This article is aimed at those people who have valid authorization from their government to grow cannabis for medical use. If you are one of them, read on.
Method 1 of 4: The Basics

Step 1. You must know the law
In the United States, 18 countries and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. If you want to start this business in the wrong place or don't have a prescription, you are breaking the law.
Check at the police office where you live. Even though legalization seems the trend for the future, many areas still haven't updated

Step 2. Know the differences between the various strains
Marijuana can be divided into Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. The first gives a feeling of euphoria and contentment, the second instead leaves the classic feeling of being fixed.
Indica is usually smaller and more compact, Sativa is longer and thinner. Thanks to technology, there is also a hybrid variety if you want to make combinations

Step 3. Get some seeds
Surprisingly it's not that difficult. There are plenty of "reputable" companies that can provide them quickly and discreetly.
- Herbies - located in Great Britain, has more than 2,500 varieties of seeds. It delivers worldwide and has excellent customer service.
- Sensi Seeds - one of the oldest and most respected seed companies; is located in Amsterdam. The kids have spent millions of dollars to produce top quality seeds. It doesn't always deliver at home but you can buy its seeds from companies that market them, such as Herbies Sensi Seeds.
- Bonza Seeds - worldwide delivery, free and discreet, fully tracked shipping with no need for signature upon receipt of goods. Guaranteed delivery. Great Bonza!
- Gorilla Cannabis Seeds - These guys live in Great Britain and offer great strains like Super Cheese Feminized and Green House Seeds Jack Herer Feminized with a high THC level (20.94%). The contacts are excellent, they have a telephone line to answer and the price is never a surprise.

Step 4. Choose a location and / or method
Each technique and place of cultivation has both advantages and disadvantages. You can do it indoors or outdoors or with a hydroponic method. The choice is yours.
- Growing weed indoors has many advantages when compared to the risks of growing outdoors, where thieves (and the police, if you live where it is not legal) can pose a danger. Growing marijuana indoors allows you to control the environmental conditions to grow a beautiful healthy seedling.
- Growing plants outdoors, away from home, will spare you the curiosity of your neighbors and being caught red-handed, but will not allow you to control the cultivation: weather conditions, diseases, thieves and plant growth. However, this option allows you to not have to use a "greenhouse" and saves you a lot of money in the beginning.
- Hydroponic is the term for a cultivation without soil. Believe it or not, it's not essential. Even though the soil is a source of nutrients, there are alternative techniques.
Method 2 of 4: Growing With Soil

Step 1. In early June, buy some fertilized soil
While it is often not organic, it is still the easy way out, considering that organic can also have problems of some kind. The soil must have:
- Sufficient nutrients. Take the bag and read the label that says "N-P-K = x% -y% -z%". These acronyms indicate the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels of the soil.
- A pH between 5, 9 and 6, 5. You can change it of course. Even the organic fertilizers you buy at the store are too low in pH.

Step 2. Fill a plastic cup with enough soil, just below the rim
Wet the soil and plant the seed about 1 cm deep. Do this for each seed you want to plant. Put the glasses in a warm (21 ° C) and sunny place.
Water the plant and keep it warm. When the seedling sprouts, keep the soil moist and let it grow until it has strong roots. The roots must fill the entire glass and must keep their shape when you remove the plant from the glass

Step 3. Fill a 20 liter bucket (with a hole in the bottom) with soil
Gently remove the plants by overturning the glasses and shaking them a little. Bury the roots by making a small hole in the ground in the center of the bucket and cover the stem with soil up to about 2cm from the first leaves.

Step 4. Wet the plant until the soil is completely saturated
Then water only when the earth becomes dry to the touch. After a month, add nitrogen fertilizer (follow the fertilizer instructions as if you were growing vegetables). Keep the plant in a sunny area at least 8 hours a day and use natural pesticides if needed.
Hopefully you have more than one suit because this is the riskiest part. If your plant starts producing buds that then break apart and release pollen, you have a male plant that has less medicinal qualities and is mostly used for cooking. When you know you have a male plant, immediately separate it from the others (presumably female) and harvest it for use in cooking (simmering the dried plant along with butter is the most effective way)

Step 5. Check the seedlings
When the male plants are in bloom (usually in August) it is time to fertilize to encourage budding. Use a fertilizer rich in potassium and stop using nitrogen. Potassium accelerates and increases bud formation.

