Many people dress in suits for special occasions. This could be a cocktail party, a wedding, a reunion, a funeral, a job interview - looking good in these cases is a top priority. By following the advice in this article, you can improve your look when you dress in a suit and tie.

Step 1. Make sure the dress fits you
Here are some important things you need to take into account when buying a dress:
- Your jacket must fit you well and allow you to move freely, whether buttoned or unbuttoned.
- You need to be able to stick a finger between your shirt collar and your neck - but no more than one finger.
- The cuffs do not have to come up when you stretch your arms. If you have buttoned cuffs, they will need to be exactly at wrist height; if it is a shirt with French cuffs, these must be more or less 1 cm beyond.
- Your shirt should button up smoothly and reach just below the waistband of your pants.

Step 2. Dress appropriately for your body
If you are a short person, use single-breasted jackets. Double-breasted jackets could give the impression that you are floating in your dress and make you look even smaller. If you are over medium height, choose a jacket with buttons down rather than one with a higher falsification. It will make you look slimmer.

Step 3. Wear the dress correctly
Button all the buttons on the jacket. If you're using a jacket with buttons on the cuffs, remember to button them up - and don't forget the small one on the faux!
- For 2-button jackets, only button the top one.
- For 3-button jackets, button the one in the middle and - if you want - the one at the top.
- Or don't button up any of the jacket buttons - you can do that too, if you want. Either way, you won't have to NEVER button the bottom button of your jacket, except at a funeral.

Step 4. Choose the right accessories for the occasion
With a black tuxedo, try wearing a silver-colored tie or one with a fine stripe or small zigzag pattern. White ties are super formal. The black ones are formal. Colored ties can suit many types of occasions; just make sure they don't attract too much attention. Wear a belt that fits the dress; black is almost always good, except for khaki-colored dresses, which look better with brown belts. Your belt buckle must match the other accessories you are wearing, such as your watch. If you have a watch and your sleeve is just above it, maybe the sleeve is too short. Other accessories to consider are cufflinks for the shirt and buttons. Necklaces do not go well with a jacket and tie, keep them in the drawer - you will use them with a t-shirt on another occasion.

Step 5. Choose comfortable shoes, but also elegant ones
The general idea is to match them well with the rest of the dress and not to cause pain during the day (or night). Also think that you will not look good if you are writhing in pain or if you are constantly adjusting your shoes. Your shoes should match the color of the belt.

Step 6. Have your dress ironed
It is an obvious step, especially for important occasions. This way you will ensure a clean look and you will not have a wrinkled dress.
Step 7. Perfectly settled and cared for
Do all the small activities for your personal hygiene that are not done every day. Remove earwax, trim your nails, remove any extra hair from your eyebrows and check all nose or ear hair well. Since your face is the first thing people will notice when they meet you, you need to make sure it will look its best. This does not mean that you have to remove all the hair on your face. If you have a mustache or a beard, simply make sure it is well defined and shave off the extra hair. Take a shower, brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash, put your favorite deodorant and perfume on your neck and armpits. But do not exaggerate!
- When you sit down, unbutton the buttons of the jacket so that it falls on both sides of the chair, rather than getting stuck to your body.
- Be sure of yourself. If your self-esteem is high, others will understand this and will look at you the same way you look at yourself.
- If you know you will have to walk a lot, wear comfortable shoes. Also, think about the climatic conditions - if it's summer it's best not to sweat with heavy wool. If you sweat easily, bring a second spare shirt.
- Bring a stain remover pen to get rid of any kind of speck you might get on your dress. If you have to use it, make up an excuse and go to the bathroom.
- Some people have their suit dry cleaned every time they put it on. This is the best way to "ruin" your dress. Just wash it once a year, more or less. If it smells like smoke or something, hang it outside and it will pass.
- This is unless you have to wear your dress very often. In this case, buy extra pants and dry clean the dress about every 3-4 times you change pants.