3 Ways to Cook Frozen Pizza

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3 Ways to Cook Frozen Pizza
3 Ways to Cook Frozen Pizza

Frozen pizza is tasty, cheap and quick to prepare when you are short on time. Read the instructions on the box and turn on the oven at the indicated temperature. When the oven is hot, slide the pizza onto a baking sheet, refractory stone or directly onto the grill if you want the crust to be ultra-crisp. If the size allows, you can microwave it to save time. Respect the cooking time indicated on the package and let it cool slightly before biting into a slice.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare the Pizza

Cook Frozen Pizza Step 1
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 1

Step 1. Let the pizza thaw for 1-2 hours

Before cooking, take it out of the freezer and let it thaw on the kitchen counter at room temperature. If you put it in the oven still frozen, the outer layer of frost will melt, turn to steam and moisten the crust, cheese and other ingredients, which will then be soft and chewy.

  • Make sure the pizza is completely thawed before putting it in the oven.
  • The easiest way to make sure your pizza is completely thawed is to leave it straight out of the freezer when you get home from the supermarket (unless you intend to eat it right away).
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 2
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 2

Step 2. Take the thawed pizza out of the box

Tear off the strip of paper that seals the package. Slide your hand under the pizza and take it out of the box, making sure the topped side is facing up. Remove the plastic wrap and throw it away along with the cardboard base.

  • You may need to use scissors to open the plastic wrap.
  • Make sure the box is facing the right way before opening it, otherwise the ingredients on the pizza could move or fall.
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 3
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 3

Step 3. Brush the edge of the pizza with oil to make it tastier and crispier

Dip a kitchen brush in extra virgin olive oil and pass it along the edges of the pizza. When you heat it in the oven (traditional or microwave), the oil will be absorbed and will make the crust tastier and crispier.

As you brush the crust, the oil will also spread along the edge of the cheese, which will then brown slightly making it even more delicious


if you want you can sprinkle the pizza with garlic powder, grated Parmesan cheese or with other ingredients and spices to taste.

Method 2 of 3: Bake the Pizza in the Oven

Cook Frozen Pizza Step 4
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 4

Step 1. Preheat the oven to the temperature indicated on the package

The instructions on the box generally recommend cooking the pizza at a temperature between 190 and 220 ° C. To make sure it cooks evenly, set the oven to "ventilated" mode. While it heats up, you can continue making the pizza.

  • Another option is to set the oven to the maximum available temperature to simulate the intense heat of the wood oven. If you decide to use this method, be careful as the pizza could burn easily.
  • Do not use the grill to cook pizza to avoid the heat coming only from above. Otherwise, when the top of the pizza is cooked, the base will still not be sufficiently crunchy.
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 5
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 5

Step 2. Place the pizza on a sheet of non-stick paper

Place it exactly in the center of the sheet and reposition the cheese and other ingredients if they are not evenly distributed.

If you want to bake the pizza on the refractory stone, let it heat up together with the oven. The refractory stone absorbs excess moisture and also helps keep the crust crumbly and light


cook the pizza directly on the grill of the oven. Place it in the center of the grill so that the air can circulate freely above and below the pizza, making the crust ultra-crisp.

Cook Frozen Pizza Step 6
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 6

Step 3. Bake the pizza on the center shelf

By placing the pizza in the center of the oven you will keep it at the right distance from the upper and lower coil. Close the oven door immediately to avoid dissipating the accumulated heat.

  • If you prefer to use a baking sheet, place it horizontally to easily remove it from the oven when the pizza is ready.
  • If you have decided to cook the pizza directly on the grill, place it carefully so as not to risk burning yourself.
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 7
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 7

Step 4. Let the pizza cook for the recommended time

It generally takes about 15-25 minutes to cook a frozen pizza perfectly, depending on the size and amount of cheese and other ingredients. Start the kitchen timer so you don't risk forgetting it in the oven.

  • You will know that the pizza is cooked when the mozzarella is lightly browned and dotted with small bubbles.
  • If you have set the oven to the maximum temperature, the pizza may be cooked after only 5-8 minutes.
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 8
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 8

Step 5. Remove the pizza with the help of oven mitts

When the cooking time is up, put on oven gloves, open the door, hold the pan by the edges and carefully remove it from the oven. Place the pan on a flat, heat-resistant surface.

If you are baking the pizza directly on the oven rack, use a metal spatula, a pastry spatula, or similar utensil to slide it onto a cold pan. Alternatively, take the shelf out of the oven and place it on the stove

Cook Frozen Pizza Step 9
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 9

Step 6. Let the pizza cool for 3-5 minutes before cutting it

While it "rests" it will reach the most appropriate temperature to eat it. In addition to avoiding burns, you will allow the cheese to firm up a little, so you will have less trouble cutting and serving the pizza.

  • While you wait, avoid touching the pizza or the pan it rests on as they will be extremely hot.
  • If you try to cut the pizza without letting it cool first, chances are you will end up subtracting the mozzarella and other ingredients from the adjacent slices.
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 10
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 10

Step 7. Cut the pizza into slices with the pizza cutter wheel

Divide it in half by sliding the pizza cutter wheel blade back and forth only a few inches at a time. Rotate the pizza 90 degrees and cut it in half again, to divide it into four wedges. Keep turning and cutting until you get the correct number of slices.

  • If the pizza is a standard size, you should be able to cut it into 6 or 8 slices.
  • If you don't have a pizza cutter wheel, you can use a sharp kitchen knife. Press the palm of your hand on the top edge of the blade to cut the crust cleanly.

Method 3 of 3: Cook the Frozen Pizza in the Microwave

Cook Frozen Pizza Step 11
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 11

Step 1. Place the pizza on a microwave-safe plate

Make sure it is large enough to accommodate the pizza and fits comfortably in the microwave. Place the pizza in the center of the plate, open the microwave door and get ready to cook it.

Never put aluminum foil in the microwave and do not use metal dishes, otherwise sparks may occur and cause a fire or damage the oven permanently


If the instructions on the box indicate that the pizza is microwave safe, the package may contain a base that reflects heat to make the crust more crisp. Check inside the box and use it if there is one.

Cook Frozen Pizza Step 12
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 12

Step 2. Microwave the pizza on maximum power for the recommended time

The instructions on the box will most likely instruct you to cook it for 3-4 minutes, unless the pizza is particularly large or thick; in this case it may take 1-2 minutes longer. Observe the warnings on the package.

  • Do not lose sight of the pizza while it is cooking so as not to risk burning it.
  • The cooking time can also vary according to the type of flour used for the dough.
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 13
Cook Frozen Pizza Step 13

Step 3. Let the pizza cool for 2-3 minutes before eating it

Be cautious when removing the dish from the microwave, as it will most likely be hot. If you wish, you can cut the pizza into smaller pieces to be able to share it with whoever you want after giving it time to cool. Enjoy your meal!


  • In some cases, the microwave can be the recommended tool for cooking frozen pizza, even if it is heavily seasoned. The reason is due to the fact that it spreads the heat in a stable and homogeneous way.
  • Frozen pizza is suitable for any occasion. You can eat it at lunchtime, for dinner or as a snack.
  • Try different types of pizza until you find the one that best suits your favorite cooking method.