Step 6. Be patient
When small clusters of "white fluff" appear you know you have a useful female plant. Wait until the buds are fully ripe, usually until mid-October. The buds have an orange or reddish-purple fuzz and are covered with resin that contains fine trichromes. Use a magnifying glass and when these turn amber it's time to harvest.

Step 7. Cut the plant at the base and place it in a dry, warm and well-ventilated place
A stable or garage is fine. In any case, avoid humid places; mold grows fast and can destroy buds. Hang the plants upside down with newspaper underneath to catch anything that falls.
Cut off all the buds. When they have become "wrinkled" on the outside, put them in a large plastic bag. In the following days, remove them from the plastic and put them in a paper bag for about another week

Step 8. Make sure the buds are completely dry
Then store them in airtight jars and in a dark, cool place.
This article does not in any way justify the sale, cultivation or any illegal use of marijuana with the exception of medical use by persons with a medical prescription and state authorization. The article is for information only
Method 3 of 4: Hydroponic Method

Step 1. Pay attention to the light
When grown outdoors, the seedlings have all the sun and light they need. But when growing indoors, you need to recreate the outdoor conditions. When young, plants need blue light; then as they grow you have to provide yellow, amber and red light. You have several options to choose from for your lighting system:
- High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps such as High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) lamps '.' These lamps produce a lot of heat and are quite powerful, but they consume more energy than others.
- Fluorescent lamps. They are great for young plants and don't consume a lot of electricity. However, once your plants have grown, they will need more light.
- Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs). They are easy to find and do not consume much electricity, so you need to stock up. You can use them as a support for various types of lighting.
LED lamps. LEDs consume less energy and produce less heat than other lamps. But remember that there are brands that are better than others in quality, reliability and durability.
LED technology is becoming more sophisticated and the new trend is growing with broad spectrum LED lighting. LEDs almost entirely cover the light needs of plants and use up to 82% less electricity than those with a lower spectrum. They usually don't give off heat and last for around 60,000 hours

Step 2. Set up your hydroponic system
There are many techniques to choose from and many tools just waiting to be bought. Do your research before deciding.
- Wick System: This technique uses a single pump to keep the solution aerated and absolutely nothing to move it. It is an extremely easy technique for beginners to both maintain and use. Plants get the amount of nutrient solution they need through the wick (a thin string of acrylic can do).
- Ebb and flow system: this technique uses a timed pump and a tank to give the plants their nourishment about 4 times a day (at least at the beginning). You just have to put the plants in pots to place on a tray that contains at least 15 cm of nutrient solution.
- Feeding system from above: it is the most complex and mechanical. Each plant is nourished at its base and any excess is discharged into a tank. If you choose this technique, you should start with a 15-minute feeding 3-4 times a day.

Step 3. Use the right hydroponic nutrients
As mentioned before, when you buy fertilizer and / or nutrient solutions, check the nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus levels on the label. Usually the combinations are 15% nitrogen, 15% phosphorus and 15% potassium or 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 5% potassium.
If you have to buy hydroponic nutrients, take them in powder so that it can be mixed with water. It is much cheaper than other blends

Step 4. Sprout your seeds
The standard procedure involves the use of a rock wool cube in which to insert the seed and then cover it with the nutrient solution. Make sure that 70% of the cube is immersed in the solution without the level ever reaching the seed.
You can also use vermiculite, perlite, or clay pellets (added to potting soil). Beginners prefer to buy a ready-made growing medium of the brand of their choice. When you are better you can save money by creating your own growth medium with sphagnum, peat or coconut.
That said, the main advantages of a land cultivation are the natural ability to maintain a constant pH and independence from mechanical or electrical failures
- When the seeds have sprouted and the roots are about half an inch long, place the seeds root-down on your growing medium in the hydroponic pots.

Step 5. Check the early stages
The very first phase is called "vegetative". You need to use LED, MH or HPS lighting with the lamps about 50cm above the plants (less for LEDs) and then reduce this distance 2cm per day until the position looks correct. If the lamps are too close, the light dries up and burns the plants, but if you place them too far away the plants grow taller and stretch to reach the light source.
- Start with a high position and lower by 2 cm per day until you find the right distance to give the plants all the light they need.
- During the early stages, keep the light on 18-24 hours a day. The more light they get, the faster the plants will grow (but your bill will be higher).

