The speed of a computer's CPU determines how quickly the processor is able to perform operations. Nowadays the processing speed of a CPU is less important than in the past thanks to the introduction of multi-core microprocessors. However, it is useful to know the operating frequency of the CPU installed in your computer for several reasons; the most important is to make sure you are purchasing a program that can run on your hardware platform. If you are a computer enthusiast and you like to customize it in every aspect, it is essential to know the actual working frequency of the CPU in order to overclock the microprocessor and obtain the best performance.
Method 1 of 4: Windows

Step 1. Open the system properties window named "System"
There are several ways to quickly access this Windows window:
- Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP - click the "Computer" icon with the right mouse button and choose the "Properties" option from the context menu that will appear. It is visible within the "Start" menu. If you are using Windows XP, after choosing the "Properties" item you will need to access the "General" tab.
- Windows 8 - click the "Start" button with the right mouse button, then choose "System".
- All versions of Windows - press hotkey combination ⊞ Win + Pause.

Step 2. Find the "Processor" entry
It is located in the "System" section immediately below the one called "Windows Edition".

Step 3. Note the processor operating frequency
The item "Processor" shows the model of microprocessor installed in the computer and its working frequency expressed in gigahertz (GHz). This value refers to the clock frequency of each single core that makes up the CPU. This means that, if the computer is equipped with a multi-core microprocessor (and most modern systems are), each core works at the indicated frequency.
If the processor of the computer under consideration has been overclocked, the actual speed at which it can actually work may not be reported here in the "System" window. In this case, to find the real frequency at which the CPU is working, you will need to use this method

Step 4. Check the number of cores present in the CPU of the computer in question
If the processor installed in the computer is multi-core, the number of cores that compose it is not indicated in the "System" window. The fact that a CPU has more cores does not necessarily mean that programs and applications will run faster, but software designed and built to use more cores will take a huge advantage at runtime.
- Press the key combination ⊞ Win + R to access the "Run" system window.
- Type the command dxdiag in the "Open" field and press the Enter key. When prompted, press the Yes key to allow the "DirectX Diagnostic Tool" program to examine the system components.
- Locate the "Processor" entry located on the System tab. If the microprocessor installed in the computer has more cores, after the clock frequency, the number of cores present will be reported (for example "4 CPUs"). This data allows you to instantly know how many cores are present in the computer's CPU. Each of the cores present works at the same speed (in reality there are always small variations).
Method 2 of 4: Mac

Step 1. Go to the "Apple" menu and choose the "About This Mac" item

Step 2. Locate the "Processor" entry under the "Overview" tab
This point indicates the speed declared by the manufacturer at which the processor works. Note that this figure may not coincide with the actual CPU operating frequency. This is due to the fact that the operating system can vary the processor speed according to the workload to be carried out to preserve the battery life and the life of the CPU itself.

Step 3. Download and install the Intel Power Gadget program
It is a free software designed to detect the real speed at which the CPU is working. You can upload the installation file from the following URL.
At the end of the download unzip the ZIP archive and select the DMG file inside it with a double click of the mouse. Intel Power Gadget will then be installed on the Mac

Step 4. Download and install Prime95
If you need to find out the maximum frequency at which your Mac's CPU can work, you will need to test its operation by subjecting the system to a heavy load. One of the most used methods to accomplish this step is to use a program called Prime95. You can download it for free at this URL: At the end of the download unzip the ZIP archive and select the DMG file inside it with a double click of the mouse. After starting the program simply choose the "Just Stress Testing" option.
Prime95 has been designed to perform calculations relating to the set of prime numbers that require the use of all the processing power offered by the processor

Step 5. Find the maximum speed that the CPU can operate at
The second graph inside the Intel Power Gadget program window shows the speed at which the processor is operating. Under "Package Frq" you can find the current speed at which the CPU is running based on the actual workload. Most likely the indicated value will be lower than that reported under "Base Frq", which is the clock frequency declared by the processor manufacturer.
Method 3 of 4: Linux

Step 1. Open a "Terminal" window
Most of the tools built into Linux do not show the actual speed at which the processor is working. Intel has made a program called "turbostat" that you can use to trace this information. You will need to install it manually via the "Terminal" window.

Step 2. Type the command
uname -r and press the button Enter.
Take note of the version number that will be displayed on the screen in the following format (X. XX. XX-XX).

Step 3. Type the command
apt-get install linux-tools-X. XX. XX-XX linux-cloud-tools-X. XX. XX-XX and press the button Enter.
Remember to replace the X. XX. XX-XX parameter with the version number you found in the previous step. If prompted, enter the system administrator account password.

Step 4. Type the command
modprobe msr and press the button Enter.
This will install the MSR into the system. This is an indispensable component to be able to run Intel's "turbostat" program.

Step 5. Open a second "Terminal" window and use it to run the following command
openssl speed.
This will start the test called "OpenSSL" which is used to force the CPU to reach the maximum operating speed.

Step 6. Return to the first "Terminal" window and use it to execute the command
A variety of information about the processor installed in your computer will be displayed.

Step 7. Look at the column
Each value in the indicated column represents the real speed at which the individual CPU cores are working. Inside the TSC column the speed reached with a normal workload is shown. This allows you to notice the difference caused by the test being performed. The detected speed will be lower if the CPU workload is not adequate.
Method 4 of 4: Windows (CPU Overclocked)
The term "overclocking" of a CPU refers to a processor whose operating parameters relating to the working voltage have been manually changed with respect to those set by the manufacturer. This practice is very common among fans of the computer world and allows you to obtain higher performance from a normal processor. However, this is a very risky procedure, which can damage the internal components of the computer, starting with the CPU itself. For more details on how to overclock a processor see this article.

Step 1. Download and install the CPU-Z program
It is a free software that allows you to monitor the functioning of the internal components of a computer. It is designed exclusively for users who like to overclock their systems and shows the exact speed at which the computer's processor is working. You can download the installation file from the following URL
CPU-Z doesn't install any adware or toolbar on your computer, so you don't have to worry about checking the installation procedure carefully

Step 2. Start the CPU-Z program
By default, a shortcut will be created directly on your computer desktop that you can use to launch the program. You will need to use a system administrator account or know the login password of one of these.

Step 3. Start a program that is heavily using your computer's CPU
When the workload is limited or absent, the processor automatically limits the working frequency to save energy. In order for CPU-Z to measure the maximum speed that the CPU can reach, it must be put under strain.
A quick and easy way to make the most of your CPU power is to run the Prime95 program. It is a software designed to perform complex calculations related to prime numbers which places a heavy load on the CPU. This tool is used by many users to stress test their systems. You can download the Prime95 installation file at the following URL At the end of the download unzip the ZIP archive, start the program and choose the "Just Stress Testing" option

Step 4. Check the speed at which the CPU is running
This information is visible in the "Core Speed" text field located on the CPU tab. The detected speed will not be stable, but subject to some fluctuations due to the execution of the Prime95 program.