Smoking from a bong (or water pipe) for the first time can be a little confusing, but it gets easier once you know what you're doing. Before smoking any substance from this tool, you need to fill it with water and prepare the brazier; afterwards, you must light the smoking material and fill the smoke bottle before inhaling it. If you are a beginner, take your time until you feel comfortable.
Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Bong

Step 1. Fill the ampoule with water
You can use that from the tap or bottled; the exact dose depends on the size of the pipe you are using. Pour the liquid until the level is no more than 2-3 cm from the tip of the stem (the long glass tube that enters the ampoule); if you exceed this limit, splashes of water could "contaminate" the smoke.
When you fill the cruet, pour the water directly from the top (the open portion above the pipe)

Step 2. Chop the cannabis
You can use your fingers, scissors or a specific grinder. Check that it is finely chopped; break a couple of long, 1/2 centimeter wide lumps to fill the base of the bowl.
If you have decided to use a grinder, remove the lid and put 2-3 buds of marijuana between the teeth of the tool; replace the lid and turn it on both sides to chop the contents

Step 3. Transfer the cannabis to the bowl
It is a funnel-shaped element joined to the outer portion of the stem. Take the large pieces of substance that you have set aside and insert them first inside the brazier; these prevent the finely chopped material from being sucked into the pipe as you smoke. Then add a pinch of chopped marijuana.
- Do not over-compact the cannabis, otherwise the air will not be able to pass through it; if it feels too pressed or tight, use a fine tool (like a paper clip) to mix it up and loosen it up a bit.
- If you smoke alone, do not fill the brazier more than half its capacity; you can always add more marijuana later.
- If you are with friends, fill the container to the brim but do not go over it, otherwise the cannabis may fall out while you smoke.
Part 2 of 3: Turn on the Bong

Step 1. Get into a comfortable position relative to the bong
If this is your first time using it, sit or stand near a table where you can put your pipe down in case you start coughing; stand near an open window if you don't want the room to fill up with smoke.
Make sure the area is clear of flammable objects

Step 2. Grab the bong with your non-dominant hand
Hold it around the chamber (the long section that joins the ampoule to the top opening) or around the base; check that you have a firm grip before lighting your pipe.

Step 3. Take a few deep breaths
Use your diaphragm (the muscle under your lungs) to fill your body with oxygen and be able to inhale all the smoke in the bong without coughing too much.

Step 4. Place your lips on the top opening
They should remain within the edge and snug around the entire circumference; make sure there are no gaps through which smoke can filter.

Step 5. Activate the lighter with your free hand
You can use a normal one: hold it vertically and operate it with your thumb. The other fingers must remain wrapped around the lighter to avoid burning yourself.

Step 6. Tilt it sideways to bring the flame to the brazier
Make sure that this only burns the rim of the cannabis that is in the container; in this way the substance lasts longer. Keep the fire near the edge of the marijuana.
Part 3 of 3: Inhale the Smoke

Step 1. Inhale slowly as you light the bowl
In this phase, the smoke must not reach the mouth or lungs; the suction is only used to attract the smoke into the pipe chamber. As you proceed you should notice that the top of the bong becomes "hazy" as it fills with smoke.
If you are new to using this tool, only fill the chamber half full on the first few attempts, so you don't feel overwhelmed by the smoke

Step 2. Stop lighting the bowl when you are satisfied with the amount of smoke
Put the lighter aside or hold it in your hand, stop inhaling but don't take your mouth away from the opening, otherwise the smoke escapes outside.

Step 3. Remove the bowl from the stem and inhale the smoke from the chamber
Use the hand that held the lighter to remove the bowl and inhale deeply so that the smoke fills your lungs.
If you are unable to inhale all the smoke present at once, take your mouth away from the pipe and cover the opening with the palm of your hand to plug it; when you're ready for another hit, remove your hand and quickly bring your lips to the bong

Step 4. Hold the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds
If you overdo it, you don't increase the effects of cannabis and could harm your health; 2-3 seconds is enough to feel elated.

Step 5. Breathe out the smoke
Blow it into the room or out the window. If you are in the company of other people, turn your face away from them so as not to smoke them.

Step 6. Put the bowl back on the stem
If you are smoking alone, turn on the marijuana again when you are ready for another hit; if you are with friends, pass your pipe and lighter to the person next to you.