Step 6. Check for flowering
This happens when THC, CBN, and CBD are produced by the plant, i.e. the active ingredients that stimulate the typical reactions of cannabis. They are produced only by the female plant and the process is quite evident; growth has slowed down as plants have to devote more energy to forming buds.
- When the plant reaches 15 cm in height and has 4 rows of leaves, it is clear that the flowering process is starting. Many hydroponic growing plants take 2-4 weeks, so be patient. When you believe they are ready to make flowers, reduce the light to 12 hours a day.
- If your plant has reached 6 inches and is not blooming, it may take another month. Then it stops growing and converts all its energies into flowering. The process could take about 10 days.

Step 7. It is advisable to limit the height of the plant
Although your first thought should be to feed the plant, now is not the time. The easiest way to do this is to adjust the height of the light. You can also try to prune the plants, but this method requires a lot of skills and experience that we are not going to list here.

Step 8. Be patient
If you have chosen the hydroponic technique you need 3-4 months to see the flowering. However, there are two methods of accelerating growth, although they are complicated and should be left to the professionals. But if you are curious:
- Mare di Verde, or SOG, is a method used to force the flowering of plants when they are small and young. By starting the marijuana flowering just two weeks after the vegetative stage, you can start the harvest several weeks earlier than normal growth.
- Green Screen, or SCROG, is one of the most productive systems for growing. Cannabis is grown through a grid placed horizontally above the plants, passing the apical portions between the cracks in order to force the formation of buds from branches that usually would not produce them.

Step 9. Dark
You want to simulate the conditions of the forest. During flowering, everything must be as dark as possible. This means: no light in the room, no sun and no other source of light other than that programmed for 12 hours a day. The only vaguely acceptable light is that of the moon.
- Light delays flowering. Plants could become stunted and enter the vegetative stage without ever blooming.
- When you begin to see white fuzz near the buds, the plant begins to bloom. It should happen within a couple of weeks. When the plants reach this stage, remove male plants. Unless you have all female plants. Once alone, the pistils turn into red or white fuzz which will turn into beautiful buds.

Step 10. Wet the plants with clean water without nutrient solutions
Do this once during the flowering phase, then again after 6 weeks and then just before harvest. This will allow you to remove any fertilizer residue between plants or on the growth support, ensuring a cleaner smoke.

Step 11. Harvest
It is absolutely important to be patient. No one can tell you the exact time to harvest, it can vary according to the plant and variety. This is usually done after 2-3 months. With a little patience and experience you will understand.
When the flowers grow, they form cones in the apical part. You will also notice oval bulges and small crystals visible around the flower. The flower becomes sticky to the touch and the scent pungent. As the flower swells, the white pistils darken and turn a reddish brown. Most growers harvest marijuana when THC production is at its peak. A rough guideline is to wait until 60% of the white pistils did not darken.
At this stage you will notice that the larger leaves turn yellow and wither. It is no cause for alarm and it is perfectly natural. Remove these leaves to give the rest of the plant more light

Step 12. Dry the marijuana
Leave the buds alone when you are ready to dry the weed. Hang it upside down in a cool, dark place. Operate a fan to ensure a good air flow necessary for drying. However, be aware that the buds dried too quickly retain a bad "vegetable" taste (due to the retention of chlorophyll).
Leave the plants to dry for about 4-7 days. Squeeze the buds between your thumb and forefinger: are they dry? When they are, you should store them in an airtight container or bag. For a few days let them breathe for 15 minutes, twice a day. This allows you to preserve the buds, ensure complete evaporation of the water and improve the quality of the smoke (they become soft and with a sweet taste, burning evenly)
Method 4 of 4: Away from Home

Step 1. Find the right place
The choice of location is crucial for a bountiful harvest. The last thing you want is for your plantation to be identified by others, and the second last thing to be found by animals. Go for trails and find the right place, which is not too obvious though. Here's what you need to consider:
- A good source of usable water is mandatory. A location near the river or stream is a good idea, but remember that there is a risk of flooding in autumn and spring. Look for signs of the presence of water, on the rocks and near the trees.
- Avoid areas with pine trees, where the soil is probably too acidic; preferably choose a grassy knoll. Examine what naturally grows in the area. If there is a lot of grass, weeds and nettles, the soil is likely to be favorable and there is enough water. Wooded areas are also worth checking out, but consider how much sunlight can filter through the trees. When evaluating a place, think about how it can change over the next few months. Will the sun be higher and hotter in the summer and will it burn the plants before harvest?
- Find a place where the sun shines at least 5 hours a day. Will it do it in the morning, during the day or in the evening? What path will it follow over the seasons?

