All men can develop fat deposits in the chest area. This condition is embarrassing and can cause frustration; in many cases, it disappears over time and is quite easy to remedy. However, there are some diseases commonly linked to hormonal imbalances, such as gynecomastia, which can cause the development of male breasts and must be treated by a specialist. In other cases, dietary changes and training can help reduce overall fat mass and burn excess fat tissue in the chest area. Talk to your doctor and change your lifestyle to correct and manage this problem.
Method 1 of 3: Tone the Chest and Upper Body

Step 1. Include cardiovascular exercises in your training program
While aerobic exercise does not tone the upper body, it does help you lose weight and burn fat. By reducing the fat mass, the toned muscles will be more visible, under the adipose tissues.
- Include at least 150 minutes of medium-intensity cardiovascular exercise each week of training. All activities that make you sweat and out of breath fall into this category.
- To lose weight faster, increase the duration of your workouts to 200-300 minutes per week.
- Try the following exercises: running, sports, swimming, or training with the elliptical.

Step 2. Do push-ups
This common exercise specifically trains and isolates the chest muscles. To do it:
- Lower yourself into the plank position. Keep your hands on the ground, slightly more than your shoulders.
- Keeping your body in a straight line, slowly lower yourself by bending your elbows outward, away from your chest. Come down until your chest is a few inches off the ground, then slowly return to the starting position.
- Increase the intensity of the exercise by turning normal pushups into plyometric workouts. After reaching the lowest point of the movement, instead of slowly returning to the previous position, push your body upwards with all your force. Try to clap with your hands in front of your chest in mid-air.

Step 3. Use dumbbells on the bench
This exercise uses the weight of two dumbbells to work the chest muscles. To do it:
- Take two dumbbells. Lie on a bench with your legs bent and feet flat on the ground.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Raise both arms towards the ceiling, with the palms facing outwards.
- Slowly bring the dumbbells back towards your body. You should bend your elbows 90 degrees and bring your upper arms parallel to the ground. Push the weights towards the ceiling and repeat.

Step 4. Test fly with dumbbells
This exercise, similar to the bench press, works the pectorals and the inside of the arms. It starts like this:
- Take two dumbbells. Lie on your back on a bench. Bend your legs and keep your feet flat on the ground.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms to the side, parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows only slightly.
- Join your hands in front of your body, palms facing inward. Don't fold your arms.
- Slowly bring your arms back parallel to the floor.

Step 5. Also include full body exercises
While toning your arms and chest can be helpful, it is equally important to perform exercises that engage your legs, back, and abs. Aim to develop a workout routine that engages the whole body, including cardio exercises as well.
Prepare a fitness program that includes at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity five days a week and that includes a biweekly training plan that engages the most important muscle groups
Method 2 of 3: Change Your Diet to Reduce Excess Fat

Step 1. Cut down on calories
To lose weight and especially to burn fat, you need to eat less. This calorie deficit is necessary to lose weight and reduce excess fat in the chest area.
- By cutting around 500-750 calories per day, you can be able to lose 500g to 1kg per week. This slow and gradual rate of weight loss is considered the safest and easiest to maintain over the long term.
- Make a rough estimate of the calories you ingest on a typical day. You can use an online program or a smartphone app to get more accurate results.
- Subtract the calories you want to cut from your current diet average to get an estimate of your new daily calorie limit.
- If you cut your calories further by continuing to exercise or weight lifting, you may be fatigued, weak and unable to recover.

Step 2. Avoid carbohydrates
If you want to lose weight quickly and burn excess fat in your chest, experts recommend following a low-carb diet. Studies have shown that this particular type of diet is the most effective for weight loss.
- You can find carbohydrates in many foods (you will not be able to completely eliminate them from your diet). Here are some examples of foods that contain them: grains, dairy products, fruits, starchy vegetables, and legumes.
- Depending on the level of rigor you want to impose on your diet, you can limit or avoid some of these foods altogether. Remember, though, that it is not advisable to completely eliminate carbohydrate sources, as your diet will become very limited and could lead to the development of nutritional deficiencies.
- You can start by avoiding grains and some vegetables that contain starch. These are the foods with the highest carbohydrate content; moreover, the nutrients they contain can also be taken from other food groups.
- Dairy products contain carbohydrates, but are an excellent source of protein and can promote weight loss.
- Fruit is another carbohydrate-rich food group, but it also contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. It is unwise to eliminate it entirely from your diet, but don't overdo the portions.

