How To Make Home Fragrance Quickly: 10 Steps

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How To Make Home Fragrance Quickly: 10 Steps
How To Make Home Fragrance Quickly: 10 Steps

Bad smells are annoying and embarrassing when welcoming guests, not to mention that it is sometimes difficult to determine the cause. It is therefore important to establish the reason and take targeted actions to remedy it. In any case, in the short term it is possible to use scented products to mask the bad smell. This article will explain how to identify and eliminate the sources of bad odors (at least the most common ones) to have a fragrant home.


Method 1 of 2: Eliminate Already Existing Bad Smells

Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 1
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 1

Step 1. Identify the source of the bad smell

In some cases it's obvious, but if you're not sure, inspect the house to see if you can figure out where it came from. Certain sources of bad odors are quite common, and each of them has a solution.

  • Some of the most problematic areas are cupboards, kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, bathrooms, sinks, laundry rooms, or basements.
  • Check pet areas. Maybe that's where the bad smell originates (for example, the dog has gone to a certain point in the house).
  • Pipes can also cause bad smells. If the smell resembles rotten eggs, the siphon has probably dried up or blocked.
  • Smoke can also build up and smells in the house.
  • Check the trash. Sometimes your kitchen or bathroom garbage can start to smell bad, especially if you don't empty it for a few days.
  • Often it is enough to eliminate the source of the bad smell to make the house immediately regain a good smell.
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 2
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 2

Step 2. Eliminate bad smells left by your four-legged friend on rugs or carpets

You can use various methods to do this quickly.

  • A quick fix? Clean the carpet or carpet with baking soda, which will absorb bad odors. Sprinkle it on the surface and let it sit for at least 15 minutes, then vacuum it.
  • If the surface has gotten wet, a different approach needs to be taken.
  • Absorb urine or any other liquid with newspaper. Once soaked, replace it. Repeat until you have absorbed the bulk of the liquid.
  • Wet the surface with water.
  • Remove excess water by blotting the surface with a cloth or vacuuming.
  • Try to remove bad smells from the affected area with a suitable detergent for rugs or carpets, a stain remover specifically for stains caused by pets, or a product that neutralizes bad odors caused by pets.
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 3
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 3

Step 3. Consider if the plumbing has problems

If the smell resembles that of rotten eggs, the drain siphon may have dried up.

  • To give it a try, pour a teaspoon of peppermint essential oil down the drain. Not only will it help you pinpoint the cause of the problem, it will also help you mask the odors coming from the exhaust. This essential oil has a very intense smell.
  • Run some boiling water.
  • If you can smell mint elsewhere in the house, the problem is likely the drain siphon.
  • Pour a lot of water down the drain to get rid of bad smells. It is not a permanent solution, but it will help to remove them quickly and in the short term.
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 4
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 4

Step 4. Eliminate the smell of smoke

Cigarette smoke is one of the most noticeable bad smells inside a home.

  • Place bowls full of white vinegar or ammonia around the house to get rid of the stench of smoke.
  • Vinegar is very effective in neutralizing bad odors. You can throw it away once they have dissipated.
  • Clean hard surfaces with a 1 part vinegar and 5 part water solution to eliminate cigarette odor.
  • Vacuum mattresses and upholstered furniture. Then let them air out, preferably outside.

Method 2 of 2: Scent the Home

Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 5
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 5

Step 1. Use scented products

Candles, essence burners and air fresheners can quickly perfume the whole house.

  • If you have one available, light a scented candle, or use an essence burner.
  • Use an electric or automatic room diffuser.
  • You can also spray an air freshener, but the smell won't persist for long.
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 6
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 6

Step 2. Try incense

It emits a strong but not unpleasant odor. There are hundreds of different fragrances.

  • To use incense, light the coated end of the stick, holding it steady at the other end.
  • Wait for the flame to penetrate the incense, then blow it out.
  • The tip of the stick should turn a bright red and emit a strong smelling smoke.
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 7
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 7

Step 3. Put an essence diffuser in the rooms that need it

Essence diffusers are jars containing essential oils.

  • Bamboo sticks are inserted into the jar to absorb the scented oils, in order to diffuse the scent into the environment.
  • They are characterized by a very strong, but pleasant smell.
  • They can be found in stores that sell furniture items and feature a variety of fragrances.
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 8
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 8

Step 4. Distribute scented bags around the house

These bags contain dried herbs or fragrant rice.

  • You can put them in your linen or clothes drawers to perfume them.
  • Try distributing bags containing dried lavender or cinnamon sticks around the house to create a more natural scent.
  • A simple DIY method: Fill various fabric bags with dried petals or potpourri and arrange them around the house.
  • You can also make rosemary wreaths and hang them around the house.
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 9
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 9

Step 5. Bake some cookies

If you have ready-made dough, you can prepare them quickly and immediately perfume the house.

  • Choose a type of cookie that you think smells good.
  • It is not the best solution in summer, when it is hot.
  • Try not to let the cookies burn, otherwise you will make the situation worse!
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 10
Make Your House Smell Good Quickly Step 10

Step 6. Simmer herbs and spices

When the water comes to a boil, the aroma will inebriate you.

  • Pour some water into a saucepan, fill it halfway and bring it to a boil. Add some pleasantly flavored herbs and spices, such as cinnamon and cloves. Lower the heat and let it simmer.
  • Prepare some chai tea in a small saucepan.
  • Bring 3 glasses of water to a boil, then add 20 cardamom pods, 15 whole cloves, 2 cinnamon sticks, and 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger.
  • Let it simmer for 5 minutes, then add 3 tea bags.
  • Infuse the tea and spices, then strain the liquid. Add milk and sugar to taste.


  • These methods can help you eliminate or mask bad smells quickly, but further action is needed to remove them permanently.
  • Don't overdo it, try 1 or 2 methods at a time.
  • You can also try pouring water, cinnamon, and vanilla into a saucepan. Put it on the stove and you'll feel like you're in a bakery!


  • Be careful with scented candles and essence burners. Never leave them unattended, especially in the presence of pets and children.
  • If a stubborn odor doesn't want to go away, it can indicate a more serious problem. If it persists, have your home inspected for mold or rot problems.
  • Check the labels to make sure the products used are safe for children and pets, if you have any.
