5 Ways to Get Rid of the Flu

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5 Ways to Get Rid of the Flu
5 Ways to Get Rid of the Flu

The flu is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system, typically heals in about a week and requires no special medical attention. Symptoms may include a fever of 37.7 ° C or higher, chills, cough, sore throat, sneezing or runny nose, general achiness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea. While there is no way to cure the flu, you can relieve the symptoms with home remedies, taking over-the-counter or prescription medications, and taking steps to avoid it in the future.


Method 1 of 5: Using Home Remedies

Get Rid of the Flu Step 1
Get Rid of the Flu Step 1

Step 1. Use steam

Nasal and sinus congestion is a typical symptom of the flu. If you have a stuffy nose, you can use the action of the steam to find relief. The heat generated helps loosen the mucus, while the humidity soothes the dryness of the nasal passages.

  • Take a warm shower or bath to relieve congestion faster. Set the water to the hottest temperature you can handle and let the bathroom fill with steam. If the heat makes you feel faint or dizzy, you can sit in a plastic chair or stool inside the shower.
  • When you get out of the shower, dry your hair and body thoroughly. If you leave your hair damp you can lose body heat, a phenomenon to avoid when you are sick.
  • You can also take advantage of the steam by filling the sink with hot water and putting your face on it. Cover your head with a towel to retain the heat and breathe it in, a bit as if you were going to smoke. If you wish, you can add a couple of drops of an essential oil that helps relieve sinusitis, such as tea tree, eucalyptus or mint, to the water to maximize the beneficial effects of the remedy.
Get Rid of the Flu Step 2
Get Rid of the Flu Step 2

Step 2. Use the neti pot

This tool clears the nasal passages by running a saline solution into the cavities and loosening the mucus. It is a ceramic accessory similar to a small teapot that you can buy online, in health food stores and in some pharmacies. However, you can also use a small bottle or container with a thin spout.

  • The saline solution for the neti pot is also available in health food stores or pharmacies; if you wish, you can prepare one yourself by mixing half a teaspoon of whole salt in 240 ml of sterilized water.
  • Fill the tool with this mixture and, bending your head over a sink, insert the spout into one nostril. Slowly pour the solution so that it flows all over the nostril before exiting the other. When no more water comes out, gently blow your nose and repeat the same process with the other nostril.
Get Rid of the Flu Step 3
Get Rid of the Flu Step 3

Step 3. Gargle with salt water

A dry, sore, or sore throat is another common symptom of the flu. A simple and natural way to manage this is to gargle with salt water. The water moisturizes the throat and the antiseptic properties of the salt help fight the infection.

  • Prepare the solution by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a glass of hot or boiling water. If you can't stand the flavor, add a pinch of baking soda to reduce the flavor.
  • Gargle with this mixture up to four times a day.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 4

Step 4. If you have a mild fever, let it take its course

This is an organism response to fight infection, so it is best not to intervene if it is not particularly high. Fever heats the body and blood in an attempt to kill bacteria that do not survive the high temperatures.

  • Adults who have a mild fever (below 38.3 ° C) should not take medications to lower it and should let it run its course instead.
  • See your doctor if your fever rises above 38.3 ° C.
  • Infants should always be seen by the pediatrician when they have a fever, regardless of its severity.
Get Rid of the Flu Step 5
Get Rid of the Flu Step 5

Step 5. Blow your nose as often as possible

This is the best way to expel excess mucus and clear the nasal passages when you have the flu. Avoid holding or breathing in the mucus in your nose again, as this will put pressure on your sinuses and may cause earache.

To blow your nose, hold a handkerchief over your nose with both hands. Have it cover both nostrils to collect mucus as it exits the nose, then apply gentle pressure on one nostril and blow on the other

Method 2 of 5: Taking Care of Yourself

Get Rid of the Flu Step 6
Get Rid of the Flu Step 6

Step 1. Rest as much as possible

When you are sick, the body has to work hard to heal and it empties of all energy, as a result you feel more tired than usual so you need to rest more. If you try to do more activities than you are physically capable of, you could extend the healing time and aggravate symptoms.

The ideal is to sleep 8 hours a night, but you should get even more rest when you are sick. Try to sleep and take a few naps throughout the day

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 7

Step 2. Keep warm

If you try to keep your body temperature higher, you can speed up the healing process. Remember to set your home heating high enough so that the heat is sufficient for your needs. You can also dress in warm clothing, stay under the covers, or use a portable electric heater.

Dry heat can further affect the nose and throat, because it dries the mucous membranes and therefore worsens the symptoms. You should turn on a humidifier in the room you plan to spend most of the time in to ensure sufficient air humidity

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 8

Step 3. Stay home

When you are sick you need to rest. This is the only way to regain strength and allow the body to heal. If you go to work or school while you are sick, you could spread germs and pass them on to the people around you. Also, your immune system is weaker during the flu, so you could get infected by other people, further extending your recovery time.

