by staying too comfortable, move to a place where you will be less likely to fall asleep. Working in a cafe or on a stiff desk won't allow you to fall asleep as easily as some cozy blankets and pillows.
- Try ways to sleep better and you will feel more alert throughout the day.
- Visit your doctor or take a sleep test to see if your chronic lethargy is the result of a medical problem.
- Think about the things that make you feel very happy, excited, or afraid. Feeling angry can also help you stay awake.