The parting of your hair might seem like something insignificant, but it can have a huge influence on your overall appearance. Don't have time for a total transformation? Change the position of the row! Just move it from the center to the side (or vice versa) to give your hair new life, without spending a lot of money at the hairdresser. So what are you waiting for?
Part 1 of 2: Choose the Row Type
Step 1. Determine the shape of your face
When deciding on the right type of parting of your hair, you should consider the shape of your face.
- Some types of lines flatten your face more than others, so take a long look in the mirror and try to decide if your face is round, square, oval or heart-shaped.
- Try a side parting if you have a "heart-shaped" face. A central parting might help to elongate your face (as people with heart-shaped faces tend to have the face wider at the cheekbones), but only if you have long hair. If you have short hair, you could choose a slightly side parting, as the hair will cover part of your forehead and thin your face.
- Try an accentuated side parting if you have a "round" or "square" face. For people with a round face, a particularly lateral parting will help balance and lengthen the features. For people with a square face shape, this parting often helps soften the sharp corners around the forehead and jaw.
- Experiment if you have an "oval" face. People with an oval face look good with just about any hair style, so experiment with center, side, diagonal or even zigzag lines!
Step 2. Consider your features
It's not just your face shape that affects the way parting changes your face, your features also play an important role.
- Usually one side of the face is more pronounced or stronger than the other, so this is the side you want to part on.
- To understand which side of your face has the most prominent features, stand in front of the mirror and hold a sheet of paper in front of your face, first on one side and then on the other. The side of the face with the most pronounced features (there is always one) is the dominant side.
- Another way to decide which side the parting should go is to look at your nose. If it points slightly in one direction (for most noses it is) then the parting should go to the opposite side to restore symmetry to your face.
- However, you should also think about which side of the face you “prefer”. If you believe that either side of your face is the "best side", then that is the side you should expose when where to put the parting.
Step 3. Think about the look you are trying to achieve
The third thing to consider when deciding which side to part is whether there is a certain look or style you are trying to achieve. Some partings work best with a specific style.
- The parting goes very well with long hair styled with big waves, for a boho-chic look. It also goes well with nice curls, for a simple and sophisticated hairstyle.
- The side parting is suitable for an informal, faux-scruffy style, as if you just got out of bed. Either way, a very off-center parting adds retro charm to your hair and looks great with both curls and a classic hairstyle.
- A zigzag parting will be your best friend if your hair is a little flat, as this parting will instantly add volume to your hair. It's also a great way to cover up the roots if you need to redo your color and add some life and cheer to any hairstyle.
Part 2 of 2: Parting the Hair
Step 1. Start with freshly washed hair
Start by shampooing and conditioner, then comb your hair until all the knots are dissolved.
- Thoroughly dry your hair (unless it is very fine and straight, in which case it may remain barely damp).
- Brush them again to make sure there are no knots or tangles, this will make it much easier to line up.
Step 2. Use a pointed comb to trace the line
A pointed comb is the best tool for separating hair, as the tip helps to be very precise. If you don't have a pointed comb, a fine-toothed comb is fine too (or even your fingers, if you've opted for a more disheveled parting).
- Hold the comb perpendicular to the scalp, then use the tip to draw a line in the hair, moving from the forehead to the nape of the neck.
- If you want a symmetrical center line, imagine a line starting from your nose. If you want a side parting, draw a line from the arch of the brow of whichever side you have chosen.
- If you want a zigzag parting, first make a normal center parting, then use the tip of the comb to deflect the part to either side. With your fingers, guide the hair back into place, then deflect the parting again to go in the opposite direction. Continue like this, arranging your hair in a zig zag pattern.
Step 3. Use your fingers to guide the rest of your hair into place
Before lifting the comb off the scalp, use the fingers of your free hand to move the hair to the right side of the parting.
Step 4. Use bobby pins to hold the parting in place
Since the parting is new, it may be difficult to get the hair to stay in place.
- If so, you can use bobby pins to hold your hair in place until it stays in place.
- If you have time before you have to go out, put a wool cap on your head and wear it indoors for a while. It will be useful for keeping your hair in place!
Step 5. Spray your hair with hairspray
As an extra precaution, use hairspray (hold the can at least 30cm from your head). Then use your hands to smooth your hair so it stays in place.

Step 6. Repeat these steps every day until the hair naturally stays on the side where you parted
If you're happy with your new parting, keep doing the row in the same spot every day. Remember to use all the advice given above to help your hair stay in place. Sooner or later, they will naturally stay in place.
- It might be a good idea to try parting on a day when you don't have to go anywhere, which goes for all new and elaborate hairstyles. That way, if it doesn't fit you, you won't have to show it around all day.
- It is a good idea to use some hair styling products, at least until they are tamed (or even longer).
- After parting, try tying your hair into a low ponytail and add some volume for a more distinctive touch!
- It takes time to tame the hair with a new parting. Be patient.
- Remember, good health is the foundation of beauty.
- If these tips don't work, consult a professional. A good hairdresser will give you the right advice and help keep your hair healthy. There is no point in having a perfect parting if your hair is dull, broken and looks terrible no matter how you style it.
- Your hair may not stay as you combed it, returning to the position you usually wear it. Keep a comb and hair products handy so you can tidy them up if necessary.
- If you choose to use products to maintain the new line, consider your hair type and how often you wash it.