Acidifying the urine can be helpful in treating or preventing many health problems: from bladder infections to multiple sclerosis. It is important to always check with your doctor to know which option is best based on your specific health condition, however there are several methods of acidifying the urine by making only simple dietary changes. Eating the correct varieties of vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and proteins is an excellent start. It can also be helpful to drink certain juices and take certain dietary supplements.
Method 1 of 2: Acidify Urine with the Right Drinks and Foods

Step 1. Eat the correct varieties of vegetables
In general, a diet rich in vegetables is excellent for lowering the pH of the urine. A low pH generates a more acidic environment, however there are some vegetables that should be avoided because they produce the opposite effect, i.e. they make the urine more basic or alkaline (with a higher pH value).
- You can eat generous portions of corn, white beans, and lentils, as they are particularly effective in acidifying the urine. Most salad varieties are also useful for increasing urine pH.
- Instead, avoid potatoes, lima beans, soy, parsnips, spinach, and dehydrated vegetables.

Step 2. Eat fruit, but avoid oranges and other citrus fruits
Different varieties of fruit are useful for acidifying the urine; as with vegetables, however, there are some that should be avoided, especially citrus fruits (oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, lemons, etc.). The reason is that, although they are acidic, they do not cause an increase in the pH of the urine.
- Eat plums, plums, or cranberries instead.
- In addition to citrus fruits, also avoid melons, raisins, dates, figs and dehydrated fruit.
- You can drink fruit juices (about half a liter per day), such as plum or cranberry (which are among the recommended fruits), but avoid citrus juices and tomato juice.

Step 3. Fill up on protein and carbohydrates
Another effective method of acidifying your urine is to indulge in generous portions of protein and carbohydrates. You can choose from a large number of options, keeping in mind only very few restrictions. For example you can eat:
- Two large portions of meat (such as beef, chicken or fish) per day.
- A couple of eggs a day.
- Dried fruit as a snack (avoiding almonds and chestnuts, however).
- At least one serving of carbohydrates per day (white or brown rice, pasta, cereals and bread are good options).

Step 4. Eat dairy products every day
Foods such as yogurt and buttermilk are particularly good for increasing the acidity of the urine. Just do not exceed the limit of half a liter of milk per day and 180 grams of products such as cheese, yogurt or cream.

Step 5. Moderate the amount of fizzy drinks
The inorganic acids used to acidify drinks of this type make them useful for increasing the pH value of the urine. Nevertheless, it is important not to overdo the quantities (even those without sugar) in order not to cause further health problems. Ask your doctor if they think that drinking fizzy drinks is a good way to acidify your urine in your case.

Step 6. Eat foods that contain betaine or use a dietary supplement
Betaine is an amino acid (the chemical unit that forms proteins) available in the form of a dietary supplement that is readily available in pharmacies or in organic and natural product stores. The body is also able to naturally extract it from foods that contain it. Taking 650 mg of betaine through a supplement (3 times a day with meals) has been shown to be an effective method of acidifying the urine.
- You can also include foods such as beets, broccoli, spinach, and grains (wheat bran or quinoa) in your diet, which are relatively high in betaine, but you will need to eat several servings each day to get enough of this amino acid.
- Betaine can cause unwanted interactions with medications. Side effects are generally not serious and include dysentery, nausea, and stomach pain. Consult your healthcare provider before you start taking a betaine supplement.
- If you have high cholesterol or have kidney disease, consult your doctor before taking a betaine supplement as it may aggravate your condition.
Method 2 of 2: Acidify Urine for Health Reasons

Step 1. Prevent urinary infections
When urine has a high pH, the bacteria that cause infections tolerate it better. On the other hand, increasing the acidity level reduces bacteria and the risk of being affected by a urinary infection.

Step 2. Treat multiple sclerosis
Bladder infections are one of the most common ailments affecting patients with multiple sclerosis. For this reason, doctors often recommend inducing an increase in the acidity of the urine as part of therapy for this serious condition, even when there are no symptoms that indicate the presence of a urinary infection.
Drinking 350ml of cranberry juice a day can be an effective system

Step 3. Reduce or eliminate kidney stones
Acidic urine can help dissolve the solid particles that have built up giving birth to stones. The latter can be of variable composition and acidifying the urine can serve to dissolve those formed by calcium phosphate and struvite (a hydrated ammonium and magnesium phosphate).