Guinea pigs are very sensitive to high temperatures. In the summer months you should take the right precautions to keep your pet cool during the hottest hours, especially if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees. It is important to keep your guinea pig safe during particularly hot periods; read on to understand how.

Step 1. Move your guinea pig indoors
The best way to keep a guinea pig safe is to move it from the outside to the inside (unless it is already inside the house). The temperature of the internal area is sufficient to keep the animal cool, especially if there are fans or air conditioners.
A great place to keep it is the anteroom or the bathroom itself - these are the coolest areas of the house. Make sure to place it in a place where children or other pets do not have access. Do not turn on the washer or dryer during these times: guinea pigs are sensitive to loud noises and the generator of these appliances produces heat and humidity

Step 2. Move the pig to a shaded area
Avoid direct contact with sunlight to prevent the cage from overheating immediately. A good way to cool your pet's cage is to keep it in the shade of a tree or in a covered area.
If it is physically impossible for you to move your guinea pig's cage in the shade, you should bring it indoors or at least place a parasol on the roof of the cage; however, you will need to check that he is well more frequently

Step 3. Don't take your guinea pig into the garage or tool shed
In these places the perceived temperature can double as the humidity level rises: they are also areas without good air exchange and the lack of ventilation means that the heat is retained inside them. Keeping the animal in these kinds of places can lead to death, so be careful!

Step 4. Keep your guinea pig away from windows
The animal should avoid any type of exposure to sunlight: do not place its cage next to areas that can be easily reached by the sun's rays. You can avoid this problem by covering the windows or closing the curtains / blinds.

Step 5. Fill the pet's tray with water
Water can evaporate or heat up quickly in the hottest hours. Guinea pigs usually refuse to drink hot water! Fill his bowl at least three times a day on hot days and make sure the guinea pig is in an area that is room temperature.

Step 6. Offer more than one water source
In times of high temperatures it is very important that your guinea pig stay hydrated to prevent health problems. You can help your pet get enough hydration by providing more than one bowl of water. The more guinea pigs you have, the more bowls you will need. Some guinea pigs are territorial and don't like to share their resources !.

Step 7. Offer him fresh fruit and vegetables
Preferably choose vegetables with a high water content: berries and cucumbers are great for decreasing the discomfort of a hot pig. You can also decide to offer frozen vegetables if you see fit.
Do not overdo it. Offer only a small portion of these vegetables - your guinea pig still needs nutritious food, so totally replacing its usual diet with fresh vegetables is not a good idea

Step 8. Use fans and air conditioners
These items are a great way to keep your guinea pig cool, but be careful not to point them directly at it - they can certainly help keep the environment cool, but there is no need to expose the animal to drafts. air that might bother him.

Step 9. Try using ice packs and the like
Frozen water bottles, ice packs, gel packs and cool tiles are all items that can be placed in your pet's cage to cool the environment and provide him with a cool place to rest.
- You can fill an empty plastic bottle with water and freeze it overnight. Wrap it in an old placemat or flannel cloth and place it in the cage.
- Place a few old bricks in the freezer to cool overnight and then place them on the bottom of the cage so your little pig can rest next to them.
- You can also use gel packs, but be careful your guinea pig doesn't gnaw on them!

Step 10. Watch for signs of dehydration
Hot spells are the time when you should worry the most about his health problems due to heat or dehydration.

Step 11. Keep his coat well groomed
Long-haired breeds are particularly sensitive to heatstroke due to heat retention due to their more developed fur. Short-haired breeds are less at risk. Your long-haired piglet will need to be monitored constantly. If you want to reduce your pet's heat stress, consider shortening its coat and brushing it regularly.

Step 12. Provide shelter and hiding places
Guinea pigs love to hide from the sun; this helps reduce their stress level. Make sure your pet has access to some hiding place or shelter, but remember to avoid plastic items that can heat up quickly.

Step 13. Partially cover the cage with wet towels and cloths
Moisture can help retain coolness and reduce heat stress. Rinse the cloth in ice water and be sure to wring it out afterwards. Do not put it on the food bowl to prevent your piglet's pellets from spoiling; cover only the part of the cage that allows you to see your pet and that allows him to see you.
- Never put a guinea pig in the anteroom with the washing machine running. The heat and humidity generated by the latter could kill it.
- Don't leave your little pig exposed to heat - it could run out of steam or even die.
- Avoid plastic cages, shelters and covers - this heats up relatively quickly.
- Don't provide your guinea pig with iceberg lettuce.
- Never keep it in the garage or tool shed.