When it comes to beauty secrets, the most important is surely to realize that you are already beautiful just the way you are! Sometimes, however, the practice does not seem to follow the theory exactly and being able to consider yourself beautiful when you do not feel beautiful may not be easy. This article contains some tips that will help you not to forget that, by nature, you are already beautiful in every moment and that every other person is beautiful in their own way too.
Part 1 of 3: Learning to Feel Beautiful

Step 1. Describe your positive qualities in a journal
Create a gratitude journal in which to highlight and praise your characteristics that you love the most. By focusing your attention on your positive attributes, relating to both your outer and inner beauty, it will be easier not to lose sight of your qualities. Whenever you feel doubtful or face a rude comment from someone, you can flip through the pages of your diary to quickly bring to mind the many things you love about yourself. To make your diary as effective as possible, consider the following tips:
- Put all the effort you need into it. Whenever you decide to give free rein to your thoughts on the pages of your diary, do it with the intent of becoming a happier person and being able to feel more gratitude for your positive qualities.
- Prefer quality over quantity. Dwell on the details of a few specific attributes rather than just making a cursory list of what you consider to be your positive characteristics. Make sure your way of describing yourself is as personal as possible.
- Realize how your positive qualities have favorably influenced situations and relationships to better understand their benefits in daily life.
- Think about how and how much your life would change if your positive qualities suddenly waned. This exercise will allow you to instantly feel more grateful for yourself.

Step 2. Analyze your relationships with people
Learning to love and accept yourself will allow you to look at yourself with the same eyes that people who love you do. Be cautious though, if you spend a good deal of your time in the company of people who are always ready to judge others severely, you will end up adopting their own strict canons. If your mind is crowded with thoughts that judge you ugly or undeserving, ask yourself if there is anyone by your side who is tempting you to support this thesis.
Make sure you have a strong support network of friends and people who love you. There is nothing better than being surrounded by people who are always ready to support you and make you feel strong, capable and attractive

Step 3. Beautify your home
You could decorate your room with posters or pictures cut from magazines or adorn it with souvenirs and furnishings of your taste. Living in an attractive environment will help you feel equally beautiful. Remember that the important thing is to decorate your spaces with what you consider beautiful, so don't just follow the fashion or design of the moment.
- Concentrate on choosing a clear and soft lighting, preferring for example white light bulbs, to create a quiet and elegant atmosphere that makes your stay in the room more pleasant. You too will naturally feel more beautiful.
- Note that the position of the lights greatly affects the result. Beams of light that illuminate your face from all directions make it more difficult to see lines and shadows. In the bathroom, for example, replace the lighting above the mirror with two side lights.

Step 4. Start the day with a positive affirmation
Every morning you bring out the positive qualities you recognize in yourself by using them to support your self-esteem. Bring them to mind in the most real and detailed way possible, preparing to present and offer them to the world. Look in the mirror and list your qualities aloud (for example, your beautiful smile or kindness). You may feel silly or even conceited at first, but don't give up, over time you will learn to be your most die-hard fan and enjoy its beneficial results.
- Write down your positive affirmations on post-its, mirrors and blackboards so they are always visible.
- To develop as optimistic an attitude as possible and support positive thoughts, place your reminders so that you can see them as frequently as possible.

Step 5. Pay attention to posture
Good posture not only makes you look confident and competent, it also sends positive messages to yourself. Your mind, in fact, incessantly transmits your sensations to your body. When you keep your back straight and look forward rather than the floor, your brain senses that you feel good about yourself and really ready to face the world. People who sit upright rather than slouching tend to be more confident and determined.
Try to keep your shoulders slightly back and your chest open and prominent. By assuming a correct posture you will appear taller, leaner and more confident

Step 6. Listen to good music more often
Music helps you appreciate the natural beauty of life. Some research has shown that music, even before language, influences our sense of orientation and connection with the world around us. Choose the musical genre that excites you most, from pop, to rock, to jazz, to country music. Frequent listening to positive vibes will keep your morale high and support your appreciative thoughts of beauty.

Step 7. Embrace the affection of an animal into your life
When it comes to learning to perceive our beauty, animals help us in two ways. First of all they give us the opportunity to spend a lot of time looking at something really pleasant, a creature that is always cheerful, thus becoming a perfect company. They also know how to prove themselves to be trusted friends and, unlike human beings, they have the ability to love us and give us their affection unconditionally.
Before welcoming an animal into your life, make sure you take the time to care for it. Having an animal means taking on daily commitments and responsibilities, but the benefits that come with it are truly immense
Part 2 of 3: Take Care of Yourself Appropriately

Step 1. Stay active
In addition to making you lose weight, exercise has been scientifically linked to a reduction in symptoms of depression and a reduction in the risk of heart disease. Establishing and maintaining a regular physical activity routine will allow you to feel in a good mood, energetic and healthy. If you are struggling to find motivation to start, start with small steps, for example by incorporating brisk walking into your weekly routine. You will be able to increase the intensity of your workouts (cardio and strength) gradually, according to your schedule and lifestyle.
Try to gain greater body flexibility. By training to become more flexible, you will learn to see your body as something that is constantly evolving and changing

Step 2. Smile
Have you ever felt inexplicably happy when you wake up? So much so that you can't stop smiling even when you found yourself in the post office queue shortly after? Such experiences give you a real chance to change the way you are perceived by yourself and others. Compared to those who struggle to show their smile, people who tend to smile more often appear more sincere, genuine, sociable and even competent. Even when you feel you have no compelling reason to smile, a smile will make you look and feel happier!
Remember that maintaining proper dental care allows you to smile more confidently. Brush and floss regularly and reduce the risk of tooth decay by doing mouth rinses after every meal and whenever you drink something that contains sugar

Step 3. Do what you feel good at
Spend as much time as possible doing the things that bring out your talents and abilities. The sense of fulfillment is part of what creates what we perceive as inner beauty. It might seem like an obvious concept, but sometimes school or work responsibilities can take over and cause us to neglect the activities we are really good at, preventing us from nurturing our talents.
For example, if writing is your workhorse, dedicate yourself to prose and poetry when you have some free time. If you're skilled in sports, join a team that plays on the weekend to ensure you get a healthy dose of competition

Step 4. Eat healthy
Remember that eating healthily is not the same as dieting at all. Diets tend to be temporary and unsustainable in the long run. Eating healthily means having to change your eating habits, for example by adding more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your shopping list and expanding the variety of recipes you cook. If you are used to eating dishes rich in fat, sugar and salt, try to drastically reduce the quantities.
- Balance is key, so some casual concessions are part of eating right. If you occasionally feel tempted by the craving for ice cream, don't deny it severely, this is where the concept of moderation comes into play.
- Giving yourself something you like is one way to be able to realize that the way you treat yourself greatly affects your mood and self-esteem.

Step 5. Learn to relax
When you feel comfortable and comfortable, the people around you respond positively, allowing you to feel attractive and important. Think about it, when you see a self-confident person, you can't help but want to live just as relaxed. The following techniques are designed to reduce body tensions, deepen your knowledge about:
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Yoga
- Mindful breathing

Step 6. Choose suitable clothes
When what you wear makes you feel physically uncomfortable, you begin to develop a hostile relationship with your body, acquiring a negative image of it. Forcing yourself to wear clothes that are unable to enhance your figure will only force you to feel wrong: too fat, too thin, too tall or too short.
Especially being a woman, wearing clothes that fit your figure can help improve your perception of yourself and make you feel more confident in your social, personal and work spheres
Part 3 of 3: Change Your Attitude to Feel More Beautiful

Step 1. Learn about the fundamentals of beauty
The bizarre aspect of beauty is that we value it very high without ever stopping to think that, in general, people who are considered conventionally attractive are in no way happier than others. Remember that what most affects our happiness is our sense of purpose and hope, as well as the sense of fulfillment that comes from our relationships. This means that, in the grand universal design, there are far more important factors than physical appearance that influence the well-being and happiness of our lives.

Step 2. Change your negative inner dialogue
It is not uncommon to face our days in the company of an inner "little voice" that incessantly repeats pessimistic and critical thoughts, reminding us, for example, of how plump our cheeks are or how awkward our movements are. The good thing is that we have a weapon at our disposal, we have the ability to respond to such unfavorable thoughts. Replace those rude messages with neutral thoughts related to the same subject, for example focusing on the rosy color of your cheeks instead of their size.
- Over time, you can take it a step further and try to challenge that voice by highlighting the aspects you like about yourself to silence it. Let her know what are the reasons people might find you attractive, for example you may have sensual lips or an exceptional ability to tell jokes.
- Soon you will be able to see which are the physical and character qualities that make you attractive.

Step 3. Accept your outward appearance
Being able to accept your outward appearance may not be an easy task, especially if you tend to place a lot of weight on the judgment of others and worry about how you should look. Think about the traits of yourself that you like and those that you would like to change and try to understand that, whatever your opinions, it is the combination of all those characteristics that form yourself. Be proud of who you are and what you look like, even when your peculiarities deviate from conventional standards.
Stop judging yourself by shifting your attention away from your physical appearance. Don't give your mirror too much time! People who have a negative self-image tend to constantly remain focused on their own characteristics and flaws, and by being too focused on themselves they risk becoming overly self-critical

Step 4. Be realistic
Stop comparing yourself to who you think others are. When you see a model or a famous person, instead of making comparisons with yourself, make an effort to consider her as a kind of genetic anomaly and not as a beauty standard to aspire to. We live in a culture that establishes completely unrealistic beauty standards, for this reason it is of fundamental importance to be able to bring our uniqueness to light.
- Make an effort to focus on your achievements rather than your shortcomings and take stock of all those unique characteristics you are able to offer to the world.
- Whenever you feel tempted to compare yourself to another person, try to appreciate them for their qualities instead of looking at them with envy. Be amazed by the many differences that characterize the world and think about how boring life would be if we all received the same gifts.
- The truth is that when you compare yourself to another person you are comparing your inner appearance to their outer appearance. You are therefore bound to be disappointed as you have a much broader knowledge of yourself, especially when it comes to those nasty little secrets that everyone tends to keep private.

Step 5. Learn to accept compliments
To be able to feel beautiful, you cannot help but learn to accept the positive opinions expressed by others. Sometimes receiving an unexpected compliment can cause astonishment or confusion, so much so that it appears unwelcome. Embarrassed, people tend to respond hastily by saying "Oh …" or "That's not true." The next time you get a compliment, make an effort to respond with a positive thank you, like a simple "Thank you," without forgetting that timing is crucial.
- A belated thanks can be confusing, while a too timely one can risk overlapping the other person's words.
- In some cases, you can go beyond a simple thank you, deepening the subject or using it to start a new conversation. If you wish, you can also return the favor by complimenting yourself.

Step 6. Appreciate your progress
Being able to recognize the progress made over the years is not always easy, but it is very likely that in many situations in the past you have managed to give your best by managing to evolve and mature. Perhaps you have been able to successfully care for your skin or become more confident at work or personally. Browse old photo albums to retrace the many achievements. Smile at how funny and awkward you looked compared to the present and appreciate the person you have become.
- Remember that just because someone you think is attractive doesn't pay attention to you doesn't mean you're not beautiful.
- Don't feel embarrassed by looking in the mirror for a long time, smiling to yourself and feeling good about who you are.
- Remember to love yourself more and take time just for yourself.