How to Stop Coughing Without Using Syrup

How to Stop Coughing Without Using Syrup
How to Stop Coughing Without Using Syrup

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Do you have a cough that just doesn't want to go away? Most people spend astronomical sums buying cough syrups, and let's face it, they don't usually taste good. And who knows if in ten years we will discover that cough syrups are not exactly the ideal choice. Here are some natural and / or effective ways to prevent coughing from taking over.


Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 1
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 1

Step 1. Stop coughing

It's easier said than done, but if you think about it, it makes sense. The more you cough, the more your poor throat becomes inflamed. Inflammation is the main cause of coughing (unless you have stagnant mucus in your lungs). You will often notice that once all the mucus is cleared (yuck!) You will continue to cough. At this point, the cough is completely useless. So when you feel that a cough is coming, try to think, "Is this cough really necessary?" You should be able to understand this and most of the time you will decide that it is not necessary. Just stop coughing. Drink water, think of something else, or tell yourself not to cough. You will be surprised how quickly the cough will decrease in intensity.

Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 2
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 2

Step 2. Cough lozenges

Cough candies are a great way to keep your throat hydrated and further help stop coughing. As mentioned earlier, the less you cough, the faster your throat will heal. However, be careful how many tablets you can take (it is written on the package insert or on the box). Many pharmaceutical companies will advise you to take only a few candies a day. There will probably be a good reason.

Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 3
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 3

Step 3. Water

Again, keep your throat and body hydrated. It will help your throat feel a little better and help your body get rid of the cause of the cough. However, make sure the water isn't cold. The best solution is to drink water at room temperature.

Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 4
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 4

Step 4. Medicines used to treat allergy

Sometimes we don't realize it, but a cough can simply be caused by allergies. If you are not aware of the different seasonal allergies, just ask one of your allergic friends if it is a good time for allergy development: it is very likely that it is. One cause could be post nasal dripping syndrome, when the mucus runs from the nose to the throat and then ends up in the lungs (hence the cough); thus becomes a problem to be resolved with the doctor. In this case, a nasal spray is a great choice. Make sure you check with your doctor right from the start considering that many over-the-counter nasal sprays can't be taken for too long without having side effects.

Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 5
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 5

Step 5. Avoid cold foods

They are tempting, but the ice cream will only make you cough more, and the more you cough, the more persistent the cough will be.

Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 6
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 6

Step 6. Stop smoking

If there is anything that makes a cough worse, it is smoking or being around a smoker.

Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 7
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 7

Step 7. Tea with honey

To relieve sore throat, try drinking hot tea with honey. Hot tea soothes the throat, while honey provides a protective film. There are teas that have fluidifying properties. Keep in mind that doing the fumigations will still help you solve the problem.

Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 8
Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup Step 8

Step 8. Sleep, eat, rest

Take care of yourself. This allows your body to get rid of the cough. Get vitamin C and eat healthy foods. The more you take care of yourself, the faster you will be on the road to recovery.
