Yoga can be invigorating and relaxing at the same time. For this reason, many people like to practice it as soon as they wake up and before falling asleep. There is a variety of postures (asanas) that can be safely performed on the bed.
Method 1 of 2: Doing Yoga to Wake Up

Step 1. Lie on your back as soon as you wake up
After opening your eyes in the morning, immediately turn onto your back and do a quick position to warm up. The exercise involves deep breathing and some stretching to wake you from sleep.
- Bring the soles of your feet into contact and spread your knees. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
- Take long, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose. Make sure your hands are raised, as the goal is to expand your body as you inhale. Hold the air for a few seconds, then exhale naturally. Repeat the exercise for 10 breaths.

Step 2. Perform several postures while lying down
After you wake up with deep breathing, you have the option of doing different lying positions. The transition to these asanas will be easier for you after the breathing exercise.
- The "happy baby position" helps to relieve and relax the back. Bring your knees towards the rib cage while keeping your hips resting on the mattress. Grab your big toes and pull your knees down towards your rib cage. Hold for 5-10 breaths.
- The "candle position" with support involves the use of the pillow to support the hips. This position increases blood flow, helping to awaken you. With the help of the pillow, try to lift your hips up to bring them in line with your heart and stand with your legs straight in the air. Try to keep them as stretched as possible, avoiding bending your knees too much. Try to hold the position for 10 breaths or more.
- The "fish pose" is done by placing the hands under the hips and arching the back. Lift your chest up to bring it in line with your shoulders and hold the position for 5-10 breaths. This is a particularly energizing pose, so try to do it early in the morning.
- The "supine twist position" allows you to add some movement. While lying on your back, hug your knees and bring them towards your chest. Keep your legs flexed and, using your forearm, slowly bring your knees to the right side of the bed. After that, move them to the left side. Repeat the entire movement 5-10 times.

Step 3. If necessary, use your bedroom wall during morning yoga
If you are just starting yoga and find it sometimes difficult to keep your legs in position, feel free to lean them against the wall. Over time, you should be able to do the poses without the help of the wall.

Step 4. Sit upright and do some asanas from here
After performing a series of exercises lying down, change your position. There are several asanas you can do while sitting in bed.
- In the sitting variant of the "eagle position" you have to sit on the mattress with your legs crossed. Overlap the right elbow to the left one and interlace the arms so that the fingers touch. As you lower your shoulders, lift your elbows. Stretch your spine, taking a few breaths, then round it up from the chin to the chest to stretch the lower back. After 5-10 breaths, loosen your arms and repeat the whole process.
- Kneel on the mattress to perform the "baby pose". Make sure your big toes touch, but separate your knees, opening them as wide as your hips. Move your head forward until it is between your thighs and stay in the position as long as you find it comfortable.
- The "Pigeon Pose" is a little more advanced, so don't do it unless you've been practicing yoga for some time. If you are a yoga expert, it can be a great way to stretch your legs instead. Get on all fours, keeping your hands shoulder-distance apart. Then bring your right knee in your hands, letting the outer leg rest against the mattress. Extend your left leg back so that your foot is completely flat on the bed. Stay in the position as long as it's comfortable, then reverse your legs.
Method 2 of 2: Doing Yoga to Fall Asleep

Step 1. Sit on the bed and perform different postures
There are several that can help you fall asleep, since yoga is naturally relaxing. First, sit on the bed and do a few sitting positions before lying down.
- The "Janu Sirsasana" posture is performed while sitting with your back straight and extending both legs in front of you. Extend your right knee outward, then lengthen your spine as you inhale. Bend your torso forward and grab your left leg, focusing on the big toe, to clear your mind. Concentrate on the breath coming in and out, maintaining the position as long as you find it comfortable, then repeat the movement on the other side.
- The "position of the cobbler" is performed while remaining seated with the soles of the feet in contact and the knees extending outwards. Turn your feet inward, bringing them as close to your groin as possible, then inhale and stretch your spine. Exhale as you lean forward slightly while keeping your back as straight as possible. Relax your muscles as you perform this movement.
- Perform "Upavistha Konasana" (sitting at an angle). Sit with your back straight and spread your legs outward in a "V", keeping them extended as long as possible. Stretch your spine as you inhale, then flex your torso forward as you exhale. Place your hands in front of you to support yourself as you flex. Hold the position for a few seconds, focusing on your breath.

Step 2. Switch to lying positions
After doing the sitting ones, you can lie down. There are several positions you can experiment with while lying down to relax your body before bed.
- In the "eye-of-the-needle position" you lie on the bed with your knees bent and the soles of your feet resting on the mattress. Bring your right knee towards your chest and place your right ankle just below your left knee. Flex your foot to keep the muscles contracted. Lift your left foot off the floor and slowly bring it towards your chest. Exhale slowly, then repeat on the other side.
- The "supine half twist position" can help you move a little before bed to relax your muscles. Bring your knees towards your chest and move your left arm outwards. With your right arm, bring both knees to the right side of your body. Hold the position as long as it is comfortable, then repeat on the other side.

Step 3. Use the wall again
As with the morning postures, feel free to use the wall if you have difficulty holding any posture. It is also possible to perform a position that specifically uses the wall as a support.
In the "Viparita Karani" position you have to sit sideways to the wall and then stretch your legs against it. Spread your arms outward, palms facing up, then close your eyes. Breathe in and out, focusing on every single breath. Maintain the position as long as you find it comfortable
- Listen to soothing music to calm down and relax further.
- Finish the exercise with meditation if you have the time.