Ask your doctor to give you a few days off from work or to justify your absence from school

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 9

Step 4. Drink plenty of fluids

Having to blow the nose often, sweating from fever and increasing the temperature of the surrounding environment, the body probably becomes dehydrated; this leads to worsening of symptoms, such as headaches and a dry, sore throat. When you are sick you should drink a little more than usual. You can enjoy hot teas, soups, fruit or vegetables that are particularly rich in water, such as watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers and pineapple, or even drink more water and fruit juices.

  • Avoid sugary sodas, as they act as diuretics and cause increased urination resulting in further loss of fluids. Drink ginger ale if you have stomach problems, but drink more water anyway.
  • To check your hydration level, look at your urine. If it is very pale or almost transparent, it means that you are well hydrated; otherwise, if it has a dark yellow color, you are dehydrated and need to drink more.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 10

Step 5. Seek medical attention if necessary

There is no way to cure the flu once it has manifested, so you just have to try to get over it. When you have been infected with the virus, symptoms typically last 7-10 days; however, if they remain for more than two weeks, you should definitely contact your doctor. You should also call it when you have the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Sudden dizziness or confusion.
  • Severe or persistent vomiting.
  • Convulsions.
  • Flu-like symptoms that improve, but then return with fever and worse cough.

Method 3 of 5: Take Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medicines

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 11

Step 1. Take oral decongestants

These drugs help reduce the swelling of blood vessels in the nasal membranes by opening the cavities better. The two active ingredients available without a prescription are phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine; they can be taken orally and are marketed in tablet form.

  • Side effects of oral decongestants include insomnia, dizziness, increased heart rate and hypertension.
  • Do not take these medications if you have heart problems or high blood pressure. Only take them under the supervision of a doctor if you have diabetes, thyroid problems, glaucoma or prostate problems.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 12

Step 2. Take nasal spray decongestants

You can also find over-the-counter medications in spray form to clear the nose. These provide immediate and effective relief for congestion, and you can administer them with one or two quick sprays into the nostrils.

  • Among the active ingredients of these drugs are oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, xylometazoline or naphazoline.
  • Take these sprays only by strictly following the directions. If you use them for more than 3-5 days you can aggravate the feeling of a stuffy nose the moment you stop taking them.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 13

Step 3. Take pain relievers and antipyretics

If you have a fever and are experiencing muscle aches, you can take over-the-counter medications to reduce discomfort. The main drugs that fall into these categories are paracetamol, such as tachipirina, and NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen.

  • Do not take NSAIDs if you have gastric reflux or a peptic ulcer, as they can cause stomach pain. If you are on these types of medications to treat thrombosis or arthritis, talk to your doctor before taking any more.
  • Many medications that treat various symptoms contain acetaminophen. Make sure you are getting the correct amount, as too much can poison the liver.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 14

Step 4. Take cough suppressants

If you have a strong cough, these are the right medications. They are usually based on dextromethorphan or codeine, although the latter usually requires a prescription. Dextromethorphan is available in tablet or syrup form and can be taken in combination with an expectorant.

  • Side effects of cough suppressants include sleepiness and constipation.
  • The dosage varies greatly depending on the product purchased or the concentration of the active ingredient, so you must always follow the doctor's instructions and those reported on the leaflet.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 15

Step 5. Get some expectorants

Chest congestion is a very common symptom of the flu, and you can take one of these medications to relieve it. Their function is to dissolve and reduce the mucus present in the bronchi. With less phlegm in the airways, you can breathe better and make coughing more productive. Many over-the-counter cold and cough medicines already contain an active ingredient with an expectorant action and are available in liquid, gel or even tablet form.

If you don't know what type of medication to take, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Also inquire about side effects, which can be sleepiness, vomiting and nausea

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 16

Step 6. Consider taking an over-the-counter broad-spectrum drug

You can find different medicines that contain many different active ingredients. These are great if you have multiple symptoms at the same time. Most of them contain antipyretics and pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, a decongestant, a cough suppressant, and sometimes even an antihistamine, all of which help you sleep.

If you take this type of drug, be sure not to take others that can double the dosage of the active ingredient, because you could overdose

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 17

Step 7. Ask your doctor to prescribe antivirals

If you visit within 48 hours of having symptoms, your doctor may prescribe this type of medication. They may also consider giving them to other family members as a form of prevention, especially if they are at risk, such as the chronically ill or the elderly over 65. Antiviral drugs help contain the severity and duration of the disease within a couple of days, keep outbreaks under control that can infect other roommates or family members, and are generally able to reduce possible complications. Among these drugs are:

  • Oseltamivir (Tamiflu).
  • Zanamivir (Relenza).
  • Amantadina (Mantadan).
  • Rimantadina.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 18

Step 8. Learn about the side effects of antivirals

In order for them to be effective, they must be started within 48 hours of the first symptoms of the disease and must be taken for 5 days. However, several flu viruses have become resistant to various antiviral drugs and by following this therapy you can contribute to this phenomenon. Although rare, the side effects of antivirals include:

  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Sneezing or runny nose.
  • Headache.
  • Cough.