Step 2. Prepare the site
It is easier to start with a limited number of plants. Each should stand alone in a diameter of 10 meters. It seems like a lot but they are only 5 meters from each other. Remember that they can grow up to five feet tall!
Eliminate any weeds near your crop and dig holes of the appropriate size; they should be 60cm deep and 60cm wide. It is advisable to replace the original soil with "clean" soil purchased from a garden store which should also contain fertilizer and compost. The original soil may contain too many pests and may still be of poor quality. It is a good idea to spread a light layer of mulch on the surface of the crop to maintain the underlying moisture

Step 3. Plant the seeds
You should do it around April or May, after the last colds. Obviously the best period depends on where you live, these suggestions are valid for the northern hemisphere.
- For the southern hemisphere (where spring begins on September 1st), consider the best time after this date. Marijuana does not tolerate cold and it is best to be safe before planting.
- Place the seeds approximately 1.25 cm deep under the potting soil you have prepared. Make sure they are well watered and cannot dry out on sunny days. After about 48 hours you should see the first signs of seed breakage and the first shoots.

Step 4. Make sure there is a constant supply of water
The best solution is to have a stream, river or lake nearby and a small solar-powered pump running all the time. This is the "best," not "easiest" option. Wet the plants early in the morning and late in the afternoon.
- Another solution would be to devise your own system with a "wick" as explained above. Make a hole about the size of half a pea in the bottom of a 20- or 40-liter bucket (even larger) or in a large plastic bin. Place the bucket near the plants and use some fabric to make a rope that leads the water (or the nutrient solution) to the ground near the plant.
- You have to calibrate the right amount of water. Too much would rot them (you know from the yellow leaves), and if it is too little they would not grow. In the end, you should use 80-160 liters of water every season. It depends on the soil you used, the strain and how much sun your plants get.

Step 5. Put some fertilizer
Once established, the seedlings will enter a strong and vigorous vegetative phase. From fragile shoots they become mature and robust plants. It is a good idea to feed them nitrogen-rich fertilizers during this stage.
Unlike indoor cultivation, you do not have control over the duration of vegetative growth and during the summer the plants become large. But in the end, there is no marijuana in your house

Step 6. Approximately 3 weeks after planting, go and uproot the weeds from the growing area
If the plants are located in a remote area, the weeds soon take over by covering them. There is no need to start a fire, just clean up the area around the plant (within one meter).
- Repeat the process after 3 weeks. You will probably have to do it again after another 3, depending on the area where you sowed. Many plants, however, may be hardy enough to make room for themselves and take the place of weeds.
- If any adverse weather phenomena occur, go check the damage. Torrential rain, strong winds, or drought can make your efforts in vain. However, do not panic! Some plants can withstand the elements.

Step 7. Check the sex of your plants
Although it may be the most difficult phase of growing marijuana, with experience it becomes easier and easier. The reason you need to determine the sex of your plants is that you have to remove the male ones before they can pollinate the females. If they do, the female plants start making seeds and spend less energy on producing THC.
- Towards the end of summer, at sunset, the changes in light trigger the flowering of the plants. The appearance of buds on the junctions of the branches is what you are looking for.
- The buds of male plants are clearly visible to the naked eye, but using a magnifying glass can help you. Male plant flowers form at branch junctions and create pockets of pollen. Remove them.

Step 8. Check for flowering
The female flowers begin to form cones on the junctions of the branches and a main one on the apex of the plant. If you look closely you see buds swelling; they are full of seeds if your plant has been pollinated by the male ones or they are full of THC if you have removed the male plants first.
When the flowers are ready for harvest, the pistils become darker and the pods swollen and sticky thanks to the resin and THC. When most of the pistils are dark, it's time to harvest

Step 9. Cut your crop
Plan a single outing (and plan it well) because, if all goes to plan, you'll come home with a smelly, sticky load in the trunk. Do it at night (you've probably already thought about it). In theory, plants are ready when the buds are dark, puffy and glistening with THC crystals.
- However, nighttime action isn't always ideal, so always take a look at the weather. If the forecast points to sudden cold or other extreme conditions, consider harvesting the plants even if they are not fully mature. Always use common sense because no guide can predict all eventualities.
- Cut the buds with a clean, sharp knife. Side leaves are discarded although some growers use them for cooking.

Step 10. Dry the marijuana
Don't ruin everything right now with impatience! The best smoke is achieved with buds that have dried slowly. Hang them separately in a dark, cool and ventilated place. Wait at least 5 days.