Stray dogs are a problem that affects about 600,000 dogs in Italy. While cartoons and movies enhance the independent dog lifestyle, most of us know that the everyday life of a lonely dog living on the street is much more depressing than it is portrayed on screen. But what can we do when we see the best friend of the lonely and hungry man? The following steps will help you save a dog from the street without taking any risks.

Step 1. Check the urgency of the situation
Seeing an abandoned dog around is like seeing a fish out of water, and although your instincts may push you to help it, you must be sure not to make the situation worse. For example, if you see a dog running through traffic, running after the dog could put you, the pedestrians around you and the passing motorists in great danger. In this case, it may be more prudent to wait until the dog is in a safe place before giving assistance. Conversely, if the dog is already in a safe place, you don't have to do anything that could scare him or put him in a dangerous situation. Only in the event that the dog needs help and the environment in which it is located is safe, you should proceed by putting your intention to rescue it into practice.

Step 2. Determine if he has a master
Before you quickly take a dog away for safety, the first thing you will want to do is make sure that the dog is actually alone and not just temporarily separated from the owner. You can save yourself a lot of time and hassle and avoid any criminal charges by making sure your dog doesn't have a master.

Step 3. Check the condition of the dog
Street dogs belong to two categories.
- A dog that has been separated from its owner.
- A stray dog without a home or a loving family.
While both categories of dogs deserve love and may need rescuing, there are additional aspects that need to be taken into consideration when trying to rescue a stray dog. The chances of getting a disease are much higher when you are bitten by a dog that has not been vaccinated, as is the case with many stray dogs. Consequently, you need to be very careful when dealing with a stray dog.
Deal With a Stray Dog Step 4

Step 4. Always protect yourself
Before finding a home for a stray dog, you must first capture and keep the animal safe. This can be a bit dangerous as sometimes dogs can be wary or even hostile due to previous mistreatment, neglect, disease or their very nature.
- If the dog becomes hostile, you can protect yourself and others by approaching him with something that can protect you. Any object, such as a tennis racket or a skateboard, can be used as a barrier between you and the dog to keep it from biting you, while allowing you to get a little closer.
- Remember that the object should not be understood as a weapon to be thrown at the dog in an attempt to skewer it. It is simply a barrier to protect you.

Step 5. Build a relationship
To save the animal, you must first establish a relationship with it. As with any relationship, it is extremely important to follow these steps.
- Earn his trust. You can do it with a peace offer. Just like the Pilgrim Fathers and American Indians, a simple gesture like offering food can build trust and lay the foundation for communication between humans and animals. Hopefully in your case the result will be more beneficial to both of you.
- Show that your intentions are good by not rushing too much. During the approach phase, stop if the dog becomes frightened or hostile. Pay attention to the elements that trigger an emotional reaction in the dog and be sensitive about it, but be firm and don't allow the dog to dominate you. When the dog appears calmer, approach slowly and calmly.

Step 6. Hold the dog
- At this point, if your dog is comfortable with you, put a leash or tie a rope around his neck. If you don't have anything that can be used as a leash, a nice big box or anything that can be turned into a kind of carrier will help you transport your dog safely.
- If the dog continues to have a somewhat hostile behavior, you can simply place a barrier around him to ensure that he remains still while seeking help. You can get assistance from experts by contacting the local health authority veterinary service, and this will certainly not make you less heroic.

Step 7. Take the foundling to the vet
Once you have managed to keep the dog under control and contain it so that it is safe, you can begin the process of bringing it home or looking for a new one if it does not have it. Currently in Italy, dog owners are obliged to apply the microchip to their animals, which is inserted under the skin and allows you to trace the four-legged friend wherever he is. This process could also be the first step in overseeing the activities of all humans, but it is useful in any case if you want to locate the home of a lost puppy. If you take your dog to any veterinary clinic, the first thing they will do is check that it has a microchip. If it is established that the dog has a master, the latter will be notified and your work will be finished.

Step 8. If you don't have a microchip, that's no problem
Even if the dog does not have a microchip, it could still belong to a poor sad girl who is developing problems related to abandonment and is wondering what she did to make her best friend escape. Fortunately, there are still ways to track down the dog owners and save the little girl from years of psychotherapy and failed relationships. Here are a couple of things you can do.
- Use the website or to search for someone who has lost a dog matching the description of the dog you found, or create a post to report a dog has been found.
- Post "dog found" flyers in the neighborhood where you found the dog. If the dog has a home, chances are he hasn't strayed far from it.

Step 9. Trust the foundling
If a home has not yet been found for your new friend, you may want to consider adopting them temporarily - or perhaps permanently. The National Animal Protection Authority also welcomes thousands of dogs abandoned by their owners in its facilities, taking care of their subsequent entrusting to families who take care of them.
Step 10. If you decide to bring your dog home, the first thing to do is to hear from your spouse
If you don't, you may find yourself facing a difficult divorce. Also, if you have other dogs in the house, make sure the new dog doesn't have any diseases to protect the other pets you care for.
Disinfect your hands thoroughly after coming into contact with a stray dog. You can transmit diseases from one dog to another simply by petting them. Show him affection and do not cause him suffering
- Adopting a dog is a long-term commitment. Make sure you're ready to take it upon yourself to add a new member to your family.
- You shouldn't drive with a stray dog in the car. If he is nervous, he can behave erratically and disturb you while driving.