Method 4 of 5: Take the Flu Vaccine

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 19

Step 1. Get vaccinated

Prevention is the best cure for any disease. Anyone older than 6 months can get the flu shot. This is even more important for those who risk complications from the flu; these include the elderly over 65, pregnant women or those suffering from chronic health problems, such as asthma or diabetes. The period in which the flu hits the most is from October to May, with a peak between December and February. During this period you can find the vaccine in almost any pharmacy; some categories of people are exempt from the cost, which in any case is reduced.

  • Get the vaccine a few weeks before flu season begins. The active ingredient contained in it takes a couple of weeks to be fully effective, helping to develop antibodies to fight malaise. So if it is injected promptly it can help you avoid getting the flu during the two weeks you are likely to get sick.
  • The vaccine is only effective for one season, so it must be given annually; it also only protects you from certain strains of viruses.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 20

Step 2. Try a nasal spray vaccine

The preparation is also available in spray format, as well as in injectable solution, and in this way it is easier to administer to some people, while for other categories of subjects it must be prohibited. You cannot take the spray vaccine if:

  • You are under 2 or over 49.
  • You suffer from heart problems.
  • You have lung disease or asthma.
  • You have diabetes or kidney disease.
  • You have had previous problems affecting the immune system.
  • You're pregnant.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 21

Step 3. Know the possible complications

Keep in mind that getting vaccinated (in either form) some complications can arise. Before getting vaccinated, talk to your doctor if:

  • You have already had allergic reactions to vaccines or egg in the past. There are different vaccines for those with this kind of problem.
  • You have severe or moderate illness with fever. In this case you have to wait until you recover before getting vaccinated.
  • You suffer from a rare neurological disorder, Guillain-Barré syndrome, which triggers an immune reaction in your own central nervous system.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 22

Step 4. Be aware of the potential side effects of the vaccine

Despite the benefits of this remedy, there are actually negative effects that need to be taken into consideration, including:

  • Soreness and swelling in the injection area.
  • Headache.
  • Fever.
  • Nausea.
  • Slight flu-like symptoms.

Method 5 of 5: Preventing the Flu

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 23

Step 1. Stay away from sick people

To prevent the flu, you must avoid coming into close contact with someone who has contracted the virus. Close contact means getting too close to the patient's mouth and kissing or hugging him. You also need to avoid being around infected people who sneeze or cough near you, as any type of body fluid can contain the flu virus.

Also do not touch surfaces already touched by sick people, because they can be contaminated by germs

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 24

Step 2. Wash your hands often

Careful hand hygiene is the best way to avoid getting any kind of infection. When you are in a public setting or near sick people, you should wash your hands often. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have established that to clean your hands thoroughly you must do the following:

  • Wet your hands with clean running water, which can be either hot or cold. Then turn off the tap and apply the soap.
  • Make the soap lather by rubbing your hands well together. Do not forget the back and the area between the fingers, as well as under the nails.
  • Rub them for at least 20 seconds, the time it usually takes to sing the song "Happy Birthday" twice.
  • When finished, turn on the tap again and rinse your hands thoroughly using warm water to remove the soap.
  • Get a clean towel to dry them well. You can optionally also use an electric towel.
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Get Rid of the Flu Step 25

Step 3. Eat healthily

A healthy lifestyle keeps the immune system strong and helps fight infections. You should also eat a nutritious diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Also reduce your intake of fats, especially saturated ones, and the amount of sugars.

Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system. Although there is conflicting evidence about its effectiveness against flu symptoms, a healthy, vitamin-rich diet is certainly not harmful. Eat more citrus fruits, such as oranges or grapefruits, as well as cantaloupe, mango, papaya, watermelon, broccoli, green and red peppers, and leafy greens

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 26

Step 4. Try not to stress yourself out

Practice yoga, tai chi, or meditation every day to relax. If you are feeling stressed, it is important for your health to take time for yourself every day, even if only for 10 minutes. This gives your immune system that extra boost it needs.

Stress also causes hormonal imbalance and can reduce the body's ability to fight infections

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Get Rid of the Flu Step 27

Step 5. Exercise almost every day of the week

Studies have found that exercise can reduce the risk of getting the flu and makes the vaccine more effective. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or exercises that increase your heart rate during most of the week. In this way the body can give its best and can fight different types of infections.

Scientists are unable to establish exactly how and why this happens, but they are working on a couple of hypotheses about the ability of physical activity to fight different bacterial or viral infections. Exercise is believed to allow bacteria to be expelled from the lungs, urine and also through sweat. It is also thought that training is able to "put into action" antibodies and white blood cells more quickly, first identifying any diseases; moreover, the increase in body temperature allows to avoid bacterial proliferation


  • There is no firm evidence that some foods, supplements, or herbal remedies are effective for treating the flu. Zinc, probiotics, and vitamin C have been found to reduce cold severity, but there isn't much research regarding the flu virus.
  • Stay healthy! Sometimes the disease is caused by a vitamin deficiency.