Step 3. Get your fill of protein
They are an essential component of your diet. In addition to helping you lose weight, they promote the elimination of excess fat and support muscle building.
- Protein is very satiating. Include a portion with each meal or snack to help you feel less hungry throughout the day.
- One serving of protein equals approximately 90-120g. Usually, this is about the size of a palm or checkbook.
- Most men can get enough protein by eating a portion with each meal.
- Prefer lean sources of protein so as not to ingest too many calories. Try poultry, eggs, lean beef, fish, low-fat dairy, tofu, and pork.

Step 4. Binge on vegetables
This is a very important food group. Vegetables are low in calories, but high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- Most men need multiple servings of vegetables per day. Try to include 4-5 in your daily diet.
- One serving of greens equals about two cups of leafy greens (like salad) and one cup of higher-density produce (like broccoli or tomatoes).
- You will likely need to eat 1-2 servings of vegetables per meal to meet your daily nutritional goals.

Step 5. Avoid junk foods and sweets
You should severely limit your intake of these foods (such as chips, cookies, and fast-food sandwiches). Usually, they contain excess fat and calories and lead to weight gain.
- Avoid fast-food and fried foods. Try to prepare more meals at home, or choose the lower calorie items on the menu if you have to eat in a restaurant.
- Limit foods that are high in sugar, such as sodas, cookies, candy, and pastries. Instead, eat some fruit or a very small portion of something sweet if you can't resist.
- Watch out for salty snacks, such as potato chips, crackers, and pretzels. If you eat too many, you will end up consuming a lot of calories and a lot of carbohydrates. Quench your craving for salty with hummus and raw vegetables, or with an apple and peanut butter.
- Consume your favorite foods or sweets in moderation. It is not necessary to completely eliminate them from your diet, but you should limit your consumption if you want to lose weight.

Step 6. Drink lots of water every day
This will help you lose weight and train better.
- Most experts recommend drinking at least 8-13 glasses of water a day. If you are on an exercise program that is intense or that makes you sweat a lot, you may have an increased need for fluids.
- Drinking enough water doesn't just keep your body hydrated, it also helps distinguish between feeling hungry and thirsty. By being well hydrated you feel fuller and can fight hunger better.
Method 3 of 3: Take other Remedies

Step 1. See your doctor
Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your physical problem. In some cases, the presence of the male breast is a sign of hormonal imbalance to be treated with drugs.
- Your doctor will help you rule out gynecomastia as the cause of your problem. This pathology is the swelling of the tissues of the chest caused by hormonal imbalances. With proper treatments it is possible to cure it.
- Discuss possible treatment options with your doctor. Often, changing your drug therapy is enough to correct this physical problem. In some cases, however, if your health problem is severe, you will be required to continue taking the drug that causes this side effect.

Step 2. Purchase tank tops and compression shirts
These are shirts designed for this specific condition, which stay very tight in the chest area and help hide excess fat.
- Tight compression shirts help hide excess fat from gynecomastia by squeezing it against the body.
- These shirts are very useful remedies if you have to attend formal events or if you have to go to work. Nobody will notice that you wear them and they manage to hide your imperfection very effectively.

Step 3. Consider seeing a plastic surgeon
If you've tried to lose weight and still don't notice a difference, you may want to seek a consultation with a specialist.
- In some cases, weight loss and medical treatments fail to solve the problem of fatty tissues in the chest area. A surgeon can perform a few different surgeries to get rid of excess fat.
- Liposuction: This procedure does not remove the mammary gland, but it removes excess fat from the chest area. If, however, you gain weight, the fat could return to that area.
- Mastectomy: this surgery involves the removal of the mammary gland and breast tissues. If performed laparoscopically, recovery usually occurs in a very short time.
- Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise program.
- Always tell your doctor about all the treatments you are undergoing. Always take your prescribed medications at the recommended dosages, and don't stop taking them unless you are advised to do so.