Fasting means stopping food and drink for a specific period. People choose to fast to cleanse their digestive system, to lose weight, and in some cases, for spiritual or religious reasons. Read the guide and find out how you can effectively prepare your body for the drastic and sudden dietary change it is about to face.

Step 1. See your doctor well in advance
- During the fasting period, taking certain medications could be dangerous and have adverse effects on your health due to changes in blood chemistry.
- Fasting may not be suitable for people with particular health conditions, for example in case of pregnancy, advanced cancer, low blood pressure, etc.
- Your doctor will likely give you a urine test or blood test before you start your fast.

Step 2. Determine the type and duration of fasting you want to practice
- Among the numerous ways of fasting we find water fasting, juice fasting, spiritual fasting, slimming fasting, etc.
- Fasting can be extended from 1 to 30 days, depending on your specific goal.
- Research different fasting practices and choose the one that best suits your health condition and needs.
- Do a targeted search on the web, read specific books and don't forget wikiHow: Fast, Fast Water, End a Juice Fast, Fast Like a Christian.

Step 3. Prepare for the changes that will take place in your body
- As a result of the detoxification process, fasting can cause side effects such as diarrhea, exhaustion, fatigue, weakness, increased body odor, headache and more.
- Consider taking a vacation from work or taking some time to relax throughout the day to limit the effects of fasting on your body.
- It is important to know in advance the possible side effects caused by fasting, make sure that your research and your information are correct, detailed and comprehensive.

Step 4. 1 or 2 weeks before starting the fast, reduce your normal intake of addictive substances and break your eating habits
- This procedure will reduce the potential withdrawal symptoms that you may experience during the fasting period.
- Addictive substances include alcohol, caffeinated beverages (such as tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks), cigarettes, and cigars.

Step 5. Change your diet 1 to 2 weeks in advance
- Reduce your intake of chocolate and other foods that contain refined sugars and high percentages of fat.
- Reduce portion sizes during meals.
- Reduce the amount of meat and dairy you eat.
- Increase your intake of raw or cooked vegetables and fruit.

Step 6. In the days immediately preceding the start of the fast, limit the amount of food you eat
- Eat only raw fruits and vegetables, they will help cleanse and detox your body by preparing it for the fasting period.
- Drink only water and fresh, freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices.
- Gradually, as you approach the time of fasting, change the variety and quantity of foods you eat.
- Replace harder foods with fruits and soft, easily digestible foods.
- Change your eating habits early (7 - 14 days) to relieve hunger symptoms.
- Don't start your fast preparation too early. If your fast will be 3 days, prepare for the previous 3 days.