Your dog can't be your best friend if you don't treat him well. Succeeding takes time, patience and love. Take care of your dog's basic needs. Make sure she gets enough food and water. Give him a comfortable place to rest. At this point you can focus on training and teach the dog some commands. Last but not least, spend some time having fun with him. If you consider the dog as part of the family, it will fill you with loyalty and affection forever.
Part 1 of 3: Securing the Dog's Essential Needs

Step 1. Give the dog fresh food and water
These are basic needs that cannot be ignored, not even for a day. Puppies need to eat three times a day, but adult dogs usually only need to eat twice. Fresh and clean water must be constantly guaranteed so that he can drink whenever he is thirsty.
- Choose the right type of food based on size, age and breed. Different types of dogs have different nutritional needs. Most food packs detail the amount that should be given each day depending on the size of the dog.
- Make sure you buy foods with high quality ingredients. Dogs have delicate digestive systems and can get sick if they are not fed high quality food. Do not feed them with things that are suitable for us, especially avoid junk foods that are high in salt and sugar. A good rule of thumb is to check the first ingredient listed on the package. If it is meat - not cornmeal - the food will contain more essential proteins that the animal needs every day.
- Check with your vet how many times your puppy or dog needs to be fed to meet their metabolic needs.

Step 2. Make sure he has a cozy place to sleep
Dogs are distantly related to wolves, but they are tame creatures who love comforts as much as humans. The dog needs a clean, dry and warm place to sleep at night. Whether he sleeps indoors or outdoors, make sure he has a space sheltered from the elements with a temperature that is not too cold or hot.
- If he spends a lot of time outside, he needs a place to take refuge when it rains, snows or is too hot or cold. Don't leave it out in bad weather.
- Many dogs like to sleep in a padded kennel with comfortable blankets and a few toys. Others prefer to sleep in a kennel in their master's bedroom or in a particular place in some corner of the house.

Step 3. Allow the dog to exercise every day
Dogs, like humans, need to move to stay fit and healthy. Some breeds need to exercise for hours each day, while others only need a few daily rides. It is important to know and respect the needs of the breed your dog belongs to. If he's a hyperactive animal, make sure he gets plenty of exercise.
- At the very least, take him for a twenty-minute walk twice a day. This is especially important if your dog has to be locked up in the house or apartment all day while you are away.
- When walking your dog, make sure you are familiar with the local guidelines. Do not let your pet be off the leash unless the area is fenced and the pet is not protected from traffic.
- Dogs love to go to their parks and other facilities where they can run around freely. However, make sure that your pet has had all vaccinations before taking him to an area where there are other dogs. Diseases such as canine parvo can remain silent for several months putting unvaccinated puppies and dogs at risk when exposed to possible infection.

Step 4. Take your dog to the vet regularly
It is necessary to visit the vet about once a year to complete the necessary vaccines and any boosters and to have an annual checkup. If the dog shows symptoms of a disease between appointments, call the veterinarian and bring him in for a diagnosis.
- If the dog has not been spayed or neutered, consider having the surgery performed. This is a measure recommended by animal protection associations as a solution to prevent the growth of stray dog populations.
- The dog should receive a rabies vaccination, as well as other mandatory vaccines.

Step 5. Keep your dog safe
Part of your responsibilities as an owner is to keep your dog safe, just like you would a child. This means tying him on a leash when you're out and about in traffic, making sure the yard is fenced off so he can't escape and run into dangerous situations, protecting him from larger animals, and generally keeping him out of harm's way.
- The microchip can help identify the dog in the event that it gets lost. Many companies actually offer notification services if it goes astray.
- For example, make sure your dog does not fight a wild animal by keeping it on a leash in areas where it is required by law. Many wild animals carry dangerous diseases such as rabies and leptospirosis. It is a good idea to take your dog to a vet if he comes into contact with a wild animal.
- Keep your house and yard free of any dangerous objects your dog might try to eat, such as electrical wires. Puppies are more prone to chewing on dangerous items. A good way to make sure he stays safe is to put him in a small area reserved for puppies to monitor his actions when you are not around. Use this time to teach him to chew only his toys.
Part 2 of 3: Train the Dog

Step 1. Train the dog
You and your dog will be happier if you take the time for proper training. It is important to start early when the dog is still a puppy. All the puppies do the housework at first, but with patience you can teach them to go to the door to signal that they need to go out. Reward him every time he goes out to do the toilet. Eventually, he will begin to understand that going outside is better than staying indoors.
Take the dog to the same place every time, so he will associate him with the needs

Step 2. Teach your dog to play pleasantly
Get used to it especially if it loves nibbling and barking a lot. The most effective trick is to ignore it when it behaves badly, because dogs usually bite and bark to attract attention. When you don't pay attention to him, he'll realize that the best way to get noticed is to behave politely. If the puppy insists on trying to bite when you are ignoring him, simply walk away. Reward good behavior with treats and praise.

Step 3. Teach your dog the basic commands
Learning to sit, sit still, and come to you are important commands for any dog. Yours will be more obedient and you will be able to carry them around more often if you know they will come back to you when you call them. A dog that knows how to sit, stay still, and come to you is safer than a dog that doesn't want to listen. Any dog can learn these basic commands. Remember to use patience and positive reinforcement when training him. Here are the basic commands your pet should know:
- Sitting
- Stopped
- come here

Step 4. Teach the dog some fun tricks
Dogs are great at learning to do tricks, and teaching your tricks can be a great bonding experience. Not all dogs can do flips or ride a pony, but most can do a few tricks, especially if they are rewarded with a few treats. Here are a few tricks that most dogs have no problem mastering:
- Do the somersault
- Pray
- Give the paw
- Pretend dead
- To report
Part 3 of 3: Having a Loving Relationship

Step 1. Be nice to your dog
If you treat him badly, he will be afraid of you. Dogs look at their owners as children do with their parents. Treat him with love by talking to him in a persuasive voice, taking the time to caress and cuddle him and showing him a lot of affection. When the dog is good, give him a treat and scratch it in the belly. The dog will reward you with infinite affection.
Research has shown that dogs value petting more than praise. Caress him every day to show him how much you care about him

Step 2. Don't punish him
Yelling at him or hitting him is always a bad idea. It is cruel and also ineffective. Poorly treated dogs accumulate confusion and fear; they don't understand what you want them to do, so they either react or crouch in fear. Don't punish the dog for doing something wrong. Instead, reward him when he does something you appreciate to build trust and help him understand what you expect of him.
Positive reinforcement is the best way to get your dog to behave the way you want. Reward good behavior. Punishing him creates fear and discontent

Step 3. Take him to places where he can have fun
Dogs are wonderful companions that you can take with you to places you like, such as parks, beaches, or even just the neighborhood where you live. Your dog will enjoy hiking as much as you do and carrying him is a great way to bond and have some fun together.
- If you bring your dog in the car, roll down the window so he can enjoy the air. Just make sure you don't lower it so much that it can jump out.
- If you take your dog to places you like, be sure to respect the rules for how to keep him on a leash and be careful when his entry is not allowed.

Step 4. Get him to socialize with other people's dogs
If he spends time around strangers and other dogs, he will learn to be friendly and sociable. A good way to socialize him is to take him to dog parks where he will have the chance to play with other dogs and their